属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Tale of Two Cities
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 怀旧陷阱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-肯尼迪最后的日子 整个美国为之哭泣
1 | 小小的对手与小小的创伤都不能轻视。 | Little enemies and little wounds must not be despised . | |
2 | 厌恶一月份寒冷的天气 | despised the frigid weather in January. | |
3 | 一年又一年过去,我回到了美国,一个排斥我的国家。这反而坚定了我自己的想法,我学会了排斥自己。 | As the years passed, my homecoming to a despising nation only reinforced my beliefs about myself, for I despised me too. | |
4 | 一盘草莓和乳酪不算很差。 | A dish of strawberries and cream is not to be despised . | |
5 | 一盘草莓加乳酪应该算不差了。 | A dish of strawberries and cream is not to be despised | |
6 | 一时的放纵算不得大事,只要能做得偷偷摸摸,毫无乐趣,只要搞的是无产阶级下层一文不值的婆娘。 | Mere debauchery did not matter very much, so long as it was furtive and joyless and only involved the women of a submerged and despised class | |
7 | 在我们镇上她的日子想必不好过,因为女士们都鄙视她,常常说些关于她的难听的话。 | She must have had an uncomfortable time in our town, because naturally the women despised her and said unkind things about her | |
8 | 在中国,人们在工作中取得了一些成绩或有了重大的发明、创造,一般不能说:“这是我的功劳。”如果他有这样的意思,他会被大家看成是自高自大的人而受到大家的非议。 | In China, when scoring some achievements or making a great invention in work, one does not say “It is my contribution.” If he means this, he would be regarded as arrogant and despised by others. | |
9 | 这房间看起来是属于一个稳健豁达的人物的,他深悉事理,鄙视争辩。 | It looked the room of one with a sober magnanimity, who went to the heart of things, despised haggling | |
10 | 这两个年轻人只是在外表上极端相似。查尔斯·达尔内是贵族出身;但他的先辈们曾世世代代残酷地压榨过法国农民,因此埃弗尔蒙这一家族受到人们普遍的憎恨和鄙视。 | Between these two young men the striking resemblance was in outward appearance only. Charles Darnay was of noble birth; but his ancestors had for many years so cruelly oppressed the French peasantry that the name of Evremonde was hated and despised . | |
11 | 这一回答使她怒不可遏,她鄙视他。 | That answer enraged her, and she despised him | |
12 | 这一切,都使范博文又妒又恨,特别是那些男子都像他所憎厌的布尔乔亚大腹贾。 | He envied and hated them at the same time, especially the men, who looked just like the rich, potbellied businessmen that he so despised | |
13 | 值得考虑的;不可轻视的 | Worth considering or having;not to be despised | |
14 | 作为一个才子,他看不起卖弄学问的作风,不管这种作风是由男人还是女才子所表现出来的。 | As a bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking. | |
15 | ||1:如今,越来越多的选民都会已有的党派表现出一种普遍的轻视。||2:尽管麦康诺和选民在谴责奥巴马这件事上是同一阵营,但麦康诺在肯塔基州并不受欢迎。||3:英国人也许不喜欢保守党,但也很少有人相信米利班德,把通过国家力量实现普遍繁荣的重任交给他。||4:萨科齐已经在一片谩骂声中离任,他社会党的继承者日子也越来越不好过。 | ||1:More and more voters now express a generalised contempt for established parties.||2:Though his condemnations of Mr Obama resonate, Mr McConnell is not loved in Kentucky.||3:Britons may dislike Conservatives, but painfully few trust Mr Miliband to deliver state-sponsored prosperity.||4:Mr Sarkozy was hooted from office; his Socialist successor is now even more despised . | |
16 | 最后,重任落在了为肯尼迪所不齿的一个身上。 | Ultimately, finishing the job fell to a man Kennedy despised . | |
17 | “智慧胜过勇力。”然而那贫穷人的智慧被人藐视,他的话也无人听从。 | So I said, "Wisdom is better than strength. " But the poor man’s wisdom is despised , and his words are no longer heeded. | |
18 | AQAP将自己描绘成替也门民众抗击无能的政府和美国侵略的民众保卫者形象。 | AQAP portrays itself as the defender of the Yemeni population against a despised government and American aggression. | |
19 | 爱德曼调查显示,英国人对银行的厌恶甚至超过了媒体。 | The Edelman survey showed that the British despised the banks even more than they disliked the media. | |
20 | 爱因斯坦轻视量子理论的这种阐释,因为他相信上帝不用阴茎来掷骰子。 | Einstein despised this interpretation of quantum theory because of his belief that God does not play dice with penises. | |
21 | 毕竟,从教育、文化和习俗上讲,法官也是英国可鄙而不可靠的统治阶层的成员。 | After all, by education, culture and habit, most judges are members of Britain’s despised , mistrusted ruling elite. | |
22 | 不过,他一直以来都看不起过去呆板的英国统治阶级。 | But he has always despised the stuffy old British ruling class. | |
23 | 不是说可以轻视学识,而是学识必须与美德结为盟友。 | Not that learning is to be despised , but that it must be allied to goodness. | |
24 | 不像被鄙视的蒙古人,帖木儿人是有文化的。 | Unlike the despised Mongols, the Timurids were cultured. | |
25 | 长大成人这件事最恐怖的地方之一在于,你或许会变成自己曾经最看不起的那种人。 | What of growing up we fear extremely is that we may become the person we despised before. | |
26 | 大多数轻视他信先生的“自由主义者”和赞同政变者也许会以此为他们辩护。 | The many "liberals" who despised Mr Thaksin and applauded the coup may argue that this vindicates them. | |
27 | 当然,错误处理及验证十分令人生厌,也很不方便,并被全世界程序员们所轻视。 | Of course, error handling and verification is ugly, annoying, inconvenient, and thoroughly despised by programmers the world over. | |
28 | 当时,我瞧不起我同学中那些在跳舞、喝酒、抽烟上寻得他们第一乐趣的人。 | At the time I despised those among my schoolmates who were finding their first pleasures in dancing, wine, and cigarettes. | |
29 | 第六次,她鄙夷一张丑恶的嘴脸,却不知那也是自己的假面。 | The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks. | |
30 | 而且,他根本看不起搞政治的领导,甚至见到总司令杜鲁门总统都拒绝行礼。 | And he despised his political masters to the point where he refused to salute his commander-in-chief, President Harry Truman. |