1 | 抗静电装置用来消除纱线与构件表面摩擦产生的静电荷;停车装置用来监测断纱和空筒。 | Antistatic devices to eliminate static charges created by the rubbing of the yarn against the various surfaces and stop motions to detect broken ends and empty packages. | |
2 | 雷达被用来探测空中或海上的目标。 | Radar is used to detect objects in the air or at sea. | |
3 | 雷达监测路段(警方用雷达装置监测超速车辆的路段). | Radar trap(section of road where the police use a radar device to detect vehicles travelling faster than the speed limit) | |
4 | 没有意识到轻松掩盖下的严肃性的读者常常会误解他。 | The reader who does not detect the seriousness under the lightness often misreads him. | |
5 | 模拟的主要目标是在接近室压下探测和确定不希望有的压力变化的来源。 | The ultimate goal of a simulation is to approximate chamber pressure so as to detect and define the source of undesired pressure variation | |
6 | 那些狗是训练来查寻爆炸物的. | The dogs were trained to detect the presence of explosives. | |
7 | 那些精神上豁达强壮的女人最终必然会发现,要求她们具有无限的纯洁性,无瑕的青春美貌,这是一种无与伦比的野蛮。 | The capaciously strong in soul among women will ultimately detect an infinite grossness in the demand for purity infinite, spotless bloom | |
8 | 你检测各组分蛋白质是通过紫外吸收(280nm)。收集第一个蛋白质组分这一指令告诉你关于这个蛋白质的什么情况? | You detect the protein by measuring UV absorption (at 280 nm)in the fractions. What does the instruction to collect the first fraction tell you about the protein? | |
9 | 你能察觉出这屋角有煤气漏出来吗? | Can you detect an escape of gas in this corner of the room? | |
10 | 你能觉察出这屋角有煤气漏出来吗? | Can you detect an escape of gas in this corner of the room? | |
11 | 你在这件事情上起的作用,能瞒得了我吗 | Do I detect your hand in this? | |
12 | 盘式盖革探测器:用于探测中高能量p射线(最好对32P,但也可探测35S,45Ca,14C和其他中等能量的β粒子)。 | Pancake GM detector probe:a. Used for detection of medium to high energy beta radiation (best for 32p, but also can detect 35s , 4sCa, 14 C and other medium-energy beta particles). | |
13 | 其雷达系统可探测、跟踪和识别距离200海哩(370公里)的低空飞机和更远的高空飞机,还可跟踪海上船只,并在各种气象条件下工作。 | It can detect , track, and identify low-flying aircraft at a distance of 200 nautical mi (370 km)and high-level targets at much greater distances. It can also track maritime traffic and operate in any weather. | |
14 | 其一是,即使远在声音传播的距离之外,大象也显然有能力测知暴风雨的来临。 | One is an apparent ability to detect thunderstorms well beyond the range that the sound of a storm can carry | |
15 | 起泡说明有泄露。检漏溶液的检漏能力是不同的。但是,标准接头的泄露率在每秒1x10-3到1x10-5毫升氦范围内。 | Bubbles indicate a leak. Leak detection solutions vary in their ability to detect leaks. However, leakage rates for standard connections range from 1 x 10-3 to 1 x 10-5 cc of helium per second. | |
16 | 然而,我想仍然能够在他的相貌中看出他有一颗比他父亲所具有的品质好得多的心。 | Still, I thought I could detect in his physiognomy a mind owning better qualities than his father ever possessed | |
17 | 然而它适于检验并测定许多其它种类的生理活性。 | It is nevertheless adaptable to detect and measure physiological activities of many other kinds | |
18 | 人类没有能够探测到氮的存在的官能。 | Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of nitrogen. | |
19 | 人类没有能够探测到氩的存在的官能。氩无毒且不活泼。通过取代空气中的氧,使之下降到维持生命所必须的水平以下,它可以成为简单的窒息物。 | Humans possess no senses that can detect the presence of argon. Argon is non-toxic and inert. It can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing the oxygen in air to levels below that required to support life. | |
20 | 人类没有专门用于探查地面振动的感觉器官。 | Humans have no sense organs designed specifically to detect terrestrial vibrations | |
21 | 如果该系统是不安全的,驾驶员必须能够很快发觉这种变化。 | If the system is to be fail-safe the pilot must be able to detect the change quickly | |
22 | 如果一个听讲人洗耳恭听,他仍然会由此而得以清晰地分辨出同样的痛苦的呼号。 | Still, if the auditor listened intently, and for the purpose, he could detect the same cry of pain. | |
23 | 审议关于侦察和识别地震事件国际合作措施的特设科学专家组 | Ad Hoc Group of Scientific Experts to Consider International Cooperative Measures to Detect and Identify Seismic Events | |
24 | 虽然针对洗钱问题监管者向金融机构施加了越来越大的压力,但银行建立的目的毕竟是吸引资金,而不是通过刨根问底把潜在的客户吓跑。 | Regulators are putting increasing pressure on financial institutions to detect money laundering but banks organize themselves to attract funds rather than confronting potential customers with searching questions | |
25 | 他的教育风格与我们很不一样,孩子们跟着他时举止就大变样,孩子们哪怕只跟他过个周末,回来后我们也能觉察出这种影响。 | His parenting style was quite unlike ours.The kids behaved very differently around him, and we could detect the influence when they returned from even a weekend with him | |
26 | 他已经想到了苔莎。那些白色的帽兜,暗示着他会在其中之一下面发现她的脸的可能性。 | He had already thought of Tessa, and the white hoods suggested the possibility that he might detect her face under one of them | |
27 | 它们能探测来自1000光年或更远的文明世界的信号。 | They could detect signals from civilizations 1, 000 or more light-years away | |
28 | 太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志。 | At once the prefecture official sent men to detect the exact cave according to the marks made by the fisherman | |
29 | 体格检查可发现胸部有肺不张和肺炎。 | Physical examination will detect evidence of atelectasis or pneumonia within the chest | |
30 | 挑剔,找茬对…挑剔;在…寻找小瑕疵 | To quibble about;detect petty flaws in. |