属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 62
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-理性的声音 The Dead Sea Scrolls
1 | 凄凉的一生. | a desolate life | |
2 | 其状可怜的儿童. | a desolate -looking child | |
3 | 却说宝玉因近日林黛玉回去,剩得自己孤僻,也不和人顽耍,每到晚间便索然睡了. | But let us return to Baoyu, who was so desolate after Daiyu’s departure that he had given up playing with his companions and went disconsolate to bed each night. | |
4 | 如今的星期六没有了以往那种热热闹闹逛商店、开玩笑的场面,街面上空空荡荡,人迹稀少。 | Instead of the aforetime Saturday-evening flutter and bustle and shopping and larking, the streets were empty and desolate | |
5 | 入侵军队使该国饱受蹂躏. | The invading army desolate d the country. | |
6 | 松树几乎总是长在凌乱荒凉的地方,但它却把周围的景色点缀得井井有条,蔚然可观。 | The pine, placed nearly always among scenes disordered and desolate , brings into them all possible elements of order and precision | |
7 | 他带着辛辣、凄凉的微笑看着他们。 | He looked at them with a smile both acrid and desolate | |
8 | 他们走过妖怪用魔法笼罩着的森林,穿过荒凉的原野,来到一口古井前。 | They walked beyond the sprite’s enchanted woods, across desolate plains, until they came to an ancient well | |
9 | 外国人住在异国感到孤寂。 | The foreigner felt desolate in the strange country. | |
10 | 我按照商业簿记的格式,分"借方"和"贷方",把我的幸运和不幸,好处和坏处公允地排列出来:祸与害:我流落荒岛,摆脱困境已属无望。 | And I stated it very impartially, like debtor and creditor, the comforts I enjoy’d, against the miseries I suffer’d, thus, evil I am cast upon a horrible desolate island, void of all hope of recovery. | |
11 | 我们听说你要走,心里很难过. | We are desolate d to hear that you are going away. | |
12 | 我说难以忍受,是因为往常即使人们看到荒山野岭或其他令人生畏的自然景象时,也可能产生一些诗意,心中或许有几分快感,但此时此地的情景在我心中却丝毫引不起此种感情。 | I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable, because poetic, sentiment with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible | |
13 | 我想,这完全是出于天意,让我孤苦伶仃,在凄凉中了却余生了。 | I had great reason to consider it as a determination of heaven, that in this desolate place, and in this desolate manner I should end my life | |
14 | 我想我是唯一幸存的。我看到了你们的船,我是怕留在这个孤岛上饿死,所以我就抱住一块破船上的木头游到你们船上来。 | I saw your vessel, and fearful of being left to perish on the desolate island, I swam off on a piece of wreckage to try and intercept your course | |
15 | 我也没有什么工作可做,只有用自己的双手辛苦劳作。我老是对自己说,我就像被丢弃在一个杳无人烟的荒岛上,形单影只,雀然一身。 | No work to be done, but by the labour of my hands; and I used to say, I liv’d just like a man cast some desolate island, that had no body there | |
16 | 现在,是从黑暗、凄惨的种族隔离深谷走出来,走上阳光普照的种族公平之路的时候了。 | Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice | |
17 | 现在,在这光秃秃的山丘上,灼热的地面仍冒着烟。 | Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. | |
18 | 异日萧条破败的景象荡然无存。 | The desolate scene in the former days has all gone. | |
19 | 有时,一群穿深红色服装的神学院学生在杂草丛生的林荫道上散步,鲜明的色彩与荒芜的青苔形成强烈的对比。 | Sometimes a troop of scarlet seminarists sauntered along the grass-grown avenues, with their vivid colour against the desolate verdure | |
20 | 月球多石的、荒凉的表面 | the rocky, desolate surface of the moon. | |
21 | 在荒岛上. | aon a desolate island | |
22 | 在这荒凉的山谷里,我们很少见到房子。 | We saw few houses in the desolate valley. | |
23 | 这城市被焚毁成废墟。 | The city was burnt to a desolate waste. | |
24 | 这个地方不长草木。 | This place is desolate of all vegetation. | |
25 | 这个镇子呈现出一片荒凉 | The town has a desolate visage. | |
26 | 这时,理智从另一方面劝慰我:"的确,你目前形单影只,孑然一身,这是事实。 | Then reason as it were expostulated with me another way, thus. Well, you are in a desolate condition ’tis true | |
27 | ||1:关于这一点和其它许多微妙问题的争论因为将近900份文件从1947年开始陆续被发现而改观。发现这些文件的地点是位于耶路撒冷以东荒凉地带的一组岩洞。||2:最先发现其中一册古卷的是一个年轻的羊倌。古卷中既有圣经上的文本也有类似圣经的文本,还有一些先前不为人所知的著作;这些卷册显然是由一个持异见的犹太人群体拥有(或许也制作),拥有(制作)的年代略早于并贯穿耶稣基督的时代。 | ||1: Debate about this and many other delicate matters was transformed by the discovery, starting in 1947, of nearly 900 documents, in a series of caves in the desolate landscape east of Jerusalem. ||2: The scrolls, the first of which was found by a young goatherd, are a mixture of biblical and quasi-biblical texts, plus some previously unknown writings, all apparently possessed by (and perhaps produced by) a dissident Jewish community just before and during the time of Jesus Christ. | |
28 | 远离能够维持生命的阳光,深海海底显得贫瘠荒凉。 | Far from the life-sustaining light of the sun, the deep sea floor appears barren and desolate . | |
29 | “坐在荷塘边,我被深秋中那凋谢着的美深深地感动了”。 | Sitting by the pond, I was deeply touched by their faded beauty because of the desolate season of autumn. | |
30 | 1934年5月23日在路易斯安那州的边卫尔县一处隐蔽的地点,邦尼和克莱德被杀死。 | Bonnie and Clyde were killed May 23, 1934, on a desolate road near their Bienville Parish, Louisiana hideout. |