属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
1 | 摘除大豆顶芽会出现对产量有利或不利的临时性问题。 | Occasional questions arise as to the yield benefit or detriment of removing the terminal bud of soybeans | |
2 | 这一税制一旦施行,必然会危害国民经济. | This tax cannot be introduced without detriment to the economy. | |
3 | 这种怀疑对他造成伤害 | This suspicion was to his detriment . | |
4 | 主要的是第二次世界大战接近胜利时,美、英、苏三国在雅尔塔签订秘密协定,划分势力范围,极大地损害了中国的利益。 | When victory in the Second World War was in sight the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union signed in Yalta a secret agreement dividing up spheres of influence among them, greatly to the detriment of China’s interests. | |
5 | ||1:不过,当熟识数据的企业家们遇上传统的生意人,规范性种植这一传奇也会因其中的火药味变得扣人心弦。||2:农民们对于这项技术本来就是喜忧参半:虽然产量有所提高,但是这却使得他们的核心竞争力—用于种植的判断力和技艺变得无足轻重了。||3:不过,更大的问题是农民对于兜售这项新技术的不信任。||4:他们担心自己所提供的收成的详细数据可能会被滥用。||5:他们的商业机密可能会被出售、或者泄露给竞争对手;这些指令种植企业甚至可能利用这些信息去收购那些表现欠佳的 农场,使其成为不可忽视的竞争势力;它们还有可能利用这些高度敏感的数据在大宗期货市场上交易,从而给在此市场中作为卖方的农民造成损失。 | ||1:But the story of prescriptive planting is also a cautionary tale about the conflicts that arise when data entrepreneurs meet old-fashioned businessfolk.||2:Farmers might be expected to have mixed feelings about the technology anyway: although it boosts yields, it reduces the role of discretion and skill in farming—their core competence.||3:However, the bigger problem is that farmers distrust the companies peddling this new method.||4:They fear that the stream of detailed data they are providing on their harvests might be misused.||5:Their commercial secrets could be sold, or leak to rival farmers; the prescriptive-planting firms might even use the data to buy underperforming farms and run them in competition with the farmers; or the companies could use the highly sensitive data on harvests to trade on the commodity markets, to the detriment of farmers who sell into those markets. | |
6 | ||1:坚持了约三年之后,英拉·西那瓦的总理岁月也将在本周不可避免地走向终结。||2:然而最终让她认输的,既非一度动摇她职位的人民力量革命的爆发,也非在2006年曾迫使英拉的哥哥他信去职的坦克的低吼与政变。一场具有争议的选举也在民众喧嚷的要求下被推迟到了6月20日,不过英拉的去职与之也关系不大。||3:最终这个故事在法庭判令与阵阵呜咽中渐渐落幕。||4:对于泰国司法来说,这不是第一次介入解决那些由破碎的政治体制无法解决的问题。||5:而西那瓦家族吃司法介入的亏,也同样不是第一次了。 | ||1:AFTER nearly three years, Yingluck Shinawatra’s stint as prime minister of Thailand drew this week to its inevitable close.||2:The end came not with the bang of a people-power revolution that at one point seemed likely to unseat her; nor with the muted rumble of tanks in a coup like the one that toppled her brother Thaksin from the same job in 2006; still less with the raucous clamour of a contested election, though one had been called for July 20th.||3:Rather, it petered out in the whimper of a court order.||4:Not for the first time the Thai judiciary has intervened to solve a problem that a broken political system could not fix.||5:And not for the first time its intervention was to the Shinawatras’ detriment . | |
7 | 让本国货币货币保持弱势且对美国不利的国家表示暴怒, | that keep their currencies artificially weak to America’s detriment , | |
8 | 因此有理由担心,科技巨头会利用自身实力来保护和扩大它们的主导地位,进而损害消费者的利益。 | There is thus a justified fear that the tech titans will use their power to protect and extend their dominance, to the detriment of consumers. | |
9 | 曾经发出让巨大的财富世代相传“是对整个社会巨大且真正伤害”之警告的罗斯福,无疑会对当今之现状感到惊愕。 | Roosevelt, who warned that letting huge fortunes pass across generations was “of great and genuine detriment to the community at large”, would doubtless be aghast at the situation today. | |
10 | “当你遭遇这种规模的经济衰退时,同样的弹性可能就会非常不利。” | "When you have an economic downdraft like this, that same flexibility can be a severe detriment . " | |
11 | “我们已把隐私的概念推到了一种可悲的偏执境地,这损害了(美国的利益)。” | "The concept of privacy has been extended to a level of unfortunate paranoia, to the detriment of [the US]. " | |
12 | 2001年《不让一个孩子掉队法案》将全部的重点放在数学和阅读上,而对外国语言的教学则措施不力。 | The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act placed all the emphasis on math and reading, to the detriment of foreign language. | |
13 | E-mail和即时信息不会损害工作的健康? | E-mail and instant messaging aren’t to workers’ detriment ? | |
14 | 阿帕德海耶很气愤,因为德里竟然允许增加未经核准的有害物注入恒河流域所有其他部分。 | Upadhyay is angry that Delhi is being allowed to grow unchecked, to the detriment of every other part of the Ganges River Basin. | |
15 | 船舶螺旋桨和助推器对港口水工建筑物的危害及工程措施 | The Detriment to Port Hydraulic Structures from Propeller and Thruster of Ships and the Engineering Measures | |
16 | 大英图书馆企业营销主管伊莎贝尔•奥斯威尔(IsabelOswell)否认大英图书馆鼓励歧视,损害其他人的利益。 | Isabel Oswell, head of business marketing, denies that the Library is encouraging positive discrimination to the detriment of other people. | |
17 | 但如果您不是一个出色的救生员,您的连接池会成为一个危害而不是一个优点。 | But if you aren’t a good lifeguard, your connection pools can become a detriment instead of a benefit. | |
18 | 低压水轮发电机中性线谐波电流的危害及防止 | Detriment of Neutral Conductor Harmonic Wave Current in Low-Pressure Hydropower Generator and its Prevention | |
19 | 反对者认为,风能技术会遮挡独特的风景或海景,对当地居民及游客都不公平。 | Opponents say a unique landscape or seascape is being overshadowed, to the detriment of tourists and residents alike. | |
20 | 弗里德曼还阐释了工会如何导致垄断,进而对消费者权益造成损害。 | Friedman explained how unions help cartelize industry, to the consumer’s detriment . | |
21 | 服从这一“纪律”的公司被迫扭曲自己的决定,不惜损害长期利益。 | Companies subject to this "discipline" are forced to distort their decisions to their long-term detriment . | |
22 | 公共产品并非自由市场的产物,但少了它,就无法遏制社会危害。 | A public good is something that the free market tends not to provide on its own, to the detriment of society. | |
23 | 含酚废水的危害及处理方法的应用特点 | Detriment and Treatment Method of Wastewater Containing Phenols | |
24 | 很多大型国企也是如此,有时给美国造成了损害。 | So have many of China’s biggest state-owned companies, sometimes to the United States’ detriment . | |
25 | 化工生产中静电危害的消除 | Detriment and cancellation of the franklinic electricity of chemical industry | |
26 | 技术革命和全球化正在所有富裕国家范围内重新整合劳动力市场,这对低技术工人来说有一定的危害。 | Technology and globalisation are remaking labour markets across the rich world, to the relative detriment of the lower-skilled. | |
27 | 卡梅伦贸然行使否决权,很可能加速了这样一个集团的形成,损害英国的利益。 | By precipitately wielding his veto, Mr Cameron may well have hastened the formation of such a bloc, to the detriment of British interests. | |
28 | 联合军事演习在本地区有增无减,不利于国家间建立信任。 | Joint military exercises have increased in the region, to the detriment of trust between countries. | |
29 | 两位作者发现,国家控制进入医生行业的人数,使医疗费用高企,损害了患者利益。 | The authors found that state control of entry into the medical profession kept up the level of fees to the detriment of patients. | |
30 | 论邪教对社会政治稳定的危害 | Detriment of Evil Cult to the Political Stability of Society |