属类:文学表达-外国名著-THE GRAPES OF WRATH
1 | 他所负的职责移交给副手行使。 | His duties devolved on his deputy . | |
2 | 他休假前把职责移交给副手。 | Going on leave,he devolved his duties on his deputy . | |
3 | 他一辞职引出了一个问题,即我们目前是否需要有人代理领导职务. | His resignation poses the question of whether we now need a deputy leader. | |
4 | 他曾在江浦任副县长 | He served for a while as a deputy county magistrate. | |
5 | 坦率指出在民众眼中,李显龙副总理的形象过于严肃,不苟言笑。 | The public persona of Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, he said, is that of a no-nonsense, uncompromising and tough minister | |
6 | 提请聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人 | To propose the appointment or dismissal of the company’s deputy manager(s)and financial officers | |
7 | 我不在期间,我得找个人担任我的代理人。 | I must find someone to act as (a)deputy for me during my absence. | |
8 | 我不在时,你可与我的代理人谈。 | You can talk with my deputy during my absence. | |
9 | 我的副手辞职了,所以现在有许多事要我操心 | My deputy has resigned, so I’ve got a lot on my mind just now | |
10 | 我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人. | Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business. | |
11 | 我有幸得到椰昌教授(国际贸易部副订任)和肖辉先生(杭州服装进出口公司经理)的推荐。 | I fortunately have the permission to the persons whose names are given below as references: Prof. Li Chang, Deputy -Dean of the Department of International Trade and Mr. Xiao Hui, Manager of Hangzhou Garments Importing and exporting Company. | |
12 | 我在校长回来前代行他的职务. | I’m acting as deputy till the headmaster returns. | |
13 | 校长不在时副校长为他照顾学校。 | When the head master is away, the deputy head master looks after the school for him. | |
14 | 许多人都把矛头对准了匿名的11名政府奖学金得主,陈庆炎副总理也提议重新检讨奖学金的颁发条件。 | The 11 anonymous government scholarship recipients were under fire, whereas Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan suggested a review of the scholarship system. | |
15 | 一个包工头来到营地要招工到另一个县里去摘水果,当这些欧开伊们要他拿出执照来看时,这个包工头把几个欧开伊头头交给陪他同来营地的治安队员。 | A contractor came to the camp to sign up men to pick fruit in another county. When the Okies asked to see his license, the contractor turned the leaders over to a police deputy who had accompanied him to camp. | |
16 | 有的可以经过他作自我批评,改正错误,继续任原职,有些可以改为副职或者委员。 | Some of the well-to-do middle peasants may continue at their posts after making a self-criticism and correcting their mistakes, others may be made deputy leaders or committee members | |
17 | 有些书还可以由人代读,即读旁人作的节录,但这只适用于次要的论点和较平庸的书;否则压缩本像通俗的蒸馏饮料一样,华而不实。 | Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy tings | |
18 | 原江西省副省长胡长清因受贿500万元(合65万美元)而被判有罪。 | The former deputy governor of Jiangxi rovince, Hu Changqing, was convicted of accepting RMB 5 million USD 650, 000)in bribes. | |
19 | 在2004雅典奥运会商业俱乐部的一次会议上,希腊财政副部长彼得罗斯·多卡斯仍情绪高涨,雄心勃勃。这个俱乐部是为了开发奥运商机而成立的。 | At a meeting of the Athens 2004 Business Club-set up to exploit the commercial opportunities of the Games-Deputy Finance Minister Petros Doukas was in ebullient mood. | |
20 | 在他生病期间,副经理代他主持公司事务. | The deputy manager ran the firm for(ie instead of)him while he was ill. | |
21 | 照片之事传到洛杉矶副地方检察官艾丽斯·汉德耳中。她要知道演“鹰与雪人”的影星是否涉嫌哄骗。 | Word of the photo reached the ears of Deputy Los Angeles District Attorney Alice Hand,who wants to know if the star of"The Falcon and the Snowman"is guilty of a snow job. | |
22 | 这个堡垒就是他身为检察官的这个职位。他极其巧妙地运用了这个职位所带来的种种优势,不管在什么情况下,他都决不辞职,至多只请人暂时代理一下,以此避免反对的立刻而始终处于保守中立。 | This fortress was his post as king’s attorney, all the advantages of which he exploited with marvellous skill, and which he would not have resigned but to be made deputy , and thus to replace neutrality by opposition | |
23 | 正副总经理(或正副厂长)由合营各方分别担任。 | The offices of general manager and vice-general manager(s)(or factory manager and deputy manager(s)shall be assumed by the respective parties to the venture. | |
24 | 主管国际经济和社会事务部副秘书长的统计和发展规划事务帮办 | Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General for International Economic and Social Affairs for Statistics and for Development Planning | |
25 | 主管人道主义事务的秘书长副特别代表 | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs | |
26 | 主管人道主义援助和紧急复原副特别代表 | Deputy Special Representative for Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Rehabilitation | |
27 | 主管施政和公共行政副过渡行政长官 | Deputy Transitional Administrator for Governance and Public Administration | |
28 | 主管协调柬埔寨人道主义援助方案的秘书长特别代表帮办 | Deputy to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Coordination of the Kampuchean Humanitarian Assistance Programmes | |
29 | 主管行政、联络和秘书处副总干事 | Deputy Director-General for Administration, Liaison and Secretariat | |
30 | 主管行政和管理的副秘书长帮办兼主计长 | Deputy to the Under-Secretary General for Administration and Management, and Controller |