属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-他不是一个推销员 Death of a non-sal
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:盐不简单
1 | 原来这个不幸的耶稣门徒,一时过分高兴一口吞了两块饼干。 | In the exuberance of his mirth, the unfortunate disciple had swallowed two biscuits at once | |
2 | 约帕有个叫大比大的女信徒,一生乐善好施。 | In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha, who filled her days with acts of kindness and charity | |
3 | 中国研究哲学的院校很重视师生间的关系。 | China’ s philosophical schools treasure the relationship between the teacher and the disciple . | |
4 | 追忆名中医王慎轩先生(一)―别具一格的拜师学医仪式 | Dr Wang Shenxuan’s Distinctive Master-Disciple Ceremony of Formally Acknowledged Teacher for Medical Learning | |
5 | 作曲家瓦格那的崇拜者或门徒 | An admirer or a disciple of Richard Wagner. | |
6 | ||1:施洛斯先生是少数曾经和本杰明·格雷厄姆共事的人之一。格雷厄姆是哥伦比亚商学院教授,他最有名的一个学徒名叫沃伦·巴菲特。||2:施洛斯没有花时间去纠缠公司的经理们。||3:在他的儿子加入后,他的研究组扩大了一倍。||4:他偏爱被遗弃的满地都是的“雪茄屁股”股票。||5:它们通常不值多少钱,但是价格远低于其他股票。 | ||1:Mr Schloss was part of a small group who worked with Benjamin Graham, a Columbia Business School professor whose most famous disciple is Warren Buffett.||2:Mr Schloss did not spend time tailing corporate managers.||3:His research team doubled in size when his son joined.||4:He favoured discarded “cigar butt” stocks that could be swept off the floor.||5:Often, they weren’t worth much but they sold for far less. | |
7 | 本周,格林汉姆最著名的信徒沃伦·巴菲特称,如果利率再高一个百分点,股票在3年内期看上去会是便宜的;但是,如果再高3个百分点,就不便宜了。 | Warren Buffett, the most famous disciple of Ben Graham, said this week that stocks would look cheap in three years’ time if interest rates were one percentage-point higher, but not if they were three percentage points higher. | |
8 | 但是这些门徒之一可没那么忠诚。门徒犹大出卖了耶稣。达芬奇在他的名画《最后的晚餐》中表现出犹大碰洒了一碗盐。盐洒了是坏运气或麻烦的征兆。而犹大给耶稣带来的正是麻烦。 | But one of these disciples was not so loyal. The disciple Judas betrayed Jesus. In his famous painting "The Last Supper," Leonardo da Vinci shows Judas spilling a bowl of salt. Spilled salt is a sign of bad luck and trouble. And trouble is exactly what Judas gave Jesus. | |
9 | 这个思想的一位信徒——乔治梅森大学的布莱恩·卡普兰目前正在撰写一本名为《反对教育之种种》的书。 | One disciple of the idea, Bryan Caplan of George Mason University, is currently penning a book entitled “The Case Against Education”. | |
10 | NBA这个真人秀搜索纪录片在中国叫做“蒙牛篮球门徒”。 | The search is chronicled in the NBA’s first-ever reality show in China called "Mengniu NBA Basketball Disciple " . | |
11 | 埃克森美孚在别人贪婪时心怀畏惧,如今在别人畏惧时则变得贪婪,任何巴菲特的信徒都理应如此。 | Just like any Buffett disciple would do, Exxon was fearful when others were greedy and is now being greedy when others are fearful. | |
12 | 办理邪教组织“门徒会”案件的对策初探 | Studying on Countermeasures of Handling the Cult "disciple union" Cases | |
13 | 但他自己并非是加强监管的信徒,这一状况直到最近才有所改变。 | But, until recently, he has scarcely been a disciple of tighter regulation. | |
14 | 当下在大马士革,有一个门徒,名叫亚拿尼亚。主在异象中对他说,亚拿尼亚。 | And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. | |
15 | 弟子看着师傅说:“我明白了,要想使用这个力量,我必须集中自己的全部精力” | The disciple looked at his teacher and said: "I see that I have to sharpen my concentration in order to be able to use this power. " | |
16 | 弟子认为他们将乞求路人施舍的食物,并在公园里过夜。 | The disciple was sure that they were going to beg for their food, and sleep in the park at night. | |
17 | 短短的几个月时间里,我就成为了他门下的第一弟子,他的人生信条深深地感染了我。 | Within a few months I became his most formidable disciple and I adopted his outlook on life. | |
18 | 对耶稣降世的信仰是天主教用来判别信徒是否确立了基督信仰的一个标志。 | The faith in the birth of Jesus Christ is a criterion in judging whether a follower has become a faithful disciple in Catholicism. | |
19 | 方剂学科发展思路与方法 | Orientation of the Disciple of Prescriptions | |
20 | 历史上的犹大被描绘成那个出卖耶稣并导致其被处死的门徒。 | Judas is reviled in history as the disciple who betrayed Jesus to his death. | |
21 | 联袂而至的还有他最有趣的信徒海曼•明斯基(HymanMinsky)。 | With it has come that of his most interesting disciple , Hyman Minsky. | |
22 | 两个人同跑,那门徒比彼得跑得更快,先到了坟墓 | 4Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. | |
23 | 论学院教育与师承教育的有机结合 | Discussion on the organic combination of college education and Master-disciple education | |
24 | 玛丽亚抹大拉是耶稣运动中的最重要女性门徒。 | Mary Magdalene was the most important woman disciple in the movement of Jesus. | |
25 | 米兰达信仰坚韧的爱情 | Miranda was a disciple of tough love. | |
26 | 所以,人的尊严有三个方面的内容:即普遍立法,人是目的和意志自律。 | Therefore, human dignity has three connotations: universal legislation, human-orientedness and the self-disciple of human will. | |
27 | 他就跪在我面前一直叫我收他做弟子。 | Then he knelt before me, and asked me to accept him as a disciple . | |
28 | 涂又光先生是现代著名哲学家冯友兰先生的高足。 | Mr. TU You-guang is a brilliant disciple of famous modern philosopher FENG You-lan. | |
29 | 我的第二个弟子因为修得太认真以至于发了疯。 | My second disciple drove himself crazy from his earnest practice of the exercises I gave him. | |
30 | 西门彼得点头对他说:“你告诉我们,主是指着谁说的。” | Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, "Ask him which one he means. " |