属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-调色板上那一抹晦暗 Paint a palette b
1 | 一个在幻觉中的怪人,这就是圣尼古拉(b约翰·斯特拉希尼奇) | a fruitcake under the delusion that he was Saint Nicholas(bJohn Strahinich) | |
2 | 一个在幻觉中的怪人,这就是圣尼古拉(约翰·斯特拉希尼奇) | a fruitcake under the delusion that he was Saint Nicholas(John Strahinich) | |
3 | 在今天的文明中要想隐居,那是一种欺骗,是一种神话。 | Privacy in today’s civilization is a delusion , a myth | |
4 | 这个小说迷总是白日做梦,有时会产生错觉,自以为变成了拿破仑。 | The novel fan is always daydreaming and sometimes under the delusion that he Becomes Napoleon. | |
5 | 这甜蜜的幻影往往使她腾身坐起,而后却是一片空虚 | She would rise from the sweet delusion mocked and emptied of her courage | |
6 | 终于,她分析出自己在新英格兰继续后留下来的动机,并且迫使自己去相信,其实只有一半是真情,另一半则是自欺。 | What she compelled herself to believe-what, finally, she reasoned upon, as her motive for continuing a resident of New England-was half a truth, and half a self-delusion . | |
7 | 壮年期的失望接替青年期的幻想。 | The disappointment of manhood succeeds to the delusion of youth. | |
8 | 自己动手的例子中最糟糕的是,有时甚至是男人尽管接连失败还误以为自己什么都行 | The worst thing about the do-it-yourself game is that sometimes husbands live under the delusion that they can do anything even when they have been repeatedly proved wrong. | |
9 | ||1:拉詹对印度的看法也是正确的。||2:2010年,随着该国自大情绪的高涨,他警告说“增长永远不能被视为理所当然”,并且“自欺欺人是走向灾难的第一步。”||3: 当他准备在9月份接替杜武里·苏巴拉奥(Duvvuri Subbarao)担任印度储备银行(RBI)行长时,这种谨慎似乎是有先见之明的。 ||4:印度经济陷入恐慌,面临国际收支平衡恐慌。||5:过去三个月,卢比兑美元汇率下跌了12%。 | ||1: Mr Rajan has also been right about India. ||2: In 2010, as hubris in the country soared, he warned that “growth can never be taken for granted” and that “self-delusion is the first step towards disaster.” ||3: As he prepares to succeed Duvvuri Subbarao at the helm of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in September that caution seems prescient. ||4: India’s economy is in a funk and it faces a balance-of-payments scare. ||5: The rupee has fallen by 12% against the dollar in the past three months. | |
10 | ||1:虽然现在艾德马看起来越来越不可信,他的好运渐渐走到尽头。||2:他忠实的妻子Viktoria Runningwolf,以及艾德马为她在北卡州法伊特维尔建造的“终极宠物圣地”都曾被他抛弃。||3:他的过去,包括上世纪80和90年代他曾36次被拘(尽管没有判罪),也已大白于天下。||4:他因在北卡州冒充警察依然在通缉之中。虽然宣称他身上流淌着“超级血液”,他还是感染上了艾滋病。||5:他在伏特加和可卡因作用下结束生命,他的自我信仰也许减少了一点,但自我幻觉依然坚强如往。 | ||1:By this time, though, Mr Idema was beginning to look less plausible, his luck less inexhaustible.||2:His loyal wife, Viktoria Runningwolf, had been abandoned, along with the Ultimate Pet Resort that he had helped her set up in Fayetteville, North Carolina.||3:And his past, including 36 arrests (though no convictions) in the 1980s and 1990s, had come to light.||4:He was still wanted in North Carolina for impersonating a policeman and, despite claims to “superblood”, he was to contract AIDS.||5:His life ended in a haze of vodka and cocaine, the self-belief perhaps slightly dented, the self-delusion as strong as ever. | |
11 | ||1:在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗·高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。||2:但这却是个悲剧的幻想,高更,拥有更强势的性格,想在工作室作画,而梵高却倾向在室外工作;高更工作经常无精打采,拖拖拉拉。||3:而梵高工作却雷厉风行;高更将灵感寄托于想象和回忆;而梵高将思想臣服于大自然。||4:但阿勒斯人显然更中意高更而把梵高忽略了,随后两人大吵一架。||5:当高更在1889年12月23日宣称自己将前往巴黎时,梵高将自己的左耳割下,伤口长至下颚。||6:他像一个精神病患者一般将自己困在心灵的枷锁中,却没有停止作画。18个月之后,当梵高卖出了自己的第一幅画后不久,他就死于枪伤。||7:当众人终于认识到他是一个天才时,几十年已经过去了,如果我们想完全看清他生命中悲剧的一面,或许还需要更长的时间。 | ||1: When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh believed that they would inspire each other’s work. ||2: It was a tragic delusion . Gauguin, the more forceful personality, wanted to draw in the studio, van Gogh to paint in the open air. ||3: Van Gogh was quick, Gauguin was languid. Gauguin worked from the imagination and memory, van Gogh surrendered himself to nature. ||4: The Arlesiennes adored Gauguin and ignored van Gogh. The two painters quarrelled bitterly. ||5: When Gauguin announced he was leaving for Paris on December 23rd 1889, van Gogh reacted by slashing his own left ear, slicing through to the jaw. ||6: Confined to asylums as a psychotic, he did not stop painting, but he was dead of a bullet wound only 18 months later, not long after he sold his first painting. ||7: He was 37. Decades passed before it was widely appreciated he was a genius. It has taken even longer to fully understand that his life was a disaster. | |
12 | 她将共产主义比作喜马拉雅雪人,一样的可怕而不真实。虽然她直到1966年还仍然留在党内,希望“从党内修正”,但她后来说过,这又是一个不切实际的幻想。 | Communism she likened to the abominable snowman—horrid and unreal—though she stayed in the party until 1966, hoping “to try to fix it all from the inside”. That, she said later, had been another delusion . | |
13 | ||朱蒂先生最深远的研究莫过于对法国的历史的学习,尤其是第二次世界大战之前的法国学术历史,他认为这段历史正是法国美好与丑恶并存的时期。一本名为“过去的瑕疵”的书在1992年出版,该书的最终版本正是关于那些法国统治者沉溺在对自我的放纵和自我的妄想中,并没有察觉到斯大林是个恶魔。|| | Mr Judt’s deepest knowledge was of France, and particularly its post-war intellectual history, which he regarded with a mixture of fascination and disgust.|| “Past Imperfect”, published in 1992, was the definitive book about the self-indulgence and wilful self-delusion of the French brainboxes who failed to see that Stalin was a monster.|| | |
14 | “不要相信他的话,”海伦恳求地说,“他在胡思乱想!” | "Don’t believe what he is going to tell you, " pleaded Helen. "He has a delusion ! " | |
15 | 《盖茨比》一书久盛不衰的魅力,植根于故事中黄粱美梦与自欺欺人的糅合。 | The lasting power and beauty of "Gatsby" is rooted in the story’s mix of illusions and self-delusion . | |
16 | XP说设计不应该在事物将保持不变的前提下预先仓促进行。 | XP says design should not be done all at once, up front, under a delusion that things won’t change. | |
17 | 爱是我们自造的错觉,使得我们能够解释为什么要发生性行为会如此困难。 | Love is the self-delusion we manufacture to justify the trouble we take to have sex. | |
18 | 不管怎么样,我都不能回到自我欺骗、自我兴奋中去了。 | However much I would like to, I can’t go back to all that self-delusion and self-stimulation. | |
19 | 答:缘于爱情和幻想那强大影响力,并不是每个人都可以轻松地放手。 | Answer: Due to the power of attachment and delusion , it’s not true that it’s easy to let go of the painful in every case. | |
20 | 但是停滞不前的流动率,极可能使美国梦成为妄想。 | But stagnant rates of mobility risk turning the American dream to delusion . | |
21 | 当然,这种错觉在专家当中最为盛行,但是在政客中也有广泛传播。 | This delusion is, of course, most prevalent among pundits themselves, but it’s also widespread among political operatives. | |
22 | 当然在听。废话,关于Penny无望的幻想,废话。 | Of course I’m listening. Blah blah, hopeless Penny delusion , blah blah blah. | |
23 | 第二个幻觉也许是对震慑作用的过度信任。 | The second delusion might be termed excessive faith in shock-and-awe. | |
24 | 第一种狂妄自大包括与美国的“特殊关系”。 | The first grand delusion involves the "special relationship" with America. | |
25 | 而后躁期发作时,其原先之政治迫害妄想合并加入其夸大妄想的内容。 | During later manic episodes, the content of the delusion became grandiose, bizarre, complex and out of reality. | |
26 | 而我认为易受这种专家错觉的影响是奥巴马政府问题的一部分。 | And I’d argue that susceptibility to the pundit delusion is part of the Obama administration’s problem. | |
27 | 沟口健二关于幻念、苦难与不公等悲剧故事的晚期时代剧在西方受到了程度极高的接受。 | Mizoguchi’s late period films, with their tragic stories of delusion , suffering and injustice, were very well received in the west. | |
28 | 归根结底,幻觉和曲折的神话让法兰西是如此缺少雄心。 | Buried inside this chilling lack of ambition are one delusion and one crippling myth. | |
29 | 毫无疑问,三星助长了这种错觉。 | No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion . | |
30 | 积极的自我欺骗也会导致问题,并可能使人做出错误的决策、产生不切实际的期望、引发危险和造成失败。 | Positive self-delusion can also cause problems and lead to wrong decision making, unrealistic expectations, danger and failure. |