1 | 热天洗个海水澡是十分令人惬意的事。 | On a hot day a dip in the sea is sheer paradise. | |
2 | 如果倒转褶皱构造的两翼倾角相等,则可称这种特殊类型的倒转褶皱为等斜褶皱。 | If both limbs of overturned fold have same dip angle, we call this special overturned fold isoclinal fold. | |
3 | 如果我是你,我就不会拿面包蘸汤。 | If I were you, I wouldn’t dip my bread into the soup. | |
4 | 如果协会要保持着偿付债务的能力,每个会员还得多掏这些钱。 | If the society is to remain solvent, every member will have to dip more deeply into his purse | |
5 | 如果一个褶曲的形态在横剖面上表现为两翼向同一方向倾斜,那么这种类型的褶皱该怎样命名? | If a fold so develops that both of limbs dip toward the same direction. In such case, what should we call for this kind of fold. | |
6 | 如你成了家,你得不断地为各种各样的东西花钱。 | If you have a family, you are constantly having to dip into your pocket for something or other | |
7 | 设备:指买方依据本合同向卖方购买的本合同附件二中所列的热镀锌生产线的在线设备 | The Equipment: shall mean the on-line equipment of hot dip galvanizing production line listed in Appendix 2 to this Contract and to be purchased by the buyer from the Seller under this Contract. | |
8 | 双手染着鲜血, 成为杀人犯 | dip one’s hands in blood | |
9 | 顺层断层是指断层面平行岩层层理的断层;倾向断层的走向是平行于围岩的倾向的,也就是说,它的走向是垂直于围岩的走向的 | A bedding fault is one which the fault plane is parallel to the bedding. a dip fault strikes essentially parallel to the direction of dip of the adjacent beds, that is to say, its strike is perpendicular to the strike of the adjacent beds. | |
10 | 他们不收费,甚至还要自己掏腰包。 | They take no fee, indeed they dip (their hands)into their own pockets | |
11 | 他们将食品蘸了一下番茄酱。 | They dip their food into the tomato liquid. | |
12 | 他跑过海滩,像往常一样到梅里去泡一泡。 | He ran down the beach to take his usual dip in the sea. | |
13 | 他在地上挖出了一个小坑。 | He hollowed out a small dip in the ground. | |
14 | 腾格拉尔继续说,“但是假如我们决定采取我现所说的这个办法,那就好得多了,只要这支笔,蘸着这瓶墨水,用左手(那样笔迹就不会被人认出来)写一封告密信就得了。” | if we resolve on such a step, it would be much better to take, as I now do, this pen, dip it into this ink, and write with the left hand (that the writing may not be recognized)the denunciation we propose. | |
15 | 通常所有汲取管朝上(以接触气相),从拖车的后部提取气体。可以从拖车的前部提取液体。在前部,汲取管向下伸入到液相里。 | Normally, gas can be withdrawn from the rear of the trailer with all dip tubes oriented upward (to the vapor phase). Liquid can be withdrawn from the front of the trailer where the dip tubes will be oriented downward into the liquid phase. | |
16 | 玩腻了,就从沙坡上滑下去,到黄河里网鱼捉虾,沐浴洁身,尽兴而归。 | When they feel fully gratified, they will go sliding down the slope to take a dip and play with the fish and prawn in the Yellow River before turning back home | |
17 | 我们看见对方升起了一面答礼的旗帜。 | We saw an answering pennant flown at the dip . | |
18 | 我们去洗个海水浴。 | We are going for a dip in the sea. | |
19 | 我们再下去泡一泡。 | Let ’s take one more dip . | |
20 | 谢谢你给我的这本书,今晚我将浏览一下。 | Thank you for the book. I’ll dip into it this evening | |
21 | 夜间开车遇到交会车辆时应该减弱前灯亮度。 | You are asked to dip the car’s headlights when you meet another car at night | |
22 | 一切面状构造均可用向线和倾斜角来表示。 | All planar structures are represented by a strike line and dip angle | |
23 | 一位好的政治家应该能够预料到其民族的未来。 | A good politician should be able to dip into the future of his nation | |
24 | 一些MODELS可以通过内DIP开关或JUMPER进行两种形式的配置。 | Some models are configurable for either type of output via internal dip switch or jumper. | |
25 | 以前,每个星期六早晨,男孩们都去池塘裸泳。 | The boy used to go skinny-dip in the pond every Saturday morning. | |
26 | 因为在容器里产品的液相和气相共存,许多容器装备得可以提取两种状态的产品。这是通过使用全长排放管(汲取管)和鹅颈排放管。 | Because the product exists in both the liquid and gas phases in the container, many containers are equipped to access both phases. This is accomplished by the use of full-length eductor tubes (dip tubes)and gooseneck eductor tubes | |
27 | 用钢笔沾墨水 | dip a pen in the ink | |
28 | 与此同时,餐厅的背景有更多的地方应该"谴责":牌子上写的中饭特供是"法式蘸汁三明治"(一种法式小面包中间夹上很厚一层的烤牛肉薄片,可以蘸着碗里的稀牛肉汤吃) | In the background, meanwhile, there is more to condemn: the lunchtime special is "French dip sandwiches" (a thick layer of thinly sliced roast beef on a small loaf of French bread that one dips in a bowl of light beef gravy) | |
29 | 原因在于接近两极的磁力线的倾角急剧增大,而在赤道附近则几乎没有这种倾角存在。 | The reason for this is that the magnetic lines near the poles are steeply dipped, while this dip is almost absent near the equator. | |
30 | 在低矮的门拱下要低头. | Dip your head under the low arch. |