属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 向农民们表忠
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-管理合伙人制 选举新老板
1 | [比喻]清秀的面貌. | delicately model ed features. | |
2 | “我们并不想强迫你,”他们以一种体贴的口气说。 | "We don’t want to push you," they said delicately | |
3 | 伯爵叫巴浦斯汀把那只盘子放在他的客人旁边,客人就带着一种很满意的表情啜了一口阿利坎特酒,然后又津津有味地把他的饼干在葡萄酒里蘸了蘸。 | The count told Baptistin to leave the plate within reach of his guest, who began by sipping the Alicante with an expression of great satisfaction, and then delicately steeped his biscuit in the wine | |
4 | 此事应慎重处理。 | It should be delicately handled. | |
5 | 但大自然似乎模仿了建筑艺术,把岩石在洞顶精巧地排列成拱形,仿佛是能工巧匠盖出拱门。 | But nature had counterfeited art in its construction, for she had turned the arch of its roof with stones as delicately fitted as if by the hand of man | |
6 | 当此,则自欲将已往所赖天恩祖德,锦衣纨绔之时,饫甘餍肥之日,背父兄教育之恩,负师友规谈之德,以至今日一技无成,半生潦倒之罪,编述一集,以告天下人。 | I decided then to make known to all how I, though dressed in silks and delicately nurtured thanks to the Imperial favour and my ancestors’ virtue, had nevertheless ignored the kindly guidance of my elders as well as the good advice of teachers and friends, with the result that I had wasted half my life and not acquired a single skill. | |
7 | 滴滴清透,丝丝娇柔 | Clear drops with delicately and sweet taste | |
8 | 地位越高,他才越有用武之地。 | The higher the state, the more delicately adapted to it the man. | |
9 | 典型的西方人希望尽其可能地促使周围环境发生变革;而典型的中国人希望最大限度、尽量细腻地享受人生 | The typical Westerner wishes to be the cause of as many changes as possible in his environment, the typical Chinaman wishes to enjoy as much as delicately as possible | |
10 | 多萝茜才突然想到自己必须逃出老太太色彩绚丽的世界。在那个世界中,她是一个格格不入的骗子。 | Doroth felt she must escape from the old woman’s delicately tinted world in which she was a harsh impostor | |
11 | 故宫建筑精美,气势雄伟,集中体现了中国古代艺术的优秀传统和独特风格 | The grand-looking Imperial Palace is built delicately and gracefully, well representing the excellent tradition and the unique style of China’s ancient architectural art. | |
12 | 虹彩玻璃(1893):新艺术风格的艺术玻璃,具有丰富的色彩和光泽,模仿古代埋在地下的玻璃器皿经腐蚀后产生的彩虹光泽。 | Lustered glass (or lustered glass):Art glass of the Art Nouveau style, delicately iridescent with rich colours, mimicking the iridescent sheen produced by the corrosion of ancient buried glassware. | |
13 | 后来,印度和阿富汗的朋友也给了赫鲁晓夫同样内容的回答,只不过语言更婉转一些罢了。 | Later Khruschev received similar messages of thanks from his friends in India and Afghanistan, only the messages were more delicately worded | |
14 | 娇生惯养的女孩子. | a delicately nurture d girl | |
15 | 她吊着他--有时温柔地,有时手法就不那么巧妙。 | She played him--sometimes delicately ,sometimes with a less felicitous touch. | |
16 | 精制的制作精巧或精心制作的 | Made delicately or elaborately. | |
17 | 精致可人的;漂亮的,机灵 | Delicately pleasing; pretty or cute | |
18 | 妈妈至今都不知道,多年前当她小心翼翼地把纸链从树上一环一环取下来时,我正在另一个房间里看着她所做的一切。 | Mom still does not know that many years ago I was watching from the other room as she delicately removed the chain from the tree, one link at a time | |
19 | 那些精美的舞鞋和长统袜,饰有漂亮绉边的裙子和衬裙,还有花边、缎带、梳子、钱包,这一切的一切都激起了她的种种欲望,但她痛苦地认识到这里没有一样东西是她买得起的。 | The dainty slippers and stockings, the delicately frilled skirts and petticoats, the laces, ribbons, hair-combs, purses, all touched her with individual desire, and she felt keenly the fact that not any of these things were in the range of her purchase. | |
20 | 同样,基于相同的原因,我们对于夏日天空的那种由浮云聚散飘忽所形成的一日之间千变万化的纤巧秀丽或壮丽动人的景色,也都漠然置之。 | In like manner, and for the same reason, we become indifferent to that delicately beautiful or sublimely impressive sky scenery which the clouds form and reform, compose and dissipate, a thousand times on a summer day. | |
21 | 我们收到一封婉言谢绝我们邀请的复函。 | We received a delicately worded refusal of our invitation. | |
22 | 我认为你很巧妙谨慎地处理了这个局面。 | I thought you handled the situation very delicately . | |
23 | 我要称谢你,因我受造,奇妙可畏。你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。 | I will give you praise, for I am strangely and delicately formed; your works are great wonders, and of this my soul is fully conscious. | |
24 | 香气淡雅清郁 | Quietly elegant and delicately fragrant | |
25 | 一个娇生惯养的女孩 | A delicately nurtured girl | |
26 | 以色列的女子阿,当为扫罗哭号。他曾使你们穿朱红色的美衣,使你们衣服有黄金的妆饰。 | O daughters of Israel, have sorrow for Saul, by whom you were delicately clothed in robes of red, with ornaments of gold on your dresses. | |
27 | 这本小册子做得很精致。 | This booklet is delicately made | |
28 | ||1:9名候选人中,有7个人声势较弱地表示,可再生燃料标准毕竟是法律,应该被遵守,或起码保留一段时间,让农民在种玉米的时候心里有底。||2:而布什先生微妙地说,市场的力量最终会发挥作用的,因此在2022或未来的某个时候,农民也许将不再需要可再生燃料标准。||3:这般迎合言论对某些人来说标志着适时的转变。||4:斯考特·沃克曾极力谴责乙醇法令,称其为“中心控制”,是“根本错误”的。||5:但威斯康星的州长近日好运连连,他不能疏远邻州爱荷华,在他的计划里,该州充满了虔诚节约的中西部保守党。||6:因此沃克在农业峰会上说,起码暂时来说,他愿意看到可再生燃料标准保留下来。 | ||1:Then seven of the nine murmured that the RFS was the law and so should be enforced, or should be preserved for a while to give farmers certainty as they plant crops.||2:Market forces would ultimately prevail, said Mr Bush delicately , so that farmers might not need the RFS after 2022 “or somewhere in the future”.||3:This pandering marked a timely shift for some.||4:Mr Walker used to denounce ethanol mandates with a passion, calling them “central planning” and “fundamentally wrong”.||5:But the Wisconsin governor, whose fortunes have been surging of late, can ill-afford to alienate a next-door state like Iowa, full of pious, thrifty midwestern conservatives in his image.||6:So Mr Walker told the Ag Summit that he is willing to see the RFS continue, at least for now. | |
29 | ||1:贫穷决定了矮子诺曼的人生方向,但贫穷也教会了他某些东西。||2:在他还是一个少年的时候,他的父亲就把他赶出家门,他在伦敦露宿街头,偷窃为食。||3:就他而言,贫民窟还算是好去处。||4:伦敦岁月,他学到了本领,比方:如何敏捷灵巧地把蛋从摊子上偷走并在他口袋中完好地隐藏起来。||5:他也学到了在乞讨时使下唇发抖的技巧,乞讨时,为了向咖啡摊主讨要一块免费馅饼,他把自己脸刚好伸在柜台上方,显出一副凄惨面容。||6:到1953年,他的首部获得巨大成功的电影《麻烦要来》上演之时,他把他的装可怜的本领发挥到了极至:在一个简明的场景里,他在滚进一鸭子池塘全身湿透后,于一间茶馆向他爱慕的女子凄凉地唱起小夜曲,而随后付账时,他才发现衣袋里除了一条小小的、扭动着的鱼,分文没有。 | ||1:Smallness shaped Little Norm, but poverty taught him something, too.||2:As a boy, thrown out by his drunken father, he slept rough in London and stole to eat.||3:The gutter wasn’t a bad place, considering.||4:He learned things there, such as how to lift eggs very nimbly and delicately from a stall and secrete them, uncracked, in his pockets.||5:He also acquired the trick of making his lower lip tremble when asking, his pathetic face only just above the counter, for a free pie from a coffee stall.||6:By the time of his first hugely successful film, “Trouble in Store” (1953), he could stretch the pathos really far: to the point where, soaking wet after a tumble into a duck-pond, he sadly serenaded his love in a teashop, and then found he had nothing in his pockets to pay with except one small, wriggling fish. | |
30 | ||1:虽然德勤没有披露选举过程中的机制,但大多数采用合伙制的企业都会在董事会形成一个提名委员会,通过对公司未来的计划以及同行支持率等指标来评估候选人。||2:在与合作伙伴进行一系列非正式磋商之后,委员会委婉地建议可能的失败者退出竞选。||3:如果这些“声音”能够产生一个明确的候选人,那么公司可以不再进行评估和审核,而直接授权这位候选人。 | ||1:The firm does not disclose the mechanics of the process.But most partnerships form a nomination committee on their executive boards to assess candidates on both their visions for the firm and how much support they command from peers.||2:After a series of informal consultations with fellow partners, the committee delicately advises likely losers to bow out gracefully.||3:If these “soundings” yield a clear-cut heir apparent, the firm may proceed straight to a coronation vote where the new leader is rubber-stamped. |