属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生命的终点 The end of the line
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国网络视频 主流媒体
1 | 我们看着火苗吞噬整座大楼。 | We watched the flames devour the entire building. | |
2 | 要不是我们从食虫动物那里得到保护,这些昆虫会让我们无法在这个世界上生活下去,它们会吞食我们所有的谷物,杀死我们成群的牛羊。 | Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. | |
3 | 要不是我们从食虫动物那里得到保护,这些昆虫会让我们无法在这个世界上生活下去,它们会吞食我们所有的谷物,杀死我们成群的牛羊。 | Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. | |
4 | 一天,它要到森林里去取食物,便把七个孩子全叫过来,对它们说:“亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去一下,你们一定要提防狼。要是让狼进屋,它会把你们全部吃掉的--连皮带毛通通吃光。 | One day she wanted to go into the forest and fetch some food. So she called all seven to her and said, dear children, I have to go into the forest, be on your guard against the wolf, if he comes in, he will devour you all-skin, hair, and everything. | |
5 | 有时它们先咬穿面颊,再吃舌头。 | Sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and devour the tongue | |
6 | 有时它们先咬面颊,再吃舌头。” | Sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and devour the tongue.’ | |
7 | 在吃人时流泪,这是鲫鱼的智慧。--培根 | It is the wisdom of crocodiles that shed tears when they would devour .-- Francis Bacon | |
8 | 在我离岸期间,我曾担心岸上的粮食会给什么动物吃掉。 | I was under some apprehensions during my absence from the land, that at least my provisions might be devour ’d on shore | |
9 | 这使我非常痛心。可以预见,要不了几天,它们就会把我的全部希望吃个精光。我将无法耕种任何庄稼,到头来只好挨饿,而我又不知如何对付这些飞禽。 | This touch’d me sensibly, for I foresee, that in a few days they would devour all my hopes, that I should be starv’d, and never be able to raise a crop at all, and what to do I could not tell. | |
10 | 这些新的组织细胞,试图形成一道包围病菌的"墙"。向这一地区的供血增加,白细胞吞食病菌和死的组织细胞。 | "These new tissue cells try to form a ""wall"" around the germs. The blood-supply to the area increases, and white blood cells devour the germs add the dead tissue cells." | |
11 | 这一凝块过程让白细胞得以包围细菌并把它们吞食掉。其它种类的抗体以不同方式杀死或削弱病菌。 | This clumping process allows white blood cells to surround the bacteria and devour them. Other kinds of antibodies kill or weaken germs in different ways. | |
12 | 正如吞噬小鸟是鹞鹰的天性,侮辱、期凌小人物也是威尔根斯大娘这种人的天性。 | …as it is the nature of a kite to devour little birds, so it is the nature of such persons as Mrs Wilkins, to insult and tyrannize over little people | |
13 | ||1:对于一些和他信奉同一宗教的人来说,他太离谱了。||2:但是温和的印度风格的爪哇伊斯兰教,巴格达学生圈子中咖啡桌旁的唇枪舌战,以及开罗爱资哈尔大学教条主义的死记硬背都使瓦希德饱受熏陶,他每次都支持言论自由。||3:他成长于一个既虔诚又开放的家庭:鼓励阅读欧洲杂志,大量阅读狄更斯和陀思妥耶夫斯基作品,听莫扎特和詹尼斯·乔普林,同时也鼓励加入伊斯兰教士联合会,该组织是世界上最大的穆斯林组织,具有浓重的乡土色彩并深植于爪哇万物有灵论的传统,该组织由他的祖父组织创建,他的父亲运营。 | ||1:To some of his co-religionists, he went too far.||2:But Mr Wahid had imbibed the gentle, Hindu-flavoured Islam of Java and the café-table cut-and-thrust of Baghdad’s student circles, as well as the doctrinaire rote-learning of al-Azhar University in Cairo, and had plumped for free expression every time.||3:He had also been brought up in a house that was both devout and cosmopolitan: encouraged to read European magazines, to devour Dickens and Dostoyevsky, to listen to Mozart and Janis Joplin, as well as to get involved in Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the world’s largest Muslim organisation, heavily rural and steeped in animist Javanese tradition, which his grandfather had founded and his father had run. | |
14 | ||1:实用主义影响着很多葬礼的风俗习惯。||2:比如说,伊朗的拜火教按照传统将尸体放在高塔之上,让秃鹰啄食吃光,这样人的躯体就不会腐蚀土壤。||3:火葬在全世界越来越受欢迎,不仅仅是因为墓地的持续紧缺,而且价格上涨,同时也是因为骨灰更容易运输。||4:在不断全球化的世界中,这一点对于大多数强烈渴望落叶归根的人们非常重要。 | ||1: Pragmatism informs many funerary practices. ||2: The Zoroastrians in Iran, for example, traditionally leave corpses in towers for vultures to devour , so the bodies do not pollute the soil. ||3: Cremation is becoming more popular around the world, not only because land for cemeteries is increasingly rare and expensive, but also because ashes are easily transported. ||4: This is important in an ever globalised world, as for most people “the desire to be buried at home is the strongest”. | |
15 | 他体重减轻了20磅,玩弄着流浪风格浓密的胡子,但一上岸精神很好的吞下了一个汉堡包。 | he was 20 pounds lighter and sporting a Castaway-style bushy beard, but was in good enough spirits to devour a hamburger immediately upon landing. | |
16 | 只要观众能耐心等到广告结束,传媒大亨们就能够不付代价地买下这些内容。 | Media gluttons can devour all this content without charge, as long as they sit through the advertisements. | |
17 | 按照目前的增长率,到2018年为止,它将吞噬掉国内生产总值的五分之一。 | At the current rate of increase, it will devour a fifth of GDP by 2018. | |
18 | 板球明星在报刊的头条上独占鳌头,几乎获得了所有的赞助合同。 | Its stars dominate the headlines and devour almost all the sponsorship deals. | |
19 | 不过,1969年之后,苏维埃退出了登月竞赛。而且就像癌症一样,亚洲的地面战争开始吞噬预算。 | But after 1969, the Soviets dropped out of the race to the moon and, like a cancer, the land war in Asia began to devour the budget. | |
20 | 充气后,这个巨型阴道从舞台上的柜子中突然迸发出来,最后吞噬主角。 | The monster was blown up on the stage and burst out of a cupboard, to devour the main character. | |
21 | 都知道黑洞能吞没一切物质,但存在于星系中的黑洞是先于星系形成还是在那之后? | Black holes are known to devour matter, but did they arise before or after, the galaxies in which they exist? | |
22 | 该党议员OszkarMolnar上月抱怨表示,“犹太人资本想毁灭匈牙利”。 | An obscure Fidesz MP, Oszkar Molnar, complained last month about "Jewish capital wanting to devour Hungary" . | |
23 | 哥哥,我求求你,不要喝这个小溪的水;你会变成一头狼,然后把我吞掉。 | Brother, I pray you, do not drink of this brook; you will be changed into a wolf, and devour me. | |
24 | 国际媒体将密切关注每一声异样的咳嗽和每一个蹊跷的停顿。 | The international media will devour every inconsequential cough and comma. | |
25 | 好奇的狮子把穿山甲像足球似的传来传去,研究了好几个小时想要吃掉这全身铠甲的动物。 | Passing the pangolin around like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to devour the armour-plated creature. | |
26 | 几只科莫多龙可在水牛逃远前尾随水牛几天甚至几星期,而随着伤口逐渐恶化后吞食掉它。 | Several Komodos will track the buffalo for days, or even weeks, as it slowly weakens, before they are able to move in and devour it. | |
27 | 她并告诉他说:“快躲到山上去,不然年会把你吃了?” | "Climb the mountain, or ’Nian’ will devour you. " She said to the old Man. | |
28 | 她无论怎样去吻那个孩子都无济于事;她在床上再也躺不住了,就焦急地在房间里走来走去。 | It was useless to devour the little thing with kisses; she could stay in bed no longer, and walked feverishly about the room. | |
29 | 今天的早些时候我在思考,那时候,我看着狮子们正在吞食河马、豹子袭击大龄路、狒狒偷我的早餐。 | I pondered this earlier today, as I watched the lions devour the buffalo, the leopard attack the impala, the baboons stealing breakfast. | |
30 | 可是很少人会考虑坐下来一口气通读一本由非经济学家写成的关于这个话题的长篇论著。 | Few will expect to pick up a longish book on the topic by a non-economist and devour it almost at a sitting. |