属类:文学表达-外国名著-ROBINSON CRUSOE
1 | 民族文化决定着企业文化,影响着公司的内部结构、营销行为及其对国外商务伙伴和合同的看法。 | The national culture determines the corporate culture, and influences the company is structure and marketing behavior, and its views on the international business partners and contracts. | |
2 | 木琴琴键的长度决定音阶的不同音调。 | The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale. | |
3 | 那个男人顽固任性,经常固执已见地决定自行其事。 | The man is so headstrong that always determines to have his own way. | |
4 | 黏滞与流动正好相反。又可把黏度看成是分子间的内摩擦。当流体用作滑润剂或在管道中输送时,都必须克服阻力,而黏度则是构成阻力的一个重要因素。它控制着喷涂、注射成型和表面涂覆工艺过程中的流体流动。 | Viscosity denotes opposition to flow. It may also be thought of as internal friction between the molecules. Viscosity is a major factor in determining the forces that must be overcome when fluids are used in lubrication or transported in pipelines. It also determines the liquid flow in spraying, injection molding, and surface coating. | |
5 | 其实不然,听说慧科去了城里时,她非常着急,决心把慧科安全地带回来。。 | No! When she hears that Huike has gone to town, she becomes very worried and determines to bring Huike back safely. | |
6 | 气候决定收成好不好。 | Weather determines the size of the crop. | |
7 | 去氧核糖核酸串上的氮基排序决定了遗传密码。 | The sequence of nitrogenous bases along a strand of DNA determines the genetic code. | |
8 | 确是某类值域的子集的任何一种限制,该子集中的每个值皆满足这种约束。 | Any limitation that determines a subset of values of a type.A value in that subset satisfies the constraint. | |
9 | 人的社会存在决定其思想。 | It is man’s social being that determines his thinking. | |
10 | 人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想(意识)。 | It is man’s social being that determines his thinking (consciousness). | |
11 | 如存在科学理由,或一成员依照第5条第1款至第8款的有关规定确定动植物卫生的保护水平是适当的,则各成员可采用或维持比根据有关国际标准、指南或建议制定的措施所可能达到的保护水平更高的卫生与植物卫生措施。 | Members may introduce or maintain sanitary or phytosanitary measures which result in a higher level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection than would be achieved by measures based on the relevant international standards, guidelines or recommendations, if there is a scientific justification, or as a consequence of the level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection a Member determines to be appropriate in accordance with the relevant provisions of paragraphs 1 through 8 of Article 5. | |
12 | 如果发送端站确定目的地址不在本地,该包就被送到第一跳路由器,一般来说,该路由器是在附近的,并已被预先分配给发送者。 | If the sending end station determines that the destination address is not local ,the packet goes to a firsthop router ,typically one that is close and has been preassigned to the sender | |
13 | 如果以克思主义的核心观点--经济架构决定一切--继续在中国保持重要地位的话,我们必须创立与社会框架体系相匹配的价值观,以保持中国经济的可持续发展。 | If the core idea of Marxism-that economic structure determines everything-is to remain significant in China, we must determine the values that will build a social framework that allows for sustainable economic achievements. | |
14 | 如开证行已确定单据表面与信用证条款不符,它可以自行确定申请人联系请其对不符点予以接受. | If the Issuing bank determines that the documents appear on their face not to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit, it may in its sole judgment approach the Applicant for a waiver of the discrepancy(ies). | |
15 | 若靶场总监认为选手于关卡未修改前所进行之比赛影响到比赛之一致性,可要求其于修改过之关卡重新进行比赛。 | Competitors who have attempted the course, prior to any change, in a manner that the Range Master determines to be inconsistent with the modification shall be required to re-shoot the modified course. | |
16 | 时尚也决定着化妆品的类型和颜色。 | It also determines the types and colors of cosmetics worn. | |
17 | 首先,鲁滨逊的反应是恐惧,继而他义愤填膺,决心在那些野人下次来犯时对他们进行伏击,尽量消灭他们。 | Crusoe’s first reaction is one of terror, but soon he becomes so indignant that he determines to ambush the savages the next time they arrive and kill as many as he can. | |
18 | 数据库保密学中的一种推理控制,它事先断定有些统计量是否可以公开而不会被人员泄露。 | In database security, a form of inference control that determines , inadvance, whether or not a set of statistics can be released without causingpersonal disclosure | |
19 | 撕裂测试:(1)用来鉴定纸纹的测试。纸张顺着纸纹较逆着纸纹容易撕开。(2)决定纸张撕裂度的测试。这个测试,可用“爱门道夫”撕裂度测试机进行。 | Tear test: (1)Test which determines grain direction of paper. Paper tears more easily with the grain than against it. (2)Test to determine the tear strength of a paper. An "Elmendorf" tearing tester may be use for this purpose. | |
20 | 所用卷装的尺寸决定了落纱的次数。 | The size of the package in use determines the frequency of doffing | |
21 | 它不是为取决于自然环境中一定量的食物而进行简单的竞争,因为决定我们进化的环境基本上已不再是自然环境。 | It is not a simple competition for a fixed amount of food determined by the physical environment, because the environment that determines our evolution is no longer essentially physical. | |
22 | 它不是指一般的书写,而是指用毛笔书写汉字,以产生一种艺术效果的独特艺术。运笔技巧决定了书法家的书写技巧和风格。 | It refers not to ordinary handwriting but to the special art of drawing character with a writing brush to produce an artistic effect. The manipulation of the brush determines the skill and style of a calligrapher. | |
23 | 它决定了发电机的端电压和无功潮流(对端电压和无功潮流的决定程度取决于系统的联接、负荷以及发电机相对于系统其余部分容量的大小)。 | It determines the generator terminal voltage and kilovar flow (The extent to which the field current determine these variations depends on system connections, loads and relative size of the generator with respect to the remainder of the system.) | |
24 | 它决定了发电机与相连接系统之间保持同步的能力,以及更大利用输电容量的能刀。 | It determines the ability of the machine to remain in synchronism with the system to which it is connected, and ability of greater utilization of transmission system capacity. | |
25 | 它也受外部条件的影响:如温度和压力的波动、风力影响、运输和升降时的移动等,集装箱的泄漏程度决定它们是否适合熏蒸。 | It is further affected by extraneous factors such as fluctuations in temperature and pressure, exposure to winds and movement during transportation and lifting. The degree of leakiness of containers determines their suitability for fumigation. | |
26 | 套利定价理论:一种经济理论,在假设套利资产组合的预期收益为零的条件下,确定资产价格及每种具有普遍性风险的资产所面临的相关风险溢价。 | arbitrage pricing theory-APT: An economic theory that determines prices of assets and the associated risk premia for each kind of pervasive risk assets face, on the assumption that the expected return of an arbitrage portfolio is zero. | |
27 | 特克斯系统通过测量1000米纱线的克重数来确定纱线的细度,测量结果为纱线的特克斯值(即纱线号数)。 | Tex determines the yarn number by determining the weight in grams of 1 kilometer of yarn. The result is the tex yarn number. | |
28 | 天气决定农作物的收获量。 | Weather determines the size of the corp. | |
29 | 通常这些成本和投入量是由市场、最高管理部门或销售部门而不是成本中心经理决定。 | Often some one other than the cost center manager, such as marketplace, top management, or the marketing department determines these costs and volumes. | |
30 | 通过研究,开发了新的产品,改进老产品性能;同时研究为解决难题提供了方向,可以确定哪一个理论是可靠的。 | Through research, new products are developed and old ones improved. Research gives the direction to solve a problem and determines which theories are sound. |