1 | 谁都无法形容这景色的美丽。 | There is no describing the beauty of the scene. | |
2 | 他继续讲述他冒险的事。 | He went on about his adventure. =He went on describing his adventure | |
3 | 他叙述了一家意大利公司的作法,这家公司租用了一块衰落的工厂旧址,雇用了电影制片人威姆·温德斯的灯光师,并采用了现代顶峰的音响设备,只不过是想在“名牌”广告中展示他们最新的椅子系列产品。 | Describing the efforts of one Italian firm, which hired a decaying industrial estate, film-maker Wire Wenders’s lighting technician and a state-of-the-art sound system just to present their latest range of chairs in a "designer" commercial | |
4 | 他应通知工程师,说明引起索赔的事件或情况。 | the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer, describing the event or circumstance giving rise to the claim. | |
5 | 他在讲他怎样向法国人作战事宣传,怎样博得不少人对中国的同情:“南京撤退以后,他们都说中国完了。 | He was describing how he had propagandized the war to the French and how he had won the sympathy of quite a few people for China’s cause."After the withdrawal from Nanking, they all said China was finished | |
6 | 他专门写了“不准革命”一章,说假洋鬼子不准阿Q革命。 | He devotes a whole chapter, "barred from the Revolution", to describing how a bogus foreign devil bars Ah Q from the revolution | |
7 | 他自觉这种惺忪迷怠的心绪,完全像填词里所写幽闺伤春的情境。 | He felt this indecisive and confused state of mind was exactly like the mood evoked in the springtime poetry describing the longings of maidens secluded in their chambers | |
8 | 它们盘旋飞落,悠然自鸣,构成了一幅神奇美丽、生气勃勃的动画。 | They fly up and down over the isle, sometimes describing circles in an unhurried manner, chirping or cawing meanwhile, presenting a picture of animation, a picture of a beautiful, fascinating world | |
9 | 它音色浑厚明亮,余音悠长、善于表现行云流水的意境和细腻委婉的情调。 | The tone color is mellow and clear, and the notes tend to linger, making the zheng a good instrument for describing floating clouds or flowing water, or subtle and understated moods. | |
10 | 提交一份修改的进度计划以及证明文件,详细说明承包商为加快施工并在竣工时间内完工拟采取的修正方法。 | a revised programme and supporting report describing the revised methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt in order to expedite progress and complete within the Time for Completion. | |
11 | 通过描述最近取得的令人鼓舞的成果,我能很好地概括该系统的长处。 | I can best sum up the advantages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results. | |
12 | 椭圆规一种画椭圆的仪器 | An instrument for describing ellipses. | |
13 | 我发了个电报,报道了那个臭名昭彰的组织的罪恶。 | I have sent a cable describing the wickedness of that infamous organization | |
14 | 我们将通过阐述含有有机金属衍生物和有机卤化物引发系统的实际应用来结束我们的讨论。 | We conclude our consideration of initiating systems composed of organo-metallic derivatives and organic halides by describing their practical applications | |
15 | 我也强烈建议大家一定要看查理写给Wesco股东叙述其旗下事业情况的一封信 | I urge you to read that material, as well as Charlie Munger’s letter to Wesco shareholders, describing the various businesses of that subsidiary | |
16 | 无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的。 | Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary. | |
17 | 下肢截肢残肢的描述方法 | Method of describing lower limb amputation stumps | |
18 | 向你的同伴描述两三件这样的日常用品,看他或她能否猜出你所描述的用品。 | Describe two or three such things to your partner and see if he or she can guess what you are describing . | |
19 | 新的用语有相当的改进,但还是很难充分说明产物意外险公司在查核时所受到的限制 | The new language represents improvement, but falls far short of describing the limitations of a casualty-insurer audit. | |
20 | 形容人的时候 | :When describing people,beautiful and pretty are generally used of women and children,and handsome of men. | |
21 | 形容人的时候,beautiful和pretty一般用于妇女儿童,而handsome则用于男子 | When describing people, beautiful and pretty are generally used of women and children, and handsome of men | |
22 | 许多患者为描述心绞痛,会捏紧拳头来寻找词汇,以描述其痛苦感觉。 | Many sufferers, in describing angina, will make a fist as they grope for words to describe the discomfort | |
23 | 许多礼器是铸有铭文(书法中称金文),记载着奴隶主贵族的各种特权、祭祀、战功以及命令或赏赐等,让后代永远保存。 | Many of the vessels were inscribed with words describing the slave owner’s power, orders, battle achievements, awards and sacrificial rites so his descendants could know about his life. | |
24 | 液压伺服振动试验设备特性的描述方法 | Servo-hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration--Method of describing characteristics | |
25 | 一般说明书不可能适用于所有类型的离合器。无论是离合器拆卸、维修、组装和调整,均应查阅各厂家介绍这些工艺步骤的使用说明。 | No general instructions that would apply to all types of clutches can be given. Whenever a clutch is to be disassembled, serviced, reassembled, and adjusted, refer to the shop manual describing these procedures. | |
26 | 依照今天上午的谈话,随函呈上本公司新产品的小册子一本 | Referring to our conversation of this morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new articles. | |
27 | 以这些想法为基础,我儿子起草了一篇朴实而生动的文章,描写一个真挚热忱还有点自我谦逊的年轻人。 | With these thoughts in mind, my son crafted a simple, yet telling essay describing an earnest young man who, if anything, was a bit self-effacing. | |
28 | 因此,说明书对于具体项目的说明和要求一定要准确具体。 | So specifications must be specific and accurate in describing the requirements of the project. | |
29 | 用于叙述目前的或过去的习惯时 | Describing habits in the present or past | |
30 | 有些人似乎完全不会概括人的性格,也不会观察或描述人或事物的特点。 | There are people who seem to have no notion of sketching a character, or observing and describing salient points, either in persons or thing |