属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加沙停火 没有赢家的战争
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-流感病毒瓦解免疫系统的第一道防线
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美国务卿:与朝核谈判顺利 日本暴雨灾害致20
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美国发起"护航联盟" 特朗普
1 | "他举着标语牌,上面写着""立即裁军!" | "He held a placard saying ""Disarm Now!" | |
2 | 伯爵环顾四周,他那种万般绝望的表情就是老虎看了也会心软,但却不能感动他的法官。 | The count looked around him with an expression which might have softened tigers, but which could not disarm his judges | |
3 | 超级大国不太可能彻底裁军. | The superpowers are unlikely to disarm completely. | |
4 | 根据国际法,解除和驱逐萨达姆武装的战争是正当的吗 | Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law? | |
5 | 缴…的械未披挂盔甲或武器;解除武器 | To divest of armor or arms;disarm . | |
6 | 警察捉住了强盗并缴获了他们的武器. | The police captured the bandits and disarm ed them. | |
7 | 康妮有时自问着,他这种神气,这种不变的神气,是不是拿来克敌的一种假面具,他真是一条可怜的狗吗 | Connie wondered sometimes if it were a sort of mask to disarm opposition, because it was almost too fixed. Was he really such a sad dog? | |
8 | 哪一个超级大国将首先裁减军备? | Which superpower will be the first to disarm ? | |
9 | 哪一国将首先裁减军备? | Which country will be the first to disarm ? | |
10 | 你这样谦虚,真叫人家不好意思责备了。 | Your humility must disarm reproof | |
11 | 如果我们能够读懂我们敌人的内心私史,我们就会在每个人的生活中找到足够的悲伤和痛苦来消释所有的敌意(亨利·瓦兹沃斯·朗费罗)。 | If we could read the secret history of our enemies,we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. | |
12 | 如果我们能了解敌人内心隐秘,我们就会发现原来人人都经历过许多悲伤和痛苦,这就足以消除我们之间的敌意了。 | If we could read the secret history of our enemies,we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. | |
13 | 如果有人认为萨达姆只能在军事压力下才能解除武装,那么为了使战争的威胁变的可信,国会就不得不授权给总统。 | If one believed that Saddam would only disarm under military pressure, then to make the threat of war credible, Congress had to delegate power to the President. | |
14 | 说服帝国主义裁军是很难的。 | It is very difficult to persuade the imperislists to disarm . | |
15 | 他们裁军的愿望是真诚的吗? | Are they sincere in their wish to disarm ? | |
16 | 他已经拒绝了所有能和平缴械的机会。 | He has rejected every peaceful opportunity offered to him to disarm . | |
17 | 同胞们,我们已经开始了对伊拉克的军事行动,我们要解除伊拉克的武装,解放伊拉克的人民,避免世界陷入危险。 | My fellow citizens, at this hour American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. | |
18 | 我很生气,但她一笑使我的怒气消失了. | I felt angry,but her smiles disarm ed me. | |
19 | 我们很生气,但他一笑使我们怒气全消。 | We are angry but he disarm us by his smile. | |
20 | 要说服他们放下武器是很难的。 | It is difficult to persuade them to disarm . | |
21 | 一八一二年开始解除我们的武装。 | 1812 commenced to disarm us | |
22 | 有勇气显出贫穷,那么你就消除了贫穷最尖锐的疼痛(华盛顿·欧文) | Have the courage to appear poor,and you disarm poverty of its sharpest sting(Washington Irving) | |
23 | ||1:能从瓦砾中挖出什么有用的东西吗?这场战争,即使是对置身事外的人而言,都已经够糟糕的了。||2:以色列温和派没能从内塔尼亚胡的行动中得到什么。||3:巴勒斯坦温和派领导人穆罕默德·阿巴斯,则被自己人说成是以色列的傀儡,削弱了他作为谈判人的实力。||4:但是,至少,阿巴斯领导着一个致力于和平的联合政府,而且跟不可思议地拥有哈马斯的支持。||5:阿巴斯可以对哈马斯施压,要他们放弃武力,以换取对加沙的重建计划,重建进程将由中立力量监督。||6:或者,干脆再推动两国的诚意谈判怎么样?谈判的基础早就有了,而且之前也有过很多次努力,包括美国在过去所做的许多工作,理论上说,谈判进程可以进行得很快。 | ||1:Can anything good be salvaged from the rubble? This war has been bad even for the people who stayed out of it.||2:Israel’s moderates have not gained noticeably from Mr Netanyahu’s travails.||3:Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the more moderate Palestinians, is painted by his own people as an Israeli stooge, sapping his strength as a negotiating partner.||4:But at least he still presides over a unity government that is committed to peace and is still—remarkably enough—backed by Hamas.||5:He could press Hamas to disarm in exchange for a programme to rebuildGaza, with a neutral force overseeing the process.||6:Or how about another crack at good-faith talks about two states? The ground has been dug over so often, including byAmericain the past, that progress could in theory be rapid. | |
24 | 流感病毒感染可能比科学家预想的要复杂得多。美国研究人员最近报告称,这种病毒似乎可以解除人体抵御疾病的第一道防线。 | Infection by the influenza virus may be more complex than scientists first thought. Researchers in the United States reported recently that the virus appears to disarm the body’s first line of defense against disease. | |
25 | 美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)表示,与朝鲜关于放弃核武器的谈判进展顺利。但朝鲜方面表示,美国的要求是“强盗式的”,这引发了人们的担忧,即美国已经背弃了解除核武器的承诺。 | Mike Pompeo, America’s secretary of state, said that talks with North Korea about surrendering its nuclear weapons had gone well. But North Korea said America’s demands were “gangsterish”, prompting fears that it was already back-pedalling on its commitment to disarm . | |
26 | 莫桑比克总统与反对党莫桑比克全国抵抗运动(Renamo)的领导人签署了和平协议。Renamo方面表示,将解除约5000名士兵的武装,和平地参加将于10月份举行的选举。1977年至1992年,该反对党发起了游击战,之后放下了武器,但在2012年又重新拿起武器。 | Mozambique’s president signed a peace agreement with the leader of Renamo, a rebel movement. Renamo said it will disarm some 5,000 fighters and peacefully contest elections scheduled to be held in October. It waged a guerrilla war from 1977 to 1992 before laying down its guns, but took up arms again in 2012. | |
27 | 它们会拆卸炸弹、驾驶战斗机执行任务、组装复杂机械,甚至还会踢足球。 | They disarm bombs, fly combat missions, put together complicated machines, even play football. | |
28 | Nur表示政府首先保障达尔富尔地区的安全和解散与政府结盟的民兵。 | Nur says the government must first bring security to Darfur and disarm government-allied militias. | |
29 | 但是现在更难知道给予金正日何种保证才能劝服其裁军。 | But now more than ever, it is hard to see what sort of assurance could convince Kim to disarm . | |
30 | 但政府还想让公众相信,用一张表格就能让贩毒团伙缴械? | But the administration wants the public to believe that it’s going to disarm cartels with a form? |