属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 美国新冠肺炎激增(3)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 德国央行下调经济预期 沙特阿根廷纳入MSCI
1 | 我们和班卓一起度过了快乐的10年。后来它的健康开始恶化。当它被诊断出患有癌症时,我和桑迪痛苦地意识到班卓将离开我们。 | Our life together with Banjo continued for ten happy years. Then Banjo’s health began to deteriorate . When he was diagnosed with cancer, Sandy and I reached the painful realization that Banjo was leaving us. | |
2 | 一些微生物会产生一些使食物变质的物质,这些物质不易被辐照所杀灭,其中的一些甚至对健康非常有害(如:可引起腊肠毒素病的毒素) | Some micro-organisms produce substances which cause food to deteriorate . These substances are not readily destroyed by irradiation and some of them are very hazardous to health (e.g. the toxin which causes botulism). | |
3 | 由于条件的恶化,城市人口最终会因营养不良、疾病蔓延,也许还因暴力行为而锐减。 | As conditions deteriorate , city populations would eventually collapse due to malnutrition, disease, and perhaps violence. | |
4 | 预期在第四季生意转差 | expect business conditions to deteriorate in the last quarter of the year | |
5 | 这种食物一接触到空气即迅速变坏。 | This food will deteriorate rapidly on contact with air. | |
6 | 蒸气回收法可用于几乎所有生产过程的漂洗水系统,那些因使用而变质的除外。 | evaporative recovery can be used on almost all process rinse water systems, with the exception of those which deteriorate with use | |
7 | 质量变坏;恶化 | Become worse in quality;deteriorate | |
8 | 逐渐恶化;衰败 | To deteriorate gradually;fail. | |
9 | 自然生态恶化的趋势仍在发展,水土流失治理进展缓慢,沙漠化扩张的势头日益加剧。 | The natural ecology continues to deteriorate , treatment of water and soil erosion has progressed slowly, and the trend of desertification has intensified | |
10 | ||1:然而,鉴于病例的增加,死亡率似乎不太可能再停滞太久。||2:几周前感染的病人的死亡可能会使死亡率开始增加。||3:亚利桑那州和德克萨斯州的一些停尸房已经没有容量了,他们已经开始寻找冷藏卡车,就像几个月前纽约市的停尸房的情况一样。||4:在年轻人中不受控制的社区传播很可能导致疫情在养老院蔓延,在那里,死亡很大一部分是发生在较脆弱的老年人身上。||5:如果医院的容量变得紧张,就像休斯顿的情况一样,医疗质量可能会恶化,并导致死亡人数增加。 | ||1:Given the rise in cases, however, it seems unlikely that the death rate will remain stagnant for much longer.||2:Deaths for patients infected weeks ago will probably start to pile up.||3:Some morgues in Arizona and Texas are running out of capacity and are already seeking refrigerated trucks, just as those in New York City did months ago.||4:Uncontrolled community transmission among young people is likely to result in a spread in nursing homes, where a large share of fatalities occurs among the more vulnerable elderly.||5:Should hospital capacity become strained, as appears to be the case in Houston, the quality of care could deteriorate and result in increased deaths as well. | |
11 | 马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)暗示,如果经济形势恶化,欧洲央行(ECB)可能重启债券购买计划。而在数日前,欧洲央行宣布将逐步停止购买资产。欧洲央行行长强调,至少在2019年9月之前,银行利率将维持在超低水平。 | Mario Draghi hinted that the European Central Bank could restart its bond-buying programme if economic conditions deteriorate , just days after the bank announced that it would phase out its purchasing of assets. The ECB’s president emphasised that interest rates would remain ultra-low until at least September 2019. | |
12 | 如果银行部门继续恶化,它还能够继续支持增长吗?Khatun女士回答称,“我表示怀疑。” | If the banking sector continues to deteriorate , will it be able to keep supporting growth? Responds Ms Khatun, "I doubt it." | |
13 | 随着与北约以及欧盟关系的恶化,埃尔多安先生与俄罗斯结成了便利联盟。 | As relations with NATO and the EU deteriorate , Mr Erdogan has struck up an alliance of convenience with Russia. | |
14 | 所以如果咖啡烘焙商的信用状况恶化,那么贸易商的借贷成本就会上涨。 | So the traders’ borrowing costs could rise if the roasters’ credit standing were to deteriorate . | |
15 | “(印巴)两国间的关系将恶化,”印巴关系资深评论人士KuldipNayar表示说。 | "Relationships between the two countries will deteriorate , " said Kuldip Nayar, a veteran commentator on India-Pakistan ties. | |
16 | “不改变,沙漠会恶化”托尼博格斯声称,这是位身材魁梧,留着一大把红胡须的生态学家。 | "Without change, deserts deteriorate , " claims Tony Burgess, a burly ecologist with a huge red beard. | |
17 | “不过,基本面可能会继续恶化,这就是我们仍然做空的原因。” | "Then again, fundamentals will likely continue to deteriorate , which is why we are still short. " | |
18 | “个人品德的好与坏无关紧要,是这个社会制度使我们变坏”。 | "It doesn’t matter if an individual’s nature is good or bad, it’s the system that has made us deteriorate . " | |
19 | “水床效应”既可能会加剧零售市场垄断化趋势,又可能损害消费者权利。 | The waterbed effects not only accelerate monopolization in retailing but also deteriorate consumers’ welfare. | |
20 | “随着房屋价格不断下跌、经济增长日渐放缓,许多贷款类别”的信贷质量“已开始恶化”。 | Credit quality "across many loan classes has begun to deteriorate with declining house prices and slowing economic growth" . | |
21 | 56%的受调查人员认为明年的形势不是恶化就是依然维持现状。 | Fifty-six per cent of those polled expect the situation to either deteriorate or stay the same in the next year. | |
22 | EFSF官员们之所以决定在本周定价,是因为如果他们再不行动,市场状况可能会恶化。 | EFSF officials decided to price this week because market conditions could deteriorate if they held off any longer. | |
23 | 安仕年表示:“一旦全球经济形势恶化,集装箱航运公司就会感受到影响。” | "If conditions should deteriorate in the global economy, the container shipping companies will feel the effect, " Mr Andersen said. | |
24 | 除了预算平衡开始趋向于恶化,同时,由于全球经济衰退,经济发展将减少百分之五十。 | However, the budget balance is set to deteriorate , while growth could halve because of the impact of the global economic slowdown. | |
25 | 创伤性心包膜填塞病况会几分钟内容易恶化,但是适当的步骤可病患生命徵像稳定。 | A patient with acute pericardial tamponade can deteriorate in minutes, but many can be saved if proper steps are taken. | |
26 | 此类贷款通常不包含以下条款:假如公司财务状况恶化,就会触发违约。 | Such loans typically exclude a provision that triggers a default if the company’s finances deteriorate . | |
27 | 此外,IMF还表示,美国国内商业地产行业状况仍在持续恶化,对国内小型银行造成了威胁。 | The IMF also said commercial real estate continued to deteriorate , posing risks for smaller banks. | |
28 | 存款相对过剩会降低银行经营利润,恶化其资产风险构成。 | The ongoing liquidity excess in China’s finance system will reduce banks profit and deteriorate the formation of capital risk. | |
29 | 但当用户数量超过600时,Tomcat的性能开始急剧下降。 | As the number of users exceeded 600, however, Tomcat’s performance began to deteriorate drastically. | |
30 | 但滤波器相频响应误差的存在会对自适应宽带波束形成的性能造成影响。 | However, the filter phase-frequency response errors will deteriorate the performance of adaptive broadband beamforming. |