属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:提防小人
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-川普高级顾问史蒂夫·班农
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 范冰冰逃税被重罚 证监会副主席姚刚被判刑 中
1 | 这军官属于某驱逐舰。 | The officer is attached to a destroyer . | |
2 | 这艘潜水艇比任何驱逐舰航行得都快。 | The sub can outrun any destroyer . | |
3 | 这艘驱逐舰的速度比任何潜水艇都快。 | This destroyer can overrun any submarine. | |
4 | 这艘商船由一驱逐舰护航。 | This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer . | |
5 | 自行防坦克炮. | a tank destroyer | |
6 | 大蛇是古代玛雅人的重要神灵。阿兹特克人的地球女神就是一条穿着蛇裙的大蛇,她既是创造者也是毁灭者。 | A serpent was an important god for ancient Mayans. And the Aztec earth goddess – both creator and destroyer – is represented by a serpent wearing a skirt of snakes. | |
7 | ||1:在二战期间从事原子弹制造的曼哈顿计划中,有很多科学家对自己所做的事情满怀忧虑。||2:1945年第一课原子弹试爆之后,该计划的执行官罗伯特奥本海默引用了印度经文的一句话:“我将成为死神,万物的毁灭者。”||3: 而他的同僚肯尼斯 班布里奇更为直截了当:“如今我们都是狗杂种了。” | ||1: Many of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project, America’s programme to build an atom bomb during the second world war, had misgivings about their work. ||2: After the detonation of the first test bomb in 1945, Robert Oppenheimer, the programme’s director, later claimed to have recalled a line from Hindu scripture: “I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” ||3: His colleague Kenneth Bainbridge was pithier: “now we’re all sons of bitches,” he muttered. | |
8 | 班农在美国海军舰艇上服役了7年。他还在驻波斯湾的一艘导弹驱逐舰上服过役。随后,他成为五角大楼海军作战部长的特别助理。 | Bannon served for seven years in the U.S. Navy aboard ships. He also served on a guided missile destroyer in the Persian Gulf. Later, he was a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon. | |
9 | 中国一艘驱逐舰在南海有争议海域与一艘美国军舰相距不足40米。美国军舰在中国宣称拥有主权的岛礁附近执行“航行自由”行动。美国海军狡辩,中国的驱逐舰“不安全且不专业”地驶近。 | A Chinese destroyer sailed within 40 metres of an American warship in a disputed area of the South China Sea. The American vessel was performing a “freedom of navigation” operation near reefs claimed by China. America’s navy said the Chinese manoeuvre was “unsafe and unprofessional”. | |
10 | “伯克”级驱逐舰抗反舰导弹饱和攻击能力分析 | Analysis of oppugning antiship missiles saturation attack capability of "Arleigh Burke" -class destroyer | |
11 | 1993年,“破坏者”(小泽)策动了党内大批追随者出走,自民党有史以来第一次沦为在野党。 | In 1993 "the Destroyer " triggered the LDP’s first-ever fall from power, by storming out with his followers. | |
12 | 布里奇特•肯德尔,时任BBC驻莫斯科记者。试图探寻苏联共产党是如何被她的破坏者推向终结。 | Here Bridget Kendall, BBC Moscow correspondent at the time, asks how this product of Soviet Communism ended up as its destroyer . | |
13 | 大型驱逐舰现状和发展研究 | Research of the Status and Development of Large Destroyer | |
14 | 当时我在一艘驶与太平洋的驱逐舰上。 | I was on a destroyer in the Pacificc. | |
15 | 海军已有的驱逐舰和护卫舰将从23艘减到19艘; | The navy’s already stretched destroyer and frigate fleet will be cut from 23 to 19; | |
16 | 今年4月,一家中国直升机迫近到距离一艘日本驱逐舰90米的范围之内,导致了两国在外交上的互相指责。 | An encounter in April when a Chinese helicopter came within 90 metres of a Japanese destroyer sparked mutual diplomatic recriminations. | |
17 | 据报道,这艘驱逐舰被击沉。 | The destroyer is reported to have been sunk . | |
18 | 看起来,阶级斗争是国家主义的必然摧毁者。 | Class warfare, it appeared, was necessarily a destroyer of nationalism. | |
19 | 伦从一个修船坞劫走了一艘小型帝国歼星舰,用它来发动进攻。 | Ren captured a small Imperial Star Destroyer from a repair dock to use in the attack. | |
20 | 美国在2008年将DDG-1000驱逐舰项目从8艘消减到3艘,因为舰队缺乏导弹防御能力。 | The U. S. Navy in 2008 cut the DDG-1000 destroyer program from eight ships to three because the vessels lack a missile-defense capability. | |
21 | 冥想和祷告减少打破我们生活和工作平衡的紧张感。 | Meditation and prayer reduce anxiety, which is the main destroyer of work-life balance. | |
22 | 你觉得呢?破坏者 | What do you think? Destroyer . | |
23 | 破坏别人家庭幸福的人 | the destroyer of happy families | |
24 | 驱逐舰的病室很安全也很温暖,好极了。 | The security and warmth of the destroyer ’s sickbay were wonderful. | |
25 | 日本海军自卫队排出了一艘驱逐舰和数个直升机。 | Japan’s Maritime Self Defense Force has dispatched a destroyer and helicopters. | |
26 | 上帝关心好人的福祉;但是大自然是人力不能控制的,是一视同仁的破坏者。 | God cares about the well-being of good people; Nature is blind, an equal-opportunity destroyer . | |
27 | 他还感到羞恼,因为自己把炸弹投得离这艘驱逐舰很远,并且整个中队竟然一颗也没投中。 | He stewed too about his own gross miss on this destroyer , and on the failure of an entire squadron to get even one hit. | |
28 | 他们刚刚摧毁了我们的驱逐舰和消灭了我们的几个小队。 | They just shattered our destroyer and have broken through several of our squads! | |
29 | 为丰富官兵在索马里海域护航期间的文体生活,海军护航编队“海口”号驱逐舰从9日开始举办甲板运动会。 | Officers and sailors on the Chinese navy destroyer "Haikou" held a unique sports meeting on deck in the waters off Somalia Friday. | |
30 | 我们经受了世界的崩坏,又将挑战灭世者,终结他的毁灭循环。 | We have endured the breaking of the world, and must now face the destroyer and end his cycle of destruction. |