属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Tale of Two Cities
1 | ‘卡瓦尔康蒂少校,一位可敬的卢卡贵族,佛罗伦萨卡瓦尔康蒂族后裔,’”基督山大声往下念着,“‘每年收入五十万。’ | Major Cavalcanti, a worthy patrician of Lucca, a descendant of the Cavalcanti of Florence,’" continued Monte Cristo, reading aloud, "’possessing an income of half a million.’ | |
2 | “我,正如您所说的,是安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂子爵,巴陀罗米奥·卡瓦尔康蒂少校的儿子--我们卡瓦尔康蒂这个家族的名字曾铭刻在佛罗伦萨的金书上。 | I am (as you have said)the Count Andrea Cavalcanti, son of Major Bartolomeo Cavalcanti, a descendant of the Cavalcanti whose names are inscribed in the golden book at Florence | |
3 | “早晨好,约翰爵士。”这样的称呼使马洛特村那位满身尘土、衣着褴褛的小贩约翰·德比菲尔感到莫名其妙,但当他得知自己实际上是贵族德伯家的嫡系后裔时,顿时变得高傲起来。 | Good morning, Sir John. The bewilderment of a dusty, threadbare peddler thus addressed was speedily converted into a majestic pride upon learning that he, John Durbeyfield of Marlott, was actually a lineal descendant of the noble family of D’Urberville. | |
4 | 〞子孙,后代:其血统可追溯到某特定个体或群体的人、动物或植物.〞 | descendant :a person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a particular individual or group. | |
5 | 爱尔兰今天所说的爱尔兰语是我们的祖先在那个远古时代所说的语言连绵不断直接流传下来的。 | The Irish language spoken in Ireland today is the direct descendant without break of the language our ancestors spoke in those far-off days | |
6 | 不允许在将NC头作为子体的对象开始删除目录树。 | Tree deletions starting at an object which has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed. | |
7 | 嫡系后裔(继承人). | a lineal descendant (heir) | |
8 | 近亲交配下母子间基因型联合分布的信息熵性质 | The Character of Entropy of the Associated Probability Distribution between a Female Genotypes and Its Descendant Genotypes in Inbreeding | |
9 | 利玛窦在孝嗣关系问题上的“是孔非孟”策略 | Matteo Ricci’s Tactics of "Praise-Confucius-and-Censure-Mecius" on the Relation between Filial Piety and Descendant Propagation | |
10 | 论美国族裔问题研究―理论综述与发展前瞻 | Research on American Descendant Issues-Explanation on theory and Prediction of Development | |
11 | 美国西裔移民结构同化现象浅析 | On Assimilation Phenomenon of American west Descendant Immigration Structure | |
12 | 清代翰林中的孔圣后裔 | The Confucius Descendant in HanLin of Qing Dynasty | |
13 | 他今天改穿了中国衣服,清瘦的身材上披一件海军蓝的毛葛单长衫,很有些名士遗少的气概。 | He had changed back into Chinese dress today, and his lean frame was draped in a long, navy-blue flannel gown, giving him the air of a worthy descendant of some famous scholar | |
14 | 他们是孔子的后裔. | They are the descendant s of Confucius. | |
15 | 他是孔子后裔。 | He is a descendant of Confucius. | |
16 | 他是维多利亚女王的后裔。 | He is a descendant of Queen Victoria | |
17 | 他是直系子孙。 | He is the lineal descendant | |
18 | 他作为这个家族的最后一名后裔,在品格方面却完全不同于他的那些先辈们,他放弃了他的家族的姓氏和财产,作为一个平民来到英国,并力图开始新的生活。 | Wholly unlike them in character, this last descendant of his race had given up his name and estate and had come to England as a private gentleman, eager to begin life anew. | |
19 | 也就是说,戴安娜与丘吉尔同为罗伯特·斯潘塞的第八代后人。 | That’s to sayDiana and churchill are Robert Spencer’s descendant in the eighth generation | |
20 | 伊丽莎白女王二世是维多利亚女王的后裔。 | Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is a descendant of Queen Victoria. | |
21 | 伊玛目被什叶派教徒认为是穆罕默德的后代并被神圣地指派来引导人类的男性领袖 | A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings. | |
22 | 印度尼西亚华裔青少年的身份认同与国家认同―华侨大学华文学院(集美)印度尼西亚华裔学生的调查研究 | Identification and National Identity of the Teenagers of Chinese Descendant in Indonesia | |
23 | 原生物任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中将它分为一个单独的界 | Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms,considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems. | |
24 | 再说,他是我的骨肉,我要得意洋洋地看到我的小辈名正言顺地做他们产业的主人。 | Besides he’s mine, and I want the triumph of seeing my descendant fairly lord of their estates. | |
25 | 在中国,孔家算是最有福分的了,所以乾隆就将女儿嫁给孔子的第七十二代孙孔宪培为妻,而慕恩堂就是专门为她建造的。 | Since the Kongs were the No.1 lucky family in the land, the emperor married her to the lineal seventy-second descendant of Confucius, Kong Xianpei, and the Hall of Gratitude was built specially for her | |
26 | 早期美洲清教徒殖民者的后裔。 | a descendant of the early Pilgrims | |
27 | 这样的称呼使马洛特村那位满身尘土、衣着褴褛的小贩约翰·德比菲尔感到莫名其妙,但当他得知自己实际上是贵族德伯家的嫡系后裔时,顿时变得高傲起来。 | The bewilderment of a dusty, threadbare peddler thus addressed was speedily converted into a majestic pride upon learning that he, John Durbeyfield of Marlott, wasactually a lineal descendant of the noble family of D’Urberville | |
28 | 支族,旁系一种族或家族的后裔;支族或旁系亲属 | A descendant of a race or family;an offshoot. | |
29 | 直系尊属[后裔] | A lineal ascendant [descendant ] | |
30 | ||1:一般认为,是托里比奥?奥尔特加打响了一个世纪以前墨西哥革命的第一枪。这名革命者如果知道有一天他的后人会当上美国州长,一定会惊讶得目瞪口呆。||2:要是换成阿道夫?马丁内斯,也会一样惊讶。他也是墨西哥革命者,在上个世纪二十年代穿越了防备松懈的边境进入美国(从人口普查数据无法得知此次越境是否合法)。||3:而今天,奥尔特加的曾外孙女,同时也是马丁内斯的孙女,苏珊娜?马丁内斯确实做到了:她当上了新墨西哥州州长,成为了美国历史上第一位拉丁裔女州长。 | ||1: TORIBIO ORTEGA, who supposedly fired the first shot in the Mexican Revolution a century ago, would have been surprised if told that a descendant of his would one day run an American state. ||2: So would Adolfo Martinez, another Mexican revolutionary, who crossed the sparsely patrolled border into America in the 1920s (whether legally or not is unclear from census records). ||3: But today Susana Martinez of New Mexico, great-granddaughter of the former and granddaughter of the latter, does just that: she is America’s first Latina governor. |