属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-山姆大叔请留步 Please don’t go
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Tainted love 堕落的爱
1 | 乘客误以为自己处于惯性系中,且不受外力作用。 | The passengers are deluded into believing themselves to be in an inertial frame with no forces acting | |
2 | 故善人者,不善人之师;不善人者,善人之资。不贵其师,不爱其资,虽智大迷,是谓要妙。 | Therefore the good teach the bad, and the bad are lessons for the good. Those who neither value the teacher nor care for the lesson are greatly deluded , though they may be learned. Such is the essential mystery. | |
3 | 她的美色使我着迷了。 | Her beauty deluded me to folly | |
4 | 她就抓住这个弱点,竭力奉承他,要他去拯救她那倔强任性、陷处迷途的女儿。 | She flattered this weakness, asking him to save this headstrong deluded child of hers | |
5 | 她骗我相信她是我的朋友。 | She deluded me into thinking she was my friend | |
6 | 她以空虚的梦想自欺。 | She deluded herself with empty dreams. | |
7 | 她以虚幻的希望欺骗自己。 | She deluded herself with false hopes | |
8 | 经纪人被揭穿是个冒充者。是一个自视过高的或者自欺欺人的冒充者 | The brokerage executive was unmasked as a faker.A humbug is a self-important or self-deluded faker | |
9 | 可是,起初,他还欺骗自己 | Nevertheless, he deluded himself at first | |
10 | 受骗的可怜傻瓜 | A poor deluded fool | |
11 | 他们这一伙人自欺欺人,总相信自己高人一等。 | They deluded themselves into believing their own superiority | |
12 | 他们自以为自己优越,不过是愚弄自己罢了。 | They deluded themselves with belief in their own superiority | |
13 | 他骗得大家都跟随他。 | He deluded everyone into following him. | |
14 | 他欺骗他追随他 | He deluded every one into following him. | |
15 | 他以虚情假意欺骗那姑娘。 | He deluded the girl with false display of affection | |
16 | 他用虚假的诺言哄骗了她。 | He deluded her with empty promises | |
17 | 我从另外一位银行家,--我的同行,--那儿得到一条铁路的承股权,而铁路是目前唯一立刻发财的事业,目前巴黎人投资于铁路,就象以前投资于野猫横行的密西西比河流域的土地一样能发大财。 | I and a brother banker have obtained a grant of a railway, the only industrial enterprise which in these days promises to make good the fabulous prospects that Law once held out to the eternally deluded Parisians, in the fantastic Mississippi scheme | |
18 | 我开始怀疑是否受了骗。 | I began to wonder whether I had been deluded . | |
19 | 许多年来,人民一直受骗,以为很快会出现经济复苏。 | For years the people have been deluded into expecting a sudden economic recovery | |
20 | 在他那双被蒙蔽的眼睛看来,这么多情同手足的朋友不分彼此地合用钱财是人间可贵的事。 | To his deluded eyes it seemed a precious comfort to have so many like brothers commanding one another’s fortunes | |
21 | 在他那双被蒙蔽了的眼睛里,他觉得有这么多情同手足的朋友不分彼此地伙用着钱财。 | To his deluded eyes it seemed a precious comfort to have so many like brothers commanding one another’s fortunes | |
22 | ||1:除了作者偶尔的夸大之外,这一本书比很多经济方面的书籍都更有趣。||2:并且,作者对其实质的分析几乎不容置疑。“在近一个世纪内,英国都在蒙蔽自己,首先她使自己相信英国称霸全球的日子将会失而复得,之后她使又自己认为英国衰退的症状可以相对轻松地治愈。”||3:英国将自己的希望寄托在一系列小修小补上:给予大英帝国范围内的其他国家贸易优惠,加入欧共体,七八十年代北海石油开采,金融自由化和房地产泡沫,这些都为英国经济提供了短暂的支持。||4:当今政府的发展方案包括向企业提供税收激励、遏制官僚作风,这些听起来和过去那些失败的项目十分类似。 | ||1: Despite the authors’ occasional exaggerations, this is a much more entertaining book than many about economics. ||2: And it is hard to disagree with their underlying analysis: “For almost a century, the UK has deluded herself, first into believing that the days of global dominance will return, then into thinking that the symptoms of decline can be relatively easily tackled.” ||3: The country has pinned its hopes on a series of fixes—trade preference for other countries in the empire, joining the European Economic Community, North Sea oil, financial deregulation and housing bubbles—that have offered temporary boosts. ||4: The current government’s growth plan, involving tax incentives for business and cuts in red tape, sounds all too much like some of the failed programmes of the past. | |
23 | ||1:然而,他们的经济策略——适度增加开支,由广泛的增税来支付——是主要政党中最明智的,而且是唯一一个诚实面对老龄化社会成本的。||2:在气候变化和社会政策方面,他们在雄心和现实之间取得了最好的平衡。||3:与上次一样,对于那些既反对保守党的“硬退欧”、也反对工党的“强硬左翼”计划的人来说,他们是唯一的选择。||4:然而他们不会赢。||5:那么为什么要支持他们呢?实际原因是要约束最终入主唐宁街的人。||6:选民们担心支持自由民主党会正中科尔宾的下怀,但我们的模型显示,两党的选票和席位将相当均衡。||7:科尔宾正准备与苏格兰民族党共同执政,该党将支持他的大部分计划,以换取另一场独立公投。||8:有更多的自由民主党人会阻止他的计划。||9:同样,他们也会约束约翰逊。||10:一些保守党人抱着这样的希望:如果他赢得了大多数选票,他将放弃民粹主义行为,重新发现他的自由主义本能。||11:他们被欺骗了。||12:如果他承诺提供更多的国家援助,从而赢得了他所瞄准的支持退欧的席位,他们还指望他会回到在泰晤士河上建造新加坡的幻想吗?事实恰恰相反:保守党占多数的席位越多,该党的转变就越剧烈。 | ||1:Yet their economic approach—a moderate increase in spending, paid for by broad-based tax increases—is the most sensible of the main parties, and is the only one to be honest about the cost of an ageing society.||2:On climate change and social policy they strike the best balance between ambition and realism.||3:As last time, they are the only choice for anyone who rejects both the hard Brexit of the Conservatives and the hardleft plans of Labour.||4:Yet they will not win.||5:So why back them? The practical reason is to restrain whoever ends up in Downing Street.||6:Voters worry that backing the Lib Dems plays into Mr Corbyn’s hands, but our modelling suggests that votes and seats would come fairly evenly from both parties.||7:Mr Corbyn is preparing to govern with the Scottish National Party, which would back most of his programme in return for another independence referendum.||8:Having more Lib Dems would check his plans.||9:Likewise, they would rein in Mr Johnson.||10:Some Tories cling to the hope that if he wins a big majority he will drop the populist act and rediscover his liberal instincts.||11:They are deluded .||12:If he wins the Brexitbacking seats he is targeting with his promises of more state aid, do they expect him to switch back to the fantasy of building Singapore- on-Thames? The opposite is true: the bigger the Tory majority, the more drastic the party’s transformation. | |
24 | ||1:现在似乎美国主导世界的另外雏形就是“无主世界”,此为查尔斯·库普乾(Charles Kupchan)的新书名。||2:库普乾为国际关系教授,曾为克林顿政府幕僚,他是这些作者中最为悲观的。||3:他说,将不会再有世界守护者,此说可谓首开先河。||4:西方决策者蒙蔽双眼,自认为他们可以利用自身统领世界的最后暮光限定崛起的力量于他们自己的价值观与体系内发展。 | ||1:For now it seems the alternative to a world dominated by America is “No One’s World”, the title of Charles Kupchan’s book.||2:A professor of international relations and a veteran of the Clinton White House, he is the gloomiest of these authors.||3:For the first time in history, he says, the world will have no global guardian.||4:Western policymakers are deluded to think that they can use their twilight of pre-eminence to lock rising powers into their own values and institutions. | |
25 | ||读这本书,并不会让人感觉轻松,或是得到某种安慰。读者会感觉很同情伽林。伽林真苦,他都厌食症了,不想吃东西,自怨自艾,消沉。但是他时不时地表现出自私的模样,逃避现实,很讨厌。||受害者最终会变成攻击者,生活既然已经腐蚀了,那索性就腐烂到底吧,管它什么玩意的救赎。对于这一理论,伽林演绎的是有血有肉。 | ||This is not a relaxing or consoling book. The reader feels some sympathy for Galen, whose suffering turns him into a bulimic and self-hating depressive. But he is also unremittingly selfish, deluded and abhorrent.|| He gives flesh to the notion that the victim eventually becomes the aggressor; that life taints and ruins, rather than redeems. | |
26 | 冰岛之所以破产,是因为一群渔民竟然相信自己的国家已经成为一家巨型投资银行。 | Iceland went bust because a country of fishermen was deluded into thinking it had become a giant investment bank. | |
27 | 除了少数几个轻信的马克思主义者以外,历史学家们知道,他们的研究结果不能被用来预测未来。 | With the exception of a few deluded Marxists, historians know that their work cannot be used to predict the future. | |
28 | 但是,那些相信我们正处于由私营部门带领的强劲复苏开端的人,几乎肯定是受到了蒙骗。 | But those sure we are at the beginning of a robust private sector-led recovery are almost certainly deluded . | |
29 | 但是,他话锋一转,“但如果他是奸商或是骗子,我必须下定决心阻止他从公众身上拿钱。” | But, he reflected, "if he was crooked or deluded , I must make up my mind to have him stop taking the money from the public. " | |
30 | 但是批评人士这次完全错了。 | But the critics are deluded . |