1 | 还有其他一些人,有的把钥匙带走了,有的就满不在乎地把它们扔掉了。 | There were other people who either kept the keys or discarded them indifferently | |
2 | 幻影捕鱼:鱼类误入丢失或被废弃的鱼网或其他捕鱼器具而致死。 | ghost fishing: Fish killed by being caught in lost or discarded fishing nets, traps and other fishing gear. | |
3 | 集装箱、货物、废旧物等物品的货主要求在其他地方实施卫生检疫、卫生处理的,卫生检疫机关可以给予方便,并按规定办理。 | If the owner of the containers, goods or discarded used materials asks to go through quarantine inspection or sanitization in other places, the health and quarantine organ shall provide convenience and carry out the task in accordance with regulations. | |
4 | 几十年来,有毒有害物质在美国各地的工业垃圾堆放场、隐蔽的废弃环礁湖、甚至一般垃圾堆放场随意丢弃。 | For decades, toxic substances were discarded carelessly in industrial dump sites, hidden waste lagoons and even ordinary garbage dumps across America. | |
5 | 建国以来,发票一直由税务机关统一管理,十年动乱期间被当作 " 管、卡、压 " 砍掉了,党的十一届三中全会后得以恢复; | Since the founding of New China in 1949, invoice has all along been placed under the unified management of tax authorities.During the 10 chaotic cultural revolution (1966-76), invoice was regarded as a means for control, check and suppression and was therefore discarded , but was restored after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in December 1978. | |
6 | 降低鼓风炉渣含铅、锑工业试验研究 | Study on Reducing Metal Content in Discarded Residue of Blast furnace | |
7 | 结果,新生的食蚁兽幼兽往往被它的父母遗弃。 | As a consequence, newborn baby anteaters are often discarded by their parents | |
8 | 她打出一张四点的牌,抓起一张 | She discarded a four,and picked up a king. | |
9 | 她垫了一张4点的牌,抓起一张K。 | She discarded a four, and picked up a king. | |
10 | 她愉快地玩着她的哥哥们丢弃的哨子,弹弓和破旧东西,弄得手上脚上沾满了泥。 | She played happily with the whistles and slingshots and battered soldiers her brothers discarded , got her hands dirty and her boots muddy | |
11 | 金属矿山尾矿废弃地植物修复措施探讨 | Approach to Measures of Plant Rehabilitation in Discarded Areas of Metal Mine Tailings | |
12 | 近日连香,玉亦已见弃.故贾瑞也无了提携帮衬之人 | And now that they were discarded , Jia Rui had nobody to put in a good word for him. | |
13 | 据考证,出土秦简的“一号井”始建于战国,废弃于秦末。 | According to textual research, the No. 1 well where the bamboo slips were excavated was dug during the Warring States period and was discarded at the end of the Qin Dynasty | |
14 | 空洞的理论是没有用的,不正确的,应该抛弃的。 | aimless theory is useless and false and should be discarded | |
15 | 孔隙水压力消散试验在尾矿坝安全施工中的应用 | Study on the Pore Water Pressure Vanishing Test in the Safe Construction of Dam of Discarded Mine | |
16 | 临时利用件如在街上免费散发的传单等使用后很可能要丢弃或按计划应当丢弃的东西 | Something designed or likely to be discarded after use,as a free handbill distributed on the street. | |
17 | 麻将牌一种由四个人玩的起源于中国的游戏,有多米诺骨牌般绘有各种图案的骨牌,每人轮流抓牌并扔出不需要的牌,直到有一个人有了四幅三个顺连牌和一幅成对牌时才算结束 | A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with tiles resembling dominoes and bearing various designs,which are drawn and discarded until one player wins with a hand of four combinations of three tiles each and a pair of matching tiles. | |
18 | 每位裁判各自打出自己的分,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,剩下来的分数一平均就是最后得分。 | Each of the judges arrives at a score independently.The high and low scores are discarded while the remaining scores ale averaged. | |
19 | 农业废弃植物纤维衬垫缓冲性能及应用研究 | Buffer Performance and Application of Discarded Agricultural Plant Fibre Pad | |
20 | 浓盐法与稀碱法在啤酒废酵母中提取RNA的研究 | Study on Extracting Ribonucleic Acid from Discarded Brewers Yeast with Alkali Method and Salt Method | |
21 | 啤酒废酵母对Pb(上标 2+)的吸附 | Adsorption of Lead (Ⅱ)by Discarded Brewer’s Yeast | |
22 | 啤酒废酵母对铜离子的吸附研究 | The Biosorption of Copper (Ⅱ)by Discarded Brewers Yeast | |
23 | 啤酒废酵母制备碱不溶性葡聚糖 | Preparation of Alkali-Insoluble Glucan from Discarded Brewers Yeast | |
24 | 破烂,垃圾丢弃的东西,如玻璃、碎布、纸片或金属等可以用某种方式重复使用的东西 | Discarded material,such as glass,rags,paper,or metal,that may be reused in some form. | |
25 | 人们摘去十字架,把它的模型戴在胸前,凡是十字架被摒弃的地方,它就受到人们顶礼膜拜,崇信有加。 | Models of it were worn on breasts from which the cross was discarded , and it was bowed down to and believed in where the Cross was denied | |
26 | 如果你没垫掉那张梅花,我就不可能做成定约。 | If you hadn’t discarded that club, I couldn’t have made it. | |
27 | 如果应答语法正确,但客户端不处理该应答,比如SP为客户端时收到Deliver_Resp应答,则丢弃。 | If the client does not process a grammatically correct response (for example SP being the client receives a Deliver_Resp response), it shall be discarded . | |
28 | 社会的信息化程度越高,我们就越容易发掘废料的用途。 | As society becomes more information-rich, the easier it will be to find uses for discarded materials. | |
29 | 生产、销售被列入强制回收目录的产品和包装物的企业,必须在产品报废和包装物使用后对该产品和包装物进行回收。 | If any product or package is listed in the compulsory recycling directory, enterprises engaged in their production or sale shall recycle the discarded product or used packaging. | |
30 | 生态系统某一部分死去的或被丢弃的东西可以为另一部分提供养分。 | What dies or is discarded by one part of the ecosystem nourishes another part. |