1 | 一些男孩在操场上打斗得难解难分,围观的同学看得目瞪口呆,十分惊讶。 | Some boys were engaged in a ding -dong battle on the playground surrounded by a circle of gaping class-mates. | |
2 | 因为即使最后一次钟声已经消失,消失在再也没有潮水冲刷、映在落日的余晖里,海上最后一块无用的礁石之旁时,还会有一个声音,那就是人类微弱的、不断的说话声,这样说也很容易。 | that when the last ding -dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking | |
3 | 用SMART和PM&E评估退耕还林政策绩效―以甘肃省定西市和平凉市为例 | Use SMART and PM&E to Evaluate the Policy Effect of to Let Cultivated Land Revert to Woodland-From Ding -xi City and Ping-liang City of Gansu Province | |
4 | 运皮质(激)素蛋白,皮质(激)素运载蛋白 | transcortin (= corticosteroidbin ding globulin) | |
5 | 在民歌改编方面,李焕之的《东方红》、麦丁的《远方的客人请你留下来》、 | Among rearrangements of folksongs which were done in this period were Li Huanzhi’s The East Is Red, Mai Ding ’s Please Stay, Guest From afar | |
6 | 在墓葬中还发现大量祭祀用品,包括绿轴陶器斗,玉雕和石雕残片,大型的圆鼎两具,玉雕簋和嵌松象牙杯等 | A lot of ritual objects were also found in the tombs, they include fragment of green-glazed pottery dou food vessels, pieces of carved jade and stone, the two large square ding caldrons, carved jade gui food containers, ivory cups inlaid with turquoise. | |
7 | 赵南星及其《离骚经订注》 | On Zhao Nanxing and His Li Sao Jing Ding Zhu | |
8 | 这些古铜器包括铜尊、铜鼎,鼎多为三足或四足,用以盛食或谷物 | among the finds are zun (jars), Ding (cauldrons), which is a three legged or four-legged cauldron for holding meat and cereal crop; | |
9 | 政府诚信构建路径探索 | On the Channels of Bull ding the Government Credit | |
10 | 自我的消隐-丁玲40年代创作审美嬗变及其原因 | Self-hidden Consciousness-On Ding Ling’s Aesthetic Change in Her Writings in the 1940s and Its Cause |