1 | 这是从山顶下来的一道陡坡。 | Lt’s a steep descent from the top of the mountain. | |
2 | 这条继承线回到了彼得的女儿伊莉莎白(1741~1762年在位)、她的侄子彼得三世及其妻凯萨琳二世大帝以及他们的儿子保罗一世手中。 | The line of descent returned to Peter’s daughter Elizabeth (r. 1741-62), her nephew Peter III and his wife Catherine II the Great, and their son Paul I. | |
3 | 镇上还有一位知名绅士潘布洛克?霍华德是个当律师的独身汉,年纪大约四十上下,他也是年代久远的弗吉尼亚名门望族,确实是初到美洲的家族的后裔。 | Pembroke Howard, lawyer and bachelor, aged about forty, was another old Virginian grandee with proved descent from the First Families | |
4 | 追根溯源,大多数毛利人是乘独木舟漂洋过海到达奥蒂罗阿的夏威基部落酋长的后代。 | Most maori people can trace descent from the chiefs of Hawaiki who sailed to Oater in ocean-going sailing canoes | |
5 | 追溯古老的传奇故事演化到小说的论文. | A paper tracing the descent of the novel from old picaresque tales. | |
6 | 子孙,后代其血统可追溯到某特定个体或群体的人、动物或植物 | A person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a particular individual or group. | |
7 | 宗谱的广度和用处不单是列出各宗支的一个图表。 | The scope and function of Zongpu is wider than the mere devising of tables of descent of its clan members. | |
8 | 祖籍欧洲的美国人往往有着天生的白皮肤,但她们想拥有被阳光晒黑的那种肤色。 | Americans of European descent tend to have naturally pale skin, but they want that sun-tanned look | |
9 | 作为她因之受惩的罪孽的直接后果,上帝却赐予了她一个可爱的孩子,令其在同一个不光彩的怀抱中成长,成为母亲同人类世代繁衍的永恒联系,最后居然要让这孩子的灵魂在天国中受到祝福! | God, as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished, had given her a lovely child, whose place was on that same dishonoured bosom, to connect her parent for ever with the race and descent of mortals, and to be finally a blessed soul in heaven! | |
10 | 作为炎黄子孙,您或许有兴趣去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。 | If you are of Chinese descent , you may be interested in paying homage to the Tomb of Huangdi (Yellow Emperor), the first Chinese emperor, not far away from Xi’an |