属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 24299-2-1981
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 52298-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 6144-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 3441-3-1984
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 4814-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 13397-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF E29-492-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 13397-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-prEN ISO 16138-2001
1 | 〔膈〕内侧弓状韧带,同ligamentum arcuatum mediale | arcuate ligament of diaphragm , internal | |
2 | 〔膈〕外侧弓状韧带,同ligamentum arcuatum laterale | arcuate ligament of diaphragm , external | |
3 | GB7786-1987动力用空气压缩机和隔膜压缩机噪声声功率级限值 | Limits of sound power level for noise emitted by air compressors (for power source use)and diaphragm compressors | |
4 | Royal阀是一种隔膜式阀门,是美国思龙阀门公司最早的产品,从1906年就开始生产。 | The Royal is a diaphragm -type valve and was the original product of Sloan Valve Company when it started in business in 1906. | |
5 | β-银环蛇神经毒素结合蛋白的分离纯化 | Purification of β-Bungarotoxin-Binding Protein from Rat Diaphragm Muscle | |
6 | 本照相机能自动调整光圈、距离,使用方便。 | This camera is easy to operate with the function of automatically adjusting the diaphragm and distance. | |
7 | 泵用铭牌.表面处理用活塞泵和隔膜泵 | Name plates for pumps; piston pumps and diaphragm pumps for surface treatment | |
8 | 不能在现场修理或调整隔膜阀。 | Diaphragm valves cannot be repaired or adjusted in the field. | |
9 | 采用PERMEX橡胶化合技术将隔膜片,止回阀阀座和真空断路阀模压在一个整体内,有利于防止氯胺的腐蚀 | Diaphragm , Stop Seat and Vacuum Breaker to be molded from PERMEX? Rubber Compound for Chloramine Resistance | |
10 | 打嗝:膈肌(分隔胸腔与腹腔的肌肉)的痉挛性收缩,造成突然的吸气,吸气被声门(声带之间的开口)不自主的闭合所中断,因而产生一个特殊的声响。 | Hiccup: Spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm that causes a sudden breath in, cut off when the vocal cords snap together, creating the characteristic sound. | |
11 | 打嗝常在几分钟内停止,但也可以持续几天到几周,或更长。可用手术挤压支配膈肌的膈神经以治疗持续的严重打嗝。 | Hiccups usually stop within minutes, though they may last days, weeks, or longer. Prolonged severe hiccups are treated with nerve blocks or by surgically cutting the nerve that supplies the diaphragm . | |
12 | 当开启隔膜阀的时候,在大约一圈中,你会感觉到阻力,到了一圈时,大部分或所有阻力都会消失。 | When opening a diaphragm valve, you will feel resistance for approximately one turn, at which point most or all resistance on the handwheel will disappear. | |
13 | 当喇叭线圈与蓄电池的电路接通时,喇叭线圈产生的磁力振动膜片,产生响亮的声音。 | When the horn winding is connected to the battery, the magnetism produced by the winding pulls the diaphragm down, creating a loud click. | |
14 | 当切断钢瓶和隔膜阀的连接时,两次关闭阀门和正确安装排气口密封是最重要的。不采用这个程序会导致产品泄漏入环境。 | When disconnecting cylinders with diaphragm valves, it is most important to double close the valve and to properly install the outlet seal. Failure to use this procedure can result in release of the product into the environment. | |
15 | 道路车辆 使用非石油基液压制动液的液压制动主液压缸储油器的膜片密封垫 | Road vehicles; Diaphragm gaskets for hydraulic brake master cylinder reservoirs using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid | |
16 | 道路车辆.汽车装玻璃用安全圆盘的散射测定.第1部分:环行孔板法 | Road vehicles-Measurement of scattered light of safety glazing materials for vehicle glazing-Part 1: Annular diaphragm method | |
17 | 电动卷扬机控制的专用抓斗挖掘机挖掘地槽时,将泥浆注入,槽壁土方由此固定,槽口保持敞开,确保地槽中连续墙施工就位完毕。 | As the deep trench is being excavated by means of a special grab operated by an electric-powered winch, the mud is poured in. In this way, the excavation is stabilized and held open until the diaphragm walling has been placed in position in the trench. | |
18 | 呃逆不由自主的隔膜痉挛性吸气动作被声门的突然关闭而制止,伴随有尖锐,特殊的声音 | A spasm of the diaphragm resulting in a rapid,involuntary inhalation that is stopped by the sudden closure of the glottis and accompanied by a sharp,distinctive sound. | |
19 | 纺织品胀破强度和胀破扩张度的测定弹性膜片法 | Textiles--Determination of bursting strength and bursting distension--Diaphragm method | |
20 | 非排放式热水供应系统用的采用内隔膜的膨胀器规范 | Specification for expansion vessels using an internal diaphragm , for unvented hot water supply systems | |
21 | 非增塑聚乙烯阀管件.隔膜阀.尺寸 | Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)valves; diaphragm valves; dimensions | |
22 | 封闭式热水加热系统用内隔膜式膨胀罐规范 | Specification for expansion vessels using an internal diaphragm , for sealed hot water heating systems | |
23 | 腹腔:身体最大的空腔。以横膈膜作为上界,下界是骨盘腔的上平面。系由脊椎骨和腹肌等包围而成,其内含有大部分消化道、肝、胰、脾、肾及一对肾上腺。 | Abdominal cavity: Largest hollow space of the body, between the diaphragm and the top of the pelvic cavity and surrounded by the spine and the abdominal muscles and others. It contains most of the alimentary canal, the liver and pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, and the adrenal glands. | |
24 | 高压介质通过入口进入高压腔。当调节钮顺时针方向旋转时,它压缩距离弹簧,从而对隔膜施加了一个力,推开了阀杆。 | High-pressure media enter the regulator through the inlet into the high-pressure chamber.When the adjusting knob is turned clockwise, it compresses the range spring and exerts a force on the diaphragm , which pushes the valve stem open. | |
25 | 隔肌疲劳在家兔体位窒息死亡中的作用 | The Role of diaphragm Fatigue in the Death from Hanging with Bound Upper Limbs of Rabbits | |
26 | 膈:哺乳动物体内分隔胸腔和腹腔的由肌肉和膜组成的穹窿形结构。 | Diaphragm : Dome-shaped muscular and membranous structure between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. | |
27 | 工业阀.金属材料制的隔膜阀 | Industrial valves-Diaphragm valves made of metallic materials | |
28 | 工业阀门.金属材料的薄片阀 | Industrial valves-Diaphragm valves made of metallic materials. | |
29 | 工业用阀门.金属材料制造的隔膜阀门 | Industrial valves-Diaphragm valves made of metallic materials; | |
30 | 工业用阀门热塑性材料制隔膜阀 | Industrial valves-Diaphragm valves of thermoplastic materials (ISO/DIS 16138:2001 |