属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 53235-1-1977
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 2045-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 2048-1990
1 | 他在外边度过了一年。他深入亚洲腹地,游遍名胜古迹与宗教圣地。 | He stayed away, for a year; he visited the depths of Asia, spending himself on scenes of romantic interest, of superlative sanctity | |
2 | 他怎么会堕落到这种地步呢? | How could he sink to such depths ? | |
3 | 他怎么能消沉到这种地步 | How could he sink to such depths ? | |
4 | 天空最高处是玉蓝色,有几朵白云飞驰;白云的边缘色如乳糜,叫人微微眩目。 | The depths of the sky are a jade blue flecked with scudding clouds, white clouds whose chyle-tinted edges almost dazzle the eye. | |
5 | 通过巧妙的提问,苏格拉底往往得以窥见一个人信仰深处的东西,找出其所持的肯定观念,然后将其漏洞展现出来。 | By skillful questioning, Socrates would pry into depths of one’s system of beliefs, dragging out cherished certainties and displaying their ragged clothing | |
6 | 拖延使我裹足不前,它来自恐惧。现在我从所有勇敢的心灵深处,体会到这一秘密。我知道,想克服恐惧,必须毫不犹豫,起而行动,唯其如此,心中的慌乱方得以平定。 | My procrastination that has held me back was born of fear and now I recognize this secret mined from the depths of all courageous hearts. Now I know that to conquer fear I must always act without hesitation and the flutters in my heart will vanish. | |
7 | 未经探究的人的感情深处 | The uncharted depths ofhuman emotions | |
8 | 我看到了那洞窟的深处。 | I see it in the depths of the inner cavern | |
9 | 我体验过极贫苦的生活。 | I proved the extreme depths of poverty | |
10 | 陷入(悲伤、孤独的)深渊,达到(悲伤、孤独等的)最高点 | Plumb the depths (of...) | |
11 | 笑话四处都有,精灵在说笑一通之后,又飞上天去了。 | The jest falls, no matter where,and the mind after producing a piece of stupidity plunges into the azure depths | |
12 | 新的苦刑,和新的施刑者,那第一断层就为这些所充塞着。 | new means of torture, and new torturers, crammed into the depths of the first ditch | |
13 | 许多大港口的法定深度为28,30,32以及35英尺。对于重视经济实惠的发展中国家,28英尺和30英尺通常是能接受的港口深度。 | Many large ports have official depths of 28, 30, 32 and 35 feet. For ports in developing countries where economy plays an important role, depths of 28 and 30 feet are usually accepted. | |
14 | 寻求独居独处的愿望或寻求意外发现机会的欲望吸引着人们来到地下深处。 | Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures men down to the depths of the earth. | |
15 | 颜料的检验.有标准颜色深度试样的检验.标准颜色深度和颜色深度标准 | Testing of pigments; tests on specimens having standard depth of shade, standard depths of shade and depth of shade standards | |
16 | 也有人说他没有漂洋过海到外国去,而是混迹到某个人烟稠密的城市中去了。 | Others said that he did not go across the sea, but buried himself in the depths of a populous city | |
17 | 一旦给计算机输入程序,它就能从外层空间或海洋深处收集到各式各样的资料。 | Once it is given a"program", a computer can gather a wide range of information from outer space or from the depths of the ocean. | |
18 | 一只松鼠从它作巢的高树的密时中叽叽咕咕,不知是生气还是高兴--因为松鼠本是爱发怒又逗人爱的小家伙,它的脾气实在让人捉摸不定 | A squirrel, from the lofty depths of his domestic tree, chattered either in anger or merriment-for a squirrel is such a choleric and humorous little personage, that it is hard to distinguish between his moods | |
19 | 伊莱恩是一个非常文静的姑娘,但是在那个时候我忘记了“静水河深”这句话,直到我们结婚以后,我才了解她是一个多么富有感情的人。 | Elaine was such a quiet girl, but then I should have known that still waters run deep.It wasn’t until after we were married that I realised what depths of emotion she was capable of. | |
20 | 因此有必要使用泄水闸来封闭一些港区,以保持封闭港区中的水位。在潮汐式港口,将最低水位计作零水位。 | Consequently, it is often necessary to close a series of basins by means of sluices and thus maintain a constant water level in the closed port section. In tidal ports, depths are almost always calculated with the lowest low water line as zero line. | |
21 | 用这种方法估算的基底深度与钻井探明的深度之间的差别,平均起来不超过5%。 | The discrepancy between basement depths estimated by this means and those indicated by drilling has been on the average no greater than 5 percent | |
22 | 有朝一日人类也许能在海洋深处生活。 | Humans may be able to live in the depths of the ocean some day. | |
23 | 有弹性密封环型连接的非增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)和氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C)压力管的单头接口.最小接合深度 | Single sockets for unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U)and chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-C)pressure pipes with elastic sealing ring type joints; minimum depths of engagement | |
24 | 有弹性密封圈型接头的未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC)压力管的双头套接口.最小接合深度 | Double-socket fittings for unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U)pressure pipes with elastic sealing ring type joints; minimum depths of engagement | |
25 | 有些物资原来会使得群众生活得太舒服了,因而从长期来说,也会使得他们太聪明了,战争就是要把这些物资打得粉碎,化为轻烟,沉入海底。 | War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent | |
26 | 有一个小室,1米宽,2米高,深度有1米、2米、3米不等 | Has a compartment size of 1 meter wide x 2 meters tall and is available in 3 depths 1m, 2 m and 3 m. | |
27 | 宇宙的无限深广. | The immeasurable depths of the universe | |
28 | 在地球(内部)深处 | in the depths of the earth | |
29 | 在多列文本格式处理技术中,使得在一个页面上各列长度大致相等的处理。 | In multicolumn text formatting,the process of making column depths on a page approximately equal. | |
30 | 在荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中,波塞冬只被描述成一个主宰海洋的神。他住在海中华美的宫殿里,或驾驭战车在海面上巡幸,或掀起地动山摇的巨浪。 | In the Iliad Poseidon appears only in his capacity of ruler of the sea, inhabiting a brilliant palace in its depths , traversing its surface in a chariot, or sirring the powerful billows till the earth shakes as they crash upon the shore |