属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-城市觅食 炫目的沙拉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Bartleby专栏:保持冷静 下班回家吧(1)
1 | 真要是有人拥戴我为世上最显赫的国王,拥有宫殿花园、珍肴美味、佳酿华辇、龙袍华衮,以及成群成群的奴仆,但若不让我读书,我则决不愿为国王 | If any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces and gardens and fine dinners , and wines and coaches, and beautiful clothes, and hundreds of servants, on condition that I should not read books. I would not be a king. | |
2 | 正式宴会上有很多礼节. | There`s much formality at official dinners . | |
3 | 只要经济条件允许,我们吃罐头食品,购买电视便餐和频频光顾熟食店。 | and as soon as we can afford to we eat out of cans, buy frozen TV dinners , and haunt the delicatessens | |
4 | 壮观的草原风光,常吸引清帝与蒙古王公在此野宴,观看摔跤、骑射等游牧民族喜爱的活动。 | Because of the magnificent pastoral view, the emperors often entertained mongolian princes to barbeque dinners here, along with games of wrestling, horse-racing and archery which the nomadic people liked | |
5 | ||1:芬顿的最新诗集《黄色郁金香》收录了他1968年至2011年间出版的新旧诗篇,从这些诗,我们可以看到他在这段时间辗转于不同地方的经历。||2:从很多方面来说,能写出这样的诗本身便是很神奇的。||3:一些诗歌是在芬顿1975年逃离柬埔寨之后创作的,也就是红色高棉事件发生之前,一些是香港、德国和菲律宾写的。他曾因各种原因被派到这些地方。||4:这些诗歌以那些被剥削压迫的小旅馆或酒吧,外交晚宴还有乡村庄园为背景,反映了诗人长期背井离乡的记者生涯。||5:他描述了学生的宿醉与心碎(并且在他的诗间,我们可见两者之间离奇的相似之处)。||6:而芬顿最常写的其实是“战争”,以及那些在战争中最没发言权的人们,“那些人为艰苦的地理环境所迫,不得不选择战争”。 | ||1: Covering the period from 1968 to 2011, “Yellow Tulips”, Mr Fenton’s latest collection of new and previously published poems, traces his constant movement from place to place. ||2: In many respects it is remarkable that these poems were written at all. ||3: Some were composed after Mr Fenton fled from Cambodia in 1975, just before it fell to the Khmer Rouge, or in Hong Kong, Germany and the Philippines, where he was posted on various assignments. ||4: They feature downtrodden hotels or bars, diplomatic dinners and country estates, reflecting the life of a journalist who finds himself continually displaced. ||5: He describes student hangovers and heartbreak (and shows the uncanny similarities between the two). ||6: But his most common theme is combat, and how it affects those who have the least say in it, “those whom geography condemns to war”. | |
6 | ||1:现在大约18%的美国人一年至少来一次采蔬,从1999年13%的美国人这么做,玛勒·埃梅里,美国森林服务中心的地理学家说道。||2:圣弗朗西斯科ForageSF公司为顾客提供价值100美元的野生餐饮,包括采集的野蔬及搁浅的海藻与茴香粉做的菜。||3:创始人Iso Rabins希望雇佣采摘员工,但是他发现愿意全职采摘野菜的人尽管有许多值得称赞的品质,但是他们不能及时回复电话。||4:现在他转而聘用自由采摘者。 | ||1:Roughly 18% of Americans forage at least once a year, up from 13% in 1999, says Marla Emery, a geographer at the US Forest Service.||2:ForageSF, a San Francisco firm, serves 100 dinners with foraged ingredients such as beached kelp and fennel pollen.||3:Iso Rabins, the founder, had hoped to employ staff foragers but found that the laudable attributes of folks willing to forage full-time did not include promptness in returning calls or punctuality.||4:He now uses freelances instead. | |
7 | 很多公司都设有免费午餐、游戏室和小吃部,这些设施都是为了让员工在办公室待久一点。 | The wrong kind, found in many offices, include free dinners , games rooms and snack bars, which are all devices to keep employees at the office for longer. | |
8 | 那些责任可能也意味着女性发现要参与下班后的团建活动,如聚餐,就更加困难,克里亚多·佩雷斯说到。 | Those responsibilities may also mean that women find it more difficult to take part in after-work bonding activities like dinners , Ms Criado Perez argues. | |
9 | 网上平台,如爱彼迎,利用了年轻人对度假、吃大餐和参加值得拍照分享活动的喜好, | Online platforms such as Airbnb have capitalised on youngsters’ taste for splurging on holidays, dinners and other Instagrammable activities, | |
10 | “我也不去鸡尾宴酒会,聚餐会或任何此类的东西。” | "Nor do I go to cocktail parties, dinners or anything like that. " | |
11 | French先生曾受邀参加庆祝一对夫妇最后一次还款的晚餐。 | Mr French has been invited to dinners celebrating a couple’s last repayment. | |
12 | 比尔盖茨在中国和印度都举行过宴会,并预测在高端慈善活动方面印度将成为仅次于美国的全球第二大国。 | Mr Gates has hosted dinners in China and India, and predicts that India will become second only to America in its high-end philanthropy. | |
13 | 避免摄入加工食物(蛋糕,薄饼等等),尤其是快餐等这些富含碳水化合物和脂肪的食物。 | Avoid processed foods (cakes, crackers, dinners , etc. ), above all, fast foods, which are rich in carbohydrates and lipids. | |
14 | 波特先生还炫耀他曾和赛义夫。伊斯兰。卡扎菲共进晚餐,现在看来着实让人尴尬。 | Mr Porter’s boasts about his dinners with Saif al-Islam Qaddafi now seem deeply embarrassing. | |
15 | 博南先生的助手表示议长不喜欢正式晚宴,会在周四与胡主席单独见面。 | Mr. Boehner’s aides said the speaker was not a fan of such formal dinners and would meet separately with Mr. Hu on Thursday. | |
16 | 不久,这个组织便组织国际晚餐为在巴基斯坦的女童学校募集资金。 | Soon, the group was organizing international dinners to raise money for girls’ schools in Pakistan. | |
17 | 布罗格斯说:“你应该消化掉星期天的那些晚餐。” | Bloggs said, "you should work off some of those Sunday dinners . " | |
18 | 除此以外,我们认为,我们的雌激素的唯一贡献就是让董事会晚宴变得更有生气了。 | Apart from that, we decided that our only oestrogen contribution was to make board dinners a little perkier. | |
19 | 除此之外,她还坚持一路来到布里克斯顿,为乔治往监狱中带来自己做的晚餐,烤土豆和外卖。 | All this, and she was still taking George his home-cooked dinners in prison, roast potatoes and gravy all the way to Brixton. | |
20 | 除了浪漫的烛光晚餐、艳丽的鲜花和甜美的巧克力外,“爱情”也有了专属的保险产品“爱情保单。” | Apart from romantic candle dinners , gorgeous flowers and sweet chocolates, ’love’ now has its privileged ’love insurance’. | |
21 | 此外,没错,与只有8个了无生趣的男士坐在桌边的那些日子相比,董事会晚宴的确更有意思了。 | And that, yes, board dinners were better than in the days when there were just eight stale males around the table. | |
22 | 村民们也懒得理会丑女孩,他们都回家吃饭去了。 | The villagers did not spare a second glance for the ugly girl, but went home again to their dinners . | |
23 | 打电话让人送餐上门,然后亲自推出大餐给小区附近的老弱者。 | Call your local Meals on Wheels group and offer to drop off turkey dinners to elderly and sick people around your neighborhood. | |
24 | 大多数非正式的聚餐,你应该穿舒适、休闲的衣服。 | For most informal dinners , you should wear comfortable and casual clothes. | |
25 | 当他7年前开始的时候,正餐就是四个菜,两个面包和米饭。 | When he began seven years ago, dinners consisted of four dishes and two kinds of bread and rice. | |
26 | 当我跟他谈起那个缠着我的鬼的故事时,他还建议为我们的浪漫晚餐预订三人的桌子。 | When I told him about my ghost, he suggested we reserve a table for three at our romantic dinners , "just in case the ghost hasn’t left" . | |
27 | 多少次家人在一起吃饭,你总得费力向你娘家的人解释为什么我没能露面。 | The family dinners where you spent all your time telling your folks why I couldn’t make it. | |
28 | 该公司计划今后主要将在亚洲举办拍卖会,在美国将只举办小型贵宾宴会,同时会进行网上直播。 | The company plans to host the majority of future sales in Asia, abandoning the US leg apart from small VIP dinners with live streaming. | |
29 | 给行动不便的人们送上感恩大餐。 | Deliver Thanksgiving dinners to housebound people. | |
30 | 根据你对每一顿饭的评价,这种冰箱知道你喜欢吃什么东西。 | This fridge knows what kinds of foods you like to eat, based on the ratings you have given to your dinners . |