1 | ||1:但是故事本身就有很多亮点贯穿始终。帕格沃什(早期会议在新斯科舍省召开时,以一偏远小村庄的名字命名)会议的主旨是让科学家们与他们亲手建起的核武器世界斗争,尤其是这些核专家再适合不过了。||2:因为这些专家对核制造了如指掌,而且他们想法奇特大胆。||3:参会代表们一起讨论核威慑的理论,思考核战争的潜在危险,并倡导核裁军和销毁核武器。||4:作为一个国际科学小组,帕格沃什会议成为恐怖的民族主义塑造政治的有用对口。 | ||1: But the story itself is good enough to shine through. The idea behind Pugwash (named for the remote hamlet in Nova Scotia where the early meetings were held) was that scientists—particularly nuclear scientists—were uniquely suited to grapple with the problems of the nuclear-armed world which they had helped bring into being. ||2: They understood the details and were prone to thinking bold thoughts. ||3: Delegates debated the theory of nuclear deterrence , pondered the potential damage of a nuclear war, and agitated for disarmament and the abolition of nuclear weapons. ||4: As an international scientific group, Pugwash was a useful counterpart to the fearful nationalism shaping politics. | |
2 | ||1:对于罗特布拉特而言,这些仅是他人生长河中的小小胜利,他的目标是在世界范围内消除核武器。||2:二战经历对他的影响让他久久不能释怀,战时自己的妻子在贝尔塞克一个纳粹死亡集中营被杀害。||3:他从不相信有了核武器的威胁就能最终抑制战争。||4:核威慑逻辑以及同生共亡的理论(该理论持有者认为核武器国家间是不会有战争的,因为相互之间的灭亡会使任何一方都无法赢得战争)只适用于理性行为者。||5:如果希特勒有了核弹,“即使核弹是德国的报应,也许1945年4月希特勒在自己的堡垒发出的最后命令就是用核弹炸掉伦敦。||6:这或许也会成为他‘诸神的黄昏’哲学的一部分。”罗特布拉特争论道。 | ||1: For Rotblat, though, these were only partial victories. Throughout his life, his goal remained a world free of nuclear weapons. ||2: His experience of the second world war had a lasting impact (his wife may have been murdered at Belzec, an early Nazi death camp). ||3: He was not convinced by the argument that the threat of nuclear weapons would ultimately prevent war. ||4: The logic of deterrence , and later of mutually assured destruction—which presumes that war between nuclear-armed nations is impossible, because the mutual annihilation ensures that neither side could win—applies only to rational actors. ||5: Had Hitler had the bomb, Rotblat argued, “his last order from the bunker in April 1945 would have been to use it on London even if it meant terrible retribution to Germany. ||6: This would have been part of his philosophy of Gotterdammerung.” | |
3 | 风格偏于保守的德国《法兰克福汇报》的一篇社论表示:“如果特朗普不为欧洲提供核安全保障,德国是时候考虑一下如何拥有自己的核威慑能力”。 | The publisher of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a conservative newspaper, opined in an editorial that it was time to contemplate “the altogether unthinkable for a German brain, the question of a nuclear deterrence capability, which could make up for doubts about American guarantees”. | |
4 | 更何况法国至今不愿意放弃核武器的主权,并且一直对共享核威慑持怀疑态度。 | France, moreover, has so far been unwilling to cede any sovereignty over its nuclear arms and has always been sceptical about shared deterrence . | |
5 | 于共同毁灭原则的可怕逻辑,所以核威胁毫无疑问会成功。 | By the ghastly logic of mutual assured destruction (MAD) , deterrence must be unconditional to be credible. | |
6 | 奥萨马-本-拉登(OsamabinLaden)对于威慑或其它形式的殊死谈判毫无兴趣。 | Osama bin Laden has no interest in deterrence or other forms of deadly bargaining. | |
7 | 北约内部人士表示,一些成员国不再将BMD系统看成是核威慑力量补充,而是其替代品。 | NATO insiders say that some member countries have begun to see BMD as an alternative to nuclear deterrence , not as a complement to it. | |
8 | 从台湾防务和维持台海军力相对平衡所需威摄力的角度讲,这都是些急需的项目。 | They are desperately needed for Taiwan’s defense and deterrence to maintain the relative military balance in the Taiwan Strait. | |
9 | 但是,防御的概念是基于确定的报复行为威胁之上的,而发动报复行为时,理智的袭击者都会考虑再三。 | But the concept of deterrence depends on the threat of certain retaliation that would cause a rational attacker to think twice. | |
10 | 当前,虽然威慑力量保持了和平,但由威慑单独支撑的和平总归是脆弱的。 | For the moment, deterrence keeps the peace. But a peace maintained by deterrence alone is a frail thing. | |
11 | 导弹防御体系在北约内部还面临另一个分歧,就是关于威慑的确切概念。 | The missile-defence row has also exposed a second fissure in NATO’s ranks, about the very idea of deterrence . | |
12 | 第二炮兵是中国实施战略威慑的核心力量。 | The Second Artillery Force is China’s name for its core force of strategic deterrence . | |
13 | 法院可能会象征性地宣布严厉惩罚,目的在于威慑,而实际上不会施行。 | Symbolically severe punishments may be proclaimed, for purposes of deterrence , as long as they are not actually carried out. | |
14 | 核威慑专家所处的,是一个需要对完全疯狂的行为进行冷静理性思考的世界。 | Specialists in nuclear deterrence occupy a world that requires the coldly rational contemplation of completely insane courses of action. | |
15 | 交通违规案件的积压已经是积重难返,致使在影响到执行(和制止不良驾驶)。 | The backlog of traffic infractions is already so daunting that it compromises enforcement (and the deterrence of bad driving). | |
16 | 结果并不支持死刑有震慑作用的想法。 | This offers no support for the notion of deterrence . | |
17 | 然而,核威慑却时常成为公众广泛关注的话题。 | But, every now and then, nuclear deterrence becomes a subject of wide public concern. | |
18 | 然而,中共积极防御军事战略本身是攻守结合的,高技术条件局部战争理论又蕴含了更大的积极威慑成分; | Moreover, her doctrine of local war under high-tech conditions contains more elements of active deterrence in fact. | |
19 | 然而即使是威慑,也不总是有效的。 | Even deterrence , however, does not always work. | |
20 | 如此一来,核威慑将得以保持,同时降低了发生悲剧性事件的风险。 | That way, nuclear deterrence would be maintained - while reducing the risk of tragic accidents. | |
21 | 如果以色列的意图仅仅是通过重建威慑力来平息哈马斯的火箭弹,那么它早已达此目标。 | If its intention was only to silence Hamas’s rockets by re-establishing deterrence , it has surely done so. | |
22 | 使双方交往变得更为复杂的是双方有关威慑和先发制人的概念并不完全对称。 | The interaction would be even more complicated because the notions of deterrence and preemption are not symmetrical between these two sides. | |
23 | 试想一下如果我们单方面宣布停火,几天之后又有火箭袭击奥斯克隆,那我们的停战又意味着什么呢? | Imagine if we declare a unilateral ceasefire and a few days later rockets fall on Ashkelon. What will that do to Israel’s deterrence ? | |
24 | 所以说,如果不能找到袭击者,那么报复行为的肯定性就不复存在,于是,防御就毫无用处。 | So if the attacker can’t be found, then the certainty of retaliation dissolves, and deterrence might not be possible. | |
25 | 他既没提出冲绳岛以外美军基地合适的去处,也没做好倚赖美军威慑力的韩国和台湾的工作。 | He has neither suggested an alternative to Okinawa nor reassured allies such as South Korea and Taiwan, which rely on American deterrence . | |
26 | 他们都是冷战时期安全部门的老兵,是核威慑能力的坚定拥护者。 | All were veterans of America’s cold-war security establishment with impeccable credentials as believers in nuclear deterrence . | |
27 | 王松连说,国家安全部门在敏感时期使用监控录像头来追踪个人,但他们可能也在依赖这些监控所起的威慑作用。 | Wang said state security used cameras to track individuals at sensitive times, but they probably also relied on them for deterrence . | |
28 | 威慑的概念对国家行为者所熟悉,但在世界多个核大国。 | The concepts of deterrence against state actors are familiar, though not in a world of multiple nuclear powers. | |
29 | 威慑的另一层含义是恢复常设的以国防军。 | Deterrence also means restoring the standing of the Israel Defence Forces. | |
30 | 我的看法是,新政策以温和的威慑损失为代价买了一份微不足道的新动机。 | My view is that the new policy buys a trivial new incentive at the cost of a modest loss in deterrence . |