属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 桃色总理的从政之路还有多长?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-儿童文学 儿童读物的政治性
1 | 如果一个人想要描述一件事情的真相,我们认为给产物意外险公司股东的标准无保留意见报告中应这样写︰ | If it is to depict the true state of affairs, we believe the standard opinion letter to shareholders of a property-casualty company should read something like | |
2 | 上面说的那位年轻的母亲、洗衣店里的顾客、修指甲的美容师--他们表达了广告商的意图,即:将意见引导人加以描绘。 | The young mother, the laundromat patron, the manicurist-these represent advertisers’ attempts to depict opinion leaders | |
3 | 试论中国古代诗歌中的情绪化心理描写 | On the Emotionize Mentality Depict in Chinese Ancient Poems | |
4 | 所表现的虽是神话故事,但形象并不是抽象的概念化的,而是富有个性的。 | Though the murals depict fairy stories, the figures in the paintings are realistic instead of abstract and have strong personalities. | |
5 | 他画的景象,使你身临其境,他画中的人物,好像可以呼之欲出。 | Huang Zhou’s paintings vividly depict people’s life situation, attracting viewers to be involved in his artistic work. | |
6 | 文学中的战争和伟人-论《八二三注》的写作意义 | War and Personage in the Literature-Depict the Meaning of August 23rd Note | |
7 | 我记得在我年轻时,英国漫画家怎样习以为常地把日本描画为一个伶俐的、整洁的、穿着制服的送信男童。 | I remember how in my youth the British caricaturists were wont to depict Japan as a smart, spruce, uniformed message-goy | |
8 | 现存的有些原始岩画非常生动地描述了原始乐舞的场面,那是一种群体的歌舞活动。 | Some primitive rock paintings available now depict , in a most life-like manner, scenes of primitive performances of music and dancing in groups. | |
9 | 销售预算主要用于描述企业销售什么产品,销售的数量是多少,销售的价格如何。 | The sales budget is intended to depict what products will be sold in what quantities at what prices. | |
10 | 叙述尼亚加拉瀑布的壮观景象. | depict the wonderful sights of the Niagara Falls | |
11 | 一年前光景,我在一篇文章里,尽力描写我朋友智力上一些非常惊人的特点。 | In an article I endeavoured, about a year ago, to depict some very remarkable features in the mental character of my friend | |
12 | 一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节. | a brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action. | |
13 | 因此,市场推广人员特意告诉我们他们的产品是销路最好的或成长最快的,而电视广告则经常描述说人群涌向商场抢购广告介绍的产品。 | Marketers, therefore, go out of their way to inform us when their product is the largest selling or fastest growing of its kind, and television commercials regularly depict crowds rushing to stores to acquire the advertised item | |
14 | 因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。 | Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land. | |
15 | 因为每种动物都有缺点,而汉语中大多数和动物有关的词语都是描写这些缺点的,所以聪明的做法是不要把人和动物联系起来。 | As each animal has its own drawbacks, and most of the Chinese words and expressions concerned with animals depict these shortcomings, it would be wise not to associate people with animals. | |
16 | 在这里,读者可以想象出,人们在熏香萦绕下慢条斯理地洗蒸气浴的情景。 | Here let the reader depict to himself the gradual process of the vapour bath, accompanied by an exhalation of spicy perfumes | |
17 | 在中国古代书论中,不论是对篆、隶、行、楷,还是对草书的论述,大多是以自然景观或某些现象作比,加以形容和描述 | In ancient books on calligraphy, Chinese men of letters liked to depict the various calligraphic styles as metaphors for natural scenery or phenomena. | |
18 | 这位画家试图逼真地刻画滑铁卢战役。 | The artist tried to depict realistically the Battle of Waterloo. | |
19 | 这一网格布局是与建筑内部的严峻风格一致的。这一几何平面又使艺术家能描述一个叙事体裁的片断和象征。 | These grid patterns were in harmony with the austere character of the interiors, and their geometrical plan enabled the artist to depict the various episodes and symbols of a narrative subject. | |
20 | 这张画像描绘他坐在椅上的姿态. | The portrait depict s him sitting in the chair. | |
21 | 作家试图摹写落日的光彩。 | The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset | |
22 | ||1:他们的辩解是有选择性的。||2:面对同样的问题,土耳其官员拒绝让步。||3:在奥斯曼帝国统治的几个世纪里,数百件文物被从故乡强制迁走。||4:当被问到土耳其是否会把亚力山大的大理石棺交还黎巴嫩,居纳伊和他的译员选择了回避土耳其人的态度过分坚决,并没能把自己描绘成文化压迫的受害者,他们也不认同国外博物馆和考古学家拯救了他们的文物。 | ||1:These arguments are selective.||2:Turkish officials refuse to concede that Turkey itself, over centuries of domination, forcibly removed hundreds of objects from their homelands.||3:Asked whether Alexander’s sarcophagus would be returned to Lebanon, Mr Gunay and his interpreter simply ignore the question.||4:The Turks are too determined to depict themselves as victims of cultural oppression to accept that foreign museums and archaeologists have also played a part in saving their treasures. | |
23 | ||1:在爱达荷州有家标牌制造商,名叫林地制造,他提倡超个性化贴纸。||2:访问他家在线零售网站的访客可以将上千种头部、身体和附属部件结合描绘,一个秃顶但胡子浓密的放射线技术员称。该技术员与一名勤劳的妇女(戴着有面纱的帽子)结了婚,他们的孩子喜欢芭蕾舞和棒球,还养着荷兰猪。 | ||1: In Idaho a sign-maker, Woodland Manufacturing, has pioneered hyper-personalised stickers. ||2: Visitors to its online www.familystickers.com retail arm, can combine thousands of different heads, bodies and accessories to depict , say, a bearded, balding x-ray technician, married to a bee-keeping mother (in hat with veil) whose kids enjoy ballet and baseball, and who own guinea pigs. | |
24 | 贝卢斯科尼取得政治成功的一大部分原因就是他能够将自己刻画为一个政治旁观者,在讲话和习惯上都与那些被大多数选民认为贪污腐败,自私自利,招摇撞骗的政客截然不同。 | Much of Mr Berlusconi’s success in politics has been down to his ability to depict himself as a political outsider: someone far removed in speech and habits from the finagling party hacks whom most voters regard as venal and self-interested. | |
25 | 是的,向勒存的计算机视觉系统展示大量图片,不告诉系统图上画的是什么。 | Instead, the system is shown lots of pictures without being told what they depict . | |
26 | 中国出版社依旧非常保守。||他们不会出版那些关于淘气或者不务正业的孩子的书籍,以及那些描述孩子的智慧超过大人的书籍。所出书籍中可爱的动物远多于海盗这样的叛逆的人物。独生子女政策使得年轻一代对兄弟姐妹,阿姨,叔叔或者同辈表亲(或堂亲)这样的关系理解极少,因此描述这样的关系的书籍也是几乎没有。|| | China’s publishers remain profoundly conservative. They shun books with naughty or frivolous children, or where youngsters outsmart their elders. Cute animals vastly outnumber rebellious figures such as pirates.|| Few books depict siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins—relationships little understood by the young, thanks to the one-child policy.|| | |
27 | “大多数软件游戏对于人群的描述并不比对硬纸板上挖剪下来的图画多,”托伦斯说。 | "Most software games depict [25] crowds as little more than cardboard cutouts, " Torrens notes. | |
28 | 《路标》的独创性之一是库特布用“蒙昧(jahiliyya)”一词来描绘悲惨的穆斯林世界。 | Part of the originality of "Milestones" was Qutb’s use of the term jahiliyya to depict the abject condition of the Muslim world. | |
29 | APEC峰会的组织者说:“这款耐穿、实用的服饰旨在体现澳大利亚独特的文化和环境特色。” | "The wearable and usable coat aims to depict Australia’s unique culture and environment, " APEC organisers said. | |
30 | slinky(斯林克)就是这么来的,它似乎刚好可以描述一些事情。 | that’s how slinky came. It just seemed to depict everything. |