属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-外来移民 热烈欢迎
1 | 第八十三条 商业银行工作人员违反本法规定玩忽职守造成损失的,应当给予纪律处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 83 Disciplinary action shall be taken against employees of a commercial bank who violate this law and are derelict of their duty, causing damages; criminal responsibilities shall be affixed if the case is so serious as to constitute a crime. | |
2 | 对有失职、渎职行为的药品监督管理部门直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分; | In addition, the directly liable person in charge and other responsible personnel in the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department who have neglected or have been derelict in their duty shall be subject to administrative sanction. | |
3 | 富爸爸掏出1美元,向乞丐招招手。看到钱,乞丐立即走过来,他收了钱,含糊不清地道了谢就欣喜若狂地拿着他的钱走了。 | Rich dad pulled a dollar out of his wallet and gestured to the older man. Seeing the money, the derelict came over immediately, took the bill, thanked rich dad profusely and hurried off ecstatic with his good fortune. | |
4 | 工厂被弃置的凄凉景象. | The derelict waste of disused factories | |
5 | 忽视公民责任的 | Was derelict in his civic responsibilities | |
6 | 克莱既讲究实际又充满了浪漫之情,把他的可爱的新娘带到一间旧的农舍里。这里是古老的德伯宅邸的弃屋,位于一家标准的磨坊附近。 | To an old farm-house---a derelict of an ancient D’Urberville mansion---in ready range of a model mill, Clare, with a sense of the practical and the romantic, takes his lovely bride. | |
7 | 每月从运河里捞出好几辆被抛弃的汽车。 | Several derelict cars are fished out of the canal every month | |
8 | 那是一幢破旧的楼房,四邻一片死气沉沉,使你感到只有风烛残年的老人和走投无路的年轻人才住在那里。 | It was a decaying building in a dying neighborhood, inhabited, you felt, only by doomed old men and derelict young men | |
9 | 破船成了海上弃物 | The wrecked ship became a derelict . | |
10 | 擅自居住在破败的空屋里的无家可归的人. | Homeless people squatting in a derelict house | |
11 | 四十一号则好象被人弃置。 | No. 41 was almost derelict | |
12 | 他被控弃船逃跑。 | He is charged to derelict the boat and run away | |
13 | 太危险不能住入而被废弃的旧房子. | a derelict old house too dangerous to live in | |
14 | 玩忽职责. | be derelict of duty | |
15 | 违法失职的,给予行政处分,情节严重构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Those who violate the law or are derelict in their duties shall be given disciplinary sanctions; where circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law. | |
16 | 违法违纪、失职渎职 | Break the law, violate discipline or be derelict in one’s duty | |
17 | 一个是失职,一个是欺骗。 | The one is derelict ; the other is deception | |
18 | 一位衣衫褴褛被遗弃的老人 | a ragged old derelict | |
19 | 邮政工作人员玩忽职守,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百八十七条的规定追究刑事责任。 | Postal personnel who are derelict in their duties and bring about great loss to public property and the interests of the state and the people shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. | |
20 | 这时,就像约好了似的,镇上的乞丐走过我们的桌子,停在一大堆垃圾罐旁翻捡起来。 | As if on cue, the town derelict went past our table, stopping by the large rubbish can and rummaging around in it. | |
21 | 这时候,考克斯夫妇也打完了嘴仗,言归于好,他们上了床--想来想去,辗转反侧,烦躁不安,思量古德森究竟对那个走投无路的流浪汉说了一句什么话 | By this time the Coxes too had completed their spat and their reconciliation, and were turning in--to think, to think, and toss, and fret, and worry over what the remark could possibly have been which Goodson made to the stranded derelict | |
22 | 这一词的起源可以追溯到拉丁文的 | We can derive the word `derelict ’ from the Latin `derelictus’.derelict | |
23 | 昨天晚上我才发现自己既失职又有眼不识泰山。 | Last night I realized that I’d been both blind and derelict | |
24 | ||1:如今,在移民和全球化的背景下,意大利继续发展。||2:自然有人担心这一切发生得太快;年轻人在语法上荒废了,还使用了太多的外来词。||3:事实上,时间累积和受到的不同影响使拉丁语从前身原始印欧语变为拉丁语,而同样力量也把拉丁语变成意大利语,如今这种力量仍然在发挥作用。||4:只要语言在使用就会一直发生改变。||5:古典拉丁语可能已经绝迹,但作为意大利语,它仍然存在。 | ||1:These days, amid migration and globalisation, Italian continues to develop.||2:Naturally some worry that it is happening too fast; that young people are derelict in their grammar, or use too many foreign words.||3:In reality, the same forces that made Latin from its predecessor (called Proto Indo-European), and turned Latin into Italian—the drift of time and exposure to different influences— are still operating.||4:The only unchanging language is an unspoken one.||5:Classical Latin may be dead—but as Italian, it lives on. | |
25 | ||1:三年前,多米尼加商店助手珍妮·萨尔加多搬到海兰镇居住,毗邻巴尔的摩。||2:她搬家的原因是纽约高昂的生活费。||3:珍妮初来乍到之际,这家兜售彩饰陶罐与宗教雕像的商店还算是当时少数几家极具墨西哥风情的商店。而如今,这种商店不胜枚举。||4:她微笑着说,“如果你说西班牙语,那么这是件好事。” | ||1:THREE years ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominican shop assistant, moved to Highlandtown, a neighbourhood of pleasant terraces and unpleasant derelict factories in Baltimore.||2:She moved because the cost of living in New York was too high.||3:When she arrived the shop she works in, stuffed with pi?atas and religious statuettes, was one of only a few Hispanic businesses. Now there are many more.||4:“It’s good now if you speak Spanish,” she smiles. | |
26 | “或许你该去找份工作,失职者!”---这句话在我们家里一直是个笑话。 | In our household it’s a running joke for one of us to say to the other, "Maybe you should get a job, derelict ! " | |
27 | 「我们的坦克和大炮都是报废的,」一名投效叛军的特种部队军官表示。 | "Our tanks and artillery are derelict , " says a special-forces officer who defected to the rebels. | |
28 | 巴塞罗那将运动员村建在水边的荒地,建成后城市依水而落。 | The athletes’ village was build on derelict land near the waterfront, opening the city to the sea. | |
29 | 贝尔法斯特天主教地区人满为患,而许多新教街区却是满目荒凉。 | Catholic areas of Belfast tend to be overcrowded, while many Protestant blocks lie derelict . | |
30 | 被废弃的弹痕累累的房屋更多了。 | There were many more bullet-scarred and derelict houses. |