属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 6740-1987
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3730-1-1987
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3730-2-1982
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3730-3-1982
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 王岐山当选国家副主席 美朝关系"破冰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大型飞机 空中客车公司的大赌注
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥边境工厂 兵临城下
1 | 爱斯特拉冈说:一直没有人来,没有人走,什么事也没发生。 | Estragon stated that there had been no arrivals, no departures , and no action | |
2 | 安全工作程序偏离可能的影响 | Impact of reasonably foreseeable departures from safe working procedures. | |
3 | 此外,还讨论了两种独特的喷注器型式,这些型式不同于常规的轴向喷射方式。 | Also, two unique injector types, representing departures from the conventional axial injection scheme, are also discussed | |
4 | 据预测,今年国庆黄金周期间,江北机场航班起降将突破1400多架次,旅客流量将达到12万人次。 | It is estimated that in the golden holiday week, there will be more than 14,000 landings and takeoffs of airplanes as well as 120,000 arrivals and departures of passengers at the Airport. To cope with the surging passengers, | |
5 | 平面度检测的快速可视化数据处理分法 | A Fast and Visual Data Processing Method for Departures from Flatness | |
6 | 其中许多差别是由于扰动特性引起的。 | Many of these departures are consequent on the particular nature of the disturbance | |
7 | 强调一致性,使杂志以"最少出格"原则亦刊,并阻止杂志发生巨大变化,除非公众兴趣变化已明显表现出来。 | "inclining magazines to work on the principle of ""minimum offense"", and holding them back from radical editorial departures until they are clearly indicated by changes in public taste." | |
8 | 人们对骨肉的离合总爱打如意算盘,但是往往落一场空。 | People arrange such departures tranquilly,but they are despairs! | |
9 | 实际的象与简单理论所预期的象的偏差,叫做象差。 | The departures of an actual image from the prediction of simple theory are called aberrations | |
10 | 特别值得注意的是在发展超音速和高超音速飞行器的过程中,偏离了莱特理想的工作方式。 | Departures form the ideal practice followed by the Wright have been particularly noticeable in the development of supersonic and hypersonic vehicles | |
11 | 通过测量半径变化测定圆度偏差的方法 | Method for determining departures from roundness by measuring variations in radius | |
12 | 小的密度扰动或对理想均匀性的偏离在这样的物质中不可避免。 | The fact is that small density perturbations or departures from perfect homogeneity, are unavoidable in such a medium | |
13 | 一些屋外画着彩色的画,有些画很罕见。飞机,离别,轮船以及旅途中的景象。 | Some of these houses have been painted with colorful drawings, which are very curious. Aeroplanes, departures , ships and scenes from journeys. | |
14 | 圆度偏差的评定.第1部分:圆度测量术语词汇 | Assessment of departures from roundness-Glossary of roundness measurement terms | |
15 | 圆度偏差的评定.第2部分:测量半径偏差用记录式仪器的特性规范(包括使用和校准导则) | Assessment of departures from roundness-Specification for characteristics of stylus instruments for measuring variations in radius (including guidance on use and calibration) | |
16 | 圆度偏差的评定.第3部分:测定圆度偏差的二点三点测量法 | Assessment of departures from roundness-Methods for determining departures from roundness using two-and three-point measurement | |
17 | 真实晶体和这种理想的结构有种种出入。 | Real crystals exhibit a variety of departures from this idealized structure | |
18 | ||1:许多杰出的首席执行官离任或宣布辞职。||2:其中包括沃达丰(Vodafone)的维托里奥·科劳(Vittorio Colao)、百事可乐(PepsiCo)的英德拉·努伊(Indra Nooyi)、联合利华(Unilever)的保罗·波尔曼(Paul Polman)、全球最大广告传播集团WPP的马丁·索雷尔(Martin Sorrell)和戴姆勒(Daimler)的迪特尔·泽谢(Dieter Zetsche)。||3:通用电气(General Electric)的约翰·弗兰纳里(John Flannery)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的约翰·克莱恩(John Cryan)也被解职。||4:卡洛斯·戈恩因涉嫌不当行为被尼桑解雇。||5:而菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)的老板塞尔吉奥·马尔基翁内(Sergio Marchionne)的离世,让汽车制造业又痛失一个巨头。 | ||1:A large number of prominent chief executives left their jobs or announced their departures .||2:The list includes Vittorio Colao at Vodafone, Indra Nooyi at PepsiCo, Paul Polman at Unilever, Martin Sorrell at WPP and Dieter Zetsche at Daimler.||3:John Flannery was ousted at General Electric, as was John Cryan at Deutsche Bank.||4:Carlos Ghosn was dismissed from Nissan for alleged misdeeds.||5:The carmaking industry lost another giant with the death of Sergio Marchionne, Fiat Chrysler’s boss. | |
19 | Uber正面临数场危机,包括高管离职、涉嫌侵犯知识产权的诉讼、有关性骚扰的指控以及联邦政府对其使用非法软件跟踪监管部门的调查。 | Uber is facing several crises, including senior executive departures , a lawsuit over alleged intellectual-property theft, claims about sexual harassment and a federal probe into its use of potentially illegal software to track regulators. | |
20 | 反对者说,因A380的尺寸更使每英里运载每名乘客的成本降低,是被夸大了:乘客想要频繁在主枢纽出发或降落,在较小的机场之间乘直飞航班。 | The doubters say the main benefit of the A380’s size, its lower cost per passenger-mile, is overstated: passengers want frequent departures at main hubs, and direct flights between smaller airports. | |
21 | 今年有几位也宣布离职,包括Instagram的创始人; | This year several have announced their departures , including Instagram’s founders; | |
22 | 然而,税率的增长恐怕会引起制造商新一轮的转移浪潮: | However, the tax rise risks prompting a fresh wave of departures to cheaper shores: | |
23 | “在英国的滑雪市场只有5%的下降,而冬季开始的第一个月出行情况良好。” | "The ski market is only 5 percent down in the UK, and the first month of winter departures is in good shape, " he said. | |
24 | 2008年,香港政府的数据显示,通过罗湖口岸离境的香港居民超过3700万人次。 | In 2008, the Hong Kong government recorded its residents making more than 37m departures through Lo Wu. | |
25 | 不是每个人都会永远逃离,许多银行家会在离职后一年或两年内重操旧业。 | Not everyone makes a permanent escape, with many bankers returning to the industry within a year or two of their departures . | |
26 | 查看包括新上榜者、退出榜单者和明年榜单可能会考虑的女性的完整列表 | View a full list of new entrants, departures and women who are likely to come into consideration next year | |
27 | 搭乘国内班机提前一个小时到达机场。 | Plan to arrive at an airport one hour before domestic departures . | |
28 | 但已经离职的花旗高管们表示,底层员工的流失更加令人担忧,这反映出他们对花旗目前的管理方式感到非常失望。 | But former executives say departures lower down the organisation are more worrying and reflect disillusionment at how Citi is being run. | |
29 | 当然,如果你的近期离开是由于先前公司的大量裁员,你就会有一段轻松的时间。 | And, of course, you will have an easier time if your recent departures resulted from mass layoffs at previous employers. | |
30 | 登机迎宾处由此上楼由此下楼银行货币兑换处订旅馆行李暂存箱 | departures greeting arriving up; upstairs down; downstairs bank money exchange; currency exchange hotel reservation luggage locker |