属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲的兴衰 Boom and bust in Asia
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电力供应 盈利性的中断
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 开普勒 R.I.P (1)
1 | ||1:本书让人印象最为深刻的部分就是长达68页的脚注。Studwell 读过很多书,也进行过大量报道,在脚注里他粗略提及了一些。||2:他谈到了爪哇人饲养的鸡,谈到了韩国某个财团创始人的性生活,谈到了明治时代日本模仿普鲁士设立的宪章,还谈到了他和马来西亚前铁腕领导人马哈蒂尔?穆罕默德之间的对话。 | ||1:The most impressive part of the book is the 68 pages of footnotes in which Mr Studwell dips into his trove of reading and reporting.||2:He includes observations on Javanese chickens, the sex life of a Korean chaebol-founder, the constitutional rules that Meiji-era Japan copied from Prussia and his exchanges with Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia’s former strongman. | |
2 | ||1:存在这么一个行星,它环绕天琴座星系中一颗600光年远的恒星运行,之前被怀疑的不存在,开普勒号,隶属于美国国家航空与宇宙航行局,即美国航天局,它通过观察当行星通过时恒星光亮度的变化来工作。||2:它标识显现的光度弱化可能为候选行星,开普勒22b就是一个。||3:但是一个行星的确认需要通过三个检测,开普勒22b现在已经通过检验。||4:最重要的是,他环绕着其恒星的"适居带"很好地运行;不会太近也不太远(因此,可能,生命)液体水可能存在在上面。 | ||1:The existence of this planet, which circles a star 600 light-years away, in the constellation of Lyra, had previously been suspected.Kepler, which belongs to NASA, America’s space agency, works by observing dips in a star’s brightness as a planet passes in front of it.||2:It flags likely looking reductions as "candidate planets", of which Kepler 22b was one.||3:But three passes are needed to confirm a planet’s existence, and Kepler 22b has now passed this test.||4:Crucially, it orbits well within its star’s "Goldilocks zone": neither too close nor too far away for liquid water (and therefore, perhaps, life) to exist on its surface. | |
3 | ||1:激增的电力需求以及意想不到供给匮乏已经困扰了电力供应商及其客户数十年之久。||2:并且他们的解决方案原始而粗鲁。||3:十多年前北美电力公司开始赔付大的客户用以关闭机器以及设备从而能够缓解勉强运转的电网压力的金额。||4:在2003年的时候法国的生产商为了应付反常的高温也做了同样的事情。 | ||1:SPIKES in demand for power and unexpected dips in supply have plagued electricity generators and their customers for decades.||2:The solutions have been crude.||3:More than a decade ago North American power companies started paying big consumers to switch off machines and devices to ease the load on creaking grids.||4:In 2003 French producers did the same to cope with a heatwave. | |
4 | 开普勒号,隶属于美国国家航空与宇宙航行局,即美国航天局,它通过观察当行星通过时恒星光亮度的变化来工作。 | had previously been suspected. Kepler, which belongs to NASA, America’s space agency, works by observing dips in a star’s brightness as a planet passes in front of it. | |
5 | 寻找当行星从星盘前边穿过时(如果有的话)亮度中的微小倾角。 | looking for tiny dips in brightness as planets, if any, crossed in front of the stellar disc. | |
6 | 《亚洲艺术》(AsianArt)报驻香港的通讯记者邦妮•恩格尔(BonnieEngle)也认为,艺术品市场的滑坡通常滞后于股票市场。 | Bonnie Engle, Hong Kong correspondent for the Asian Art newspaper, agreed that art market dips usually lag behind those in equity markets. | |
7 | 背景材料:在地震易发区,一条近3英里长的桥钻入6英里长的隧道。 | Background: A nearly 3-mile-long bridge dips into this6-mile-long tunnel in a region prone to earthquakes. | |
8 | 大多数的这些黑点目前只能作为候选行星,还不能得到最后肯定。 | Most of these dips represent only candidate planets at the moment, rather than confirmed ones. | |
9 | 大佛边坡直立,边坡岩体为二叠系厚层砂岩,岩层近水平略向坡内倾斜。 | The Buddha slope stands upright and the rock masses are composed of thick Permian sandstone, which dips slightly inwards the slope. | |
10 | 但是,如果西班牙越陷越深的话,英国迫于压力会对其施救。 | But if Spain dips into the pot, Britain may be under pressure to contribute. | |
11 | 但是现在我们通常吃椰菜和其他蔬菜的时候才用酱蘸着吃。 | But today we often use broccoli and other veggies with dips . | |
12 | 低洼处形成了一个个水坑。 | Puddles had formed in the dips . | |
13 | 电力系统中电压暂降和短时断电 | Voltage dips and short supply interruption in electric power systems | |
14 | 电压跌落与动态电压调节技术 | Voltage Dips and Dynamic Voltage Regulation Technique | |
15 | 电压瞬降及短时中断抗扰性测试原理 | Immunity testing principle for voltage dips & interruptions | |
16 | 电压瞬时跌落、短时中断和电压渐变的干扰试验 | Voltage Dips , Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Test | |
17 | 耳廓主要由皮肤和软骨构成,其上有许多凹陷倾斜的部分,每一个部分都有自己专属的名称,例如耳舟、三角凹、外耳等等。 | Mainly composed of skin and cartilage, it has lots of dips , each with its own name, such as the scaphoid fossa, triangular fossa and concha. | |
18 | 风投公司通常都会将募集的资金在10年当中投出去,这让他们比天使投资人更能熬过市场的低迷期。 | Venture firms usually have 10 years to invest the money they raise, making them better prepared than angels to weather market dips . | |
19 | 该研究称,女性到了中年,就不太看重性吸引力了,不过她们在退休之后对这方面又会重新重视起来。 | The value women place on sexual attraction dips in middle age but returns after retirement, it is claimed. | |
20 | 股价大约在焦虑水平达到峰值后三天左右就会大跌。 | Spikes in anxiety levels were followed, around three days later, by dips in the price of shares. | |
21 | 呼啸山庄耸立在这银色的雾气上面,但是却看不见我们的老房子——那是偏在山的另一面的。 | Wuthering Heights rose above this silvery vapour; but our old house was invisible; it rather dips down on the other side. | |
22 | 几代证券投资者所受的教导,都是逢低吸纳原则。 | Several generations of equity investors have been reared on the principle of buying the dips . | |
23 | 经过几次浸泡之后,Kotov博士觉得棉线已经可以导电了,就用它们连接上一个发光二极管。 | After several dips , Dr Kotov found that the cotton threads were conductive enough that they could be used to wire up a light-emitting diode. | |
24 | 九十年代后期,其产量和价格的下降让圣美越发依赖外国,而当地农民也因此身处贫困的边缘。 | In the late 1990s, dips in production and prices left the island state heavily reliant on foreign aid and farmers on the poverty line. | |
25 | 郡观察员比尔•博比特用一把长长的勺子从池水中捞出半打孑孓。 | Bill Bobbitt, a county inspector, dips a ladle into the water and brings up half a dozen wriggling larvae. | |
26 | 历史上二次衰退的情况很罕见,据瑞士信贷数据,过去90年间只在1981年出现一次。 | Double-dips are a very rare event, happening just once -- 1981 -- in the past 90 years, according to Credit Suisse. | |
27 | 利用S变换时频等值线图与幅值包络向量实现电压凹陷的分类 | Classification of Voltage Dips Using Time-Frequency Contour and Amplitude Envelope Vectors by S-Transform | |
28 | 美国经济咨商局招聘求职广告指数下降 | The Conference Board Help-Wanted Advertising Index Dips | |
29 | 美国人将面临很多不得人心的变化,奥巴马民望插水,因他成为代罪羔羊。 | American citizens are going to have to make a lot of very unpopular changes. Obama’s popularity dips as he becomes the scapegoat. | |
30 | 美国以及欧元区的最新工业生产数据显示了相同缩减。 | The latest figures for American and euro-zone industrial production showed similar dips . |