属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 蔚来汽车IPO首日走势巨震 联合利华取消上市
1 | 属于多边的,由外交部办理向有关保存国或者国际组织交存该核准书的手续。 | In the case of a multilateral one, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall execute the formalities for the deposit of the instrument of approval with the depositary state or international organization concerned. | |
2 | 兹指定联合国秘书长为本公约保管人。 | The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary for this Convention. | |
3 | 总干事为本条约保存人。 | The Director General shall be the depositary of this Treaty. | |
4 | ||1:特斯拉的问题给NIO带来了压力。蔚来汽车(NIO)是一家中国电动汽车制造商,在纽约首次公开募股(IPO)时,该公司夸口称是马斯克公司的潜在竞争对手。||2:在投资者密切关注该行业前景之际,蔚来汽车将其美国存托股票的发行价定在每股6.26美元,这是其目标价格区间的下限。||3:在首日的交易中,发行价上涨了5%。 | ||1:The problems at Tesla weighed on NIO, a Chinese maker of electric cars that touts itself as a potential competitor to Mr Musk’s firm, when it launched its IPO in New York.||2:With investors looking closely at the prospects for the industry, NIO priced the offering of its American depositary shares at $6.26 a share, the bottom of its target price range.||3:They rose 5% on the first day of trading. | |
5 | HoHanMing说,这就需要遵循有关报酬、杠杆率和保管义务的新规则。 | That would entail complying with new rules on remuneration, leverage and depositary liabilities, says Mr Ho. | |
6 | 该公司的美国存托凭证(ADR)在纽约证交所交易。 | The company also has American depositary receipts that trade on the New York Stock Exchange. | |
7 | 华视传媒以每股8美元的定价发行了1,350万股美国存托股票,比当初预期区间的最低端还低了1.50美元。 | VisionChina Media sold 13. 5 million American depositary shares opening at $8 apiece, $1. 50 less than its lowest expected range. | |
8 | 截至纽约股市周三午盘,人人网美国存托股票(ADS)的价格已跌破发行价(14美元),至13.56美元。 | As of midday in New York on Wednesday, Renren had dropped back to $13. 56 per American depositary share, below its IPO price of $14. | |
9 | 紧接在储蓄职能之后的,是银行转账结算的职能。 | Following closely from this depositary function is the role of banks for transmission and clearing of payments. | |
10 | 沥青储罐加热系统改造探讨 | Heat up Unite Reconstruction Discuss of Asphalt Depositary Kettle | |
11 | 台湾证交所发言人朱士廷(StanleyChu)表示,该交易所今年的目标是吸引到新加坡上市公司在台湾发行10宗存托凭证。 | Stanley Chu, spokesman at the TSE, said the bourse was targeting 10 depositary receipt listings from Singapore-listed companies this year. | |
12 | 铁皮柜存放区资料打印区 | sheet iron chest depositary data print area | |
13 | 在纽约纳斯达克股市(Nasdaq),午盘时分,优酷的美国存托股票(ADS)价格下跌3.2%至每股40.25美元。 | The company’s American Depositary Shares were down 3. 2 per cent to $40. 25 by midday on Nasdaq in New York. | |
14 | 这家银行在2000年发生了坍塌,现在只有储藏室还遗留着。 | The bank collapsed in 2000 and now only the depositary is left. |