1 | 用餐者挤进一个临街的小房间。 | The diners are packed into a small room facing onto the street. Posters of the house specialities adorn the walls. | |
2 | 用餐者在一个长吧台前坐下点餐,大大节省了等待时间,并创造了更多欢快气氛。 | Diners sit and order at a long counter, which results in considerably shorter waiting times as well as more conviviality. | |
3 | 用餐者坐在长条桌前,点的泰国菜盛在碗里,还有几个小菜作为“配菜”。 | Diners sit at communal tables, ordering Thai dishes in a bowl served with a couple of side dishes as "accessories" . | |
4 | 由于没有被周围用餐的人认出,他无意中听到了坐在附近的两名妇女的谈话。 | Unrecognised by fellow diners , he could not help overhearing the conversation of two women sitting nearby. | |
5 | 由于在餐桌上展开争论,原本一个小时的晚餐延长到了一个半小时。 | The diners argued as an hour long dinner stretched to an hour and a half. | |
6 | 有些人也去饼屋买加蜂蜜烤制的甜点、果仁蛋糕、布丁或其他的甜食。 | Or, Greek diners may head to a bakery for honey- dipped cookies, nut cakes, puddings, or other desserts. | |
7 | 有一天,一群歹徒走进了餐馆,近距离扫射客人与工作人员,鲜血溅在墙上。 | One day gunmen walked into the restaurant and shot diners and staff at close range, spattering blood over the walls. | |
8 | 在餐厅门口,特工们将挥舞着电子棒,检查餐厅的其他食客是否携带武器。 | At the front door, they wield electronic wands, scanning the evening’s other diners for hidden weapons. | |
9 | 在餐厅门外,没有那加兰德的青山,只有川流不息的车流提醒食客他们仍然还在德里。 | Outside, there were no green mountains, just an endless stream of traffic to remind diners they were still in Delhi. | |
10 | 在成都一家小餐馆的包房里,我的食友鼓动我尝尝甲鱼。 | IN a private room in a mysterious little restaurant in Chengdu, my fellow diners goaded me to eat the turtle. | |
11 | 在此就餐仿佛时光倒流回60年代,皆因美都是香港最古老,保存得最好的茶餐厅。 | A 1960’s time bubble, it is one of the oldest, best preserved "Cha Chan Teng" tea diners . | |
12 | 在当地一家餐厅,每月约有50名用餐者定期“裸体用餐”。 | About 50 diners regularly attend monthly naked meals held at a restaurant. | |
13 | 在立方体,食客“完全可以品尝他们的同伴和味道,口感和食物的气味存在。” | In the cube, diners "can fully savor the presence of their companions and the taste, texture and smell of the food. " | |
14 | 在摩纳哥京华国际酒店(HotelMetropole)吃一盘岩虾大菜要花费约137欧元。 | Diners at the Hotel Metropole in Monaco are still willing to shell out 137 euro for a grand dish of rock lobster. | |
15 | 在那些最好的餐厅里,用餐的人们接到电话,意识到他们的钱都打了水漂之后,脸色煞白。 | In the best restaurants, diners blanched after learning by cell phone that their money was gone. | |
16 | 在全国数千家的晚餐提供者中,邓肯甜甜圈和星马克有巨大的收益。 | Among them the nation’s thousands of diners , Dunkin’ Donuts, and Starbucks had tremendous revenue. | |
17 | 在如今这个时代,其他的食客通常已经不会被一名单独食客打扰或为此感到焦虑了。 | In this day and age other diners are highly unlikely to be bothered or perturbed by a single person dining alone. | |
18 | 在早些天,大来卡从接受该卡的餐馆收取帐单金额7%的高昂返利。 | In its early days, the Diners Club card took a hefty 7% cut of the tab from restaurants that accepted it. | |
19 | 在正式场合下应等主人先动刀叉用餐* | At formal occasions all diners will wait to begin until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon. | |
20 | 在中国,汉堡王的策略是在大城市中瞄准年轻的、更个人主义的消费者。 | In China, Burger King’s strategy is particularly to chase younger, more individualistic diners in the country’s big cities. | |
21 | 这道菜实在是太辣了,因此餐馆要求食客们在品尝之前都要签一份声明,确认他们自己清楚这样做的风险。 | The curry is so hot that diners are asked to sign a disclaimer confirming they are aware of the risks involved before daring to eat it. | |
22 | 这种模式的收入来自向加盟餐厅收取用餐人数费用。 | The income of this model comes from franchised restaurants according to the number of diners . | |
23 | 中国,香港:在山顶餐馆中的用餐者 | Hong Kong, China: Diners inside a restaurant at the Peak | |
24 | 最后一步是确保食客相信用的是当地的食物,例如通过在菜名中说明其原产地。 | The final step was making sure diners knew that local food was being used, for example by specifying the place of origin in the dish’s name. | |
25 | 最近的一天,这家小饭馆里座无虚席,顾客们坐在无背座椅上,饭菜都盛在普通的白色碗碟里。 | On a recent day all seats were full in the simple restaurant, where diners sit on backless chairs and eat from plain white dishes. |