属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-使用大脑思维操纵机械臂
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国汽车生产商 稳居第三
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-虽然发达,但南非互联网使用量仍然落后于世
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-世界自然保护联盟发布年度《濒危物种红色名录》
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绘制大脑活动地图 棘手的细胞
1 | 老人东拉西扯的唠叨. | The disconnected ramblings of an old man | |
2 | 例如,可能有工作在远离主办公室的移动用户,他们在膝上型计算机或断开连接的计算机上访问和更新 SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine,但必须定期连接到 SQL Server 主数据库来协调更改。 | For example, you may have mobile users working remotely from the main office who access and update SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine on laptops or disconnected computers, but then periodically connect to the Master SQL Server database to reconcile changes. | |
3 | 乱七八糟的杂事 | a ragbag of disconnected facts | |
4 | 你不能说通货膨胀与共和党政府的经济政策没有关系。 | You can’t say that the inflation is disconnected with the economic policy of the Republican Government | |
5 | 然而,隔离开关也可开断负荷已被断开设备的微小“充电”电流。 | It may, however, open minute ″charging″ currents to these unloaded equipments being disconnected . | |
6 | 然而当线圈与蓄电池断开时,电荷以高压脉冲的方式释放出来,通过导线把高压电脉冲输送到待点火的发动机气缸上的火花塞上。 | "Then, when it is disconnected , the ""load"" of electrical energy is released in a high-voltage surge. This surge flows through the wiring to the spark plug in the engine cylinder that is ready to fire." | |
7 | 如果踩下离合器踏板,发动机就会脱离开传动系统。 | If you push down the clutch pedal, the engine is disconnected from the transmission | |
8 | 设备正由活动进程使用,无法断开。 | The device is in use by an active process and cannot be disconnected . | |
9 | 说了几句不连贯的话. | make a few disconnected remarks | |
10 | 所有连接到高压源的低压设备都要彻底断开或者,如果不这样的话,一旦操作结束或关闭了较长时间,就单独排入大气。. | All low-pressure equipment connected to sources of high pressure should be disconnected entirely or, if not, independently vented to the atmosphere as soon as the operation is either over or shut down for an extended period of time | |
11 | 他的论据是一堆杂乱无章互不相关的事实。 | His argument is a ragbag of disconnected facts. | |
12 | 他为了不受打扰,把电话线路关掉了. | He disconnected the phone so as not to be disturbed. | |
13 | 喂…话务员,断线了 | Hello? ... Operator, we have been disconnected . | |
14 | 我几乎忘记把我的电话停用了。 | I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected . | |
15 | 修理工在修电视机前先把电源切断。 | The repairman disconnected the television set before fixing it. | |
16 | 一类完全不连通的分形集合 | A Class Fractal Set of Perfect Disconnected | |
17 | 一是切断医疗机构和药品营销之间的直接经济利益联系。 | Firstly, direct economic relations between medical institutions and drug distributors will be disconnected . | |
18 | 由此可见,我们对于工业和农业、社会主义的工业化和社会主义的农业改造这样两件事,决不可以分割起来和互相孤立起来去看,决不可以只强调一方面,减弱另一方面。 | Therefore we must on no account regard industry and agriculture, socialist industrialization and the socialist transformation of agriculture as disconnected or isolated things, and on no account must we emphasize the one and play down the other | |
19 | 在修理热水器开关前,务必切断电源 | Heater must be disconnected from power supply before servicing switch. | |
20 | 总机,我们的电话被切断了。 | Central, we’ve been disconnected . | |
21 | ||1:多诺霍:“瘫痪者脑部与身体之间的神经连接已经断开,所以他们无法走出去,做一些你我都可以做到的事情,例如伸手拿一杯水或刮下鼻子。||2:我们的想法是绕过受损神经系统,将大脑直接与外部连接,这样大脑信号虽然无法控制肌肉,但可以控制机器或设备,像计算机或机械假肢。” | ||1:JOHN DONOGHUE: "People who are paralyzed have their brain disconnected from their body. So they are not able to go out and do everyday things that you and I can do, like reach for a glass of water or scratch your nose.||2:So our idea is to bypass that damaged nervous system and go directly from the brain to the outside world so the brain signals can, not control muscle, but control machines or devices like a computer or a robotic limb." | |
22 | 戴勒姆老总称公司有朝一日将会领先群雄,批评人士指责其不切实际。 | Critics say that Daimler’s bosses are a little disconnected from reality in claiming that the firm will one day lead the pack again. | |
23 | 南非农村地区互联网接入率不高,以及互联网手机价格贵造成了穷人上不了网。许多农村地区的学校和工作场所都没有互联网连接,这也是南非大多数人生活的区域。 | Poor Internet connectivity in rural South Africa and the high prices of Internet-ready mobile phones have also kept the poor disconnected . Most schools and work places in rural South Africa, where the majority of country’s people live, have no Internet connection. | |
24 | 西部环尾负鼠曾经在薄荷林和桉树林中广泛存在。目前这种动物只在少数几处分散的地方生存。高温在其栖息地变得愈发普遍,而高温天气会使这种动物患病。 | The Western Ringtail possum was once widespread in peppermint and eucalyptus forests. Now the animal has only a few disconnected places to live. High temperatures, which sicken the species, are becoming increasingly common where it lives. | |
25 | 眼下,神经学的研究处在两个断开的层次。 | At the moment, neuroscience operates at two disconnected levels. | |
26 | 3月28日,格鲁吉亚和亚美尼亚的互联网用户断线了数个小时。 | On March 28, Internet users in Georgia and Armenia were plunged into several hours of disconnected darkness. | |
27 | DataSet及其包含的对象都是泛型的,与基础数据源完全断开连接。 | A DataSet and its contained objects are generic and completely disconnected from an underlying data source. | |
28 | Google断绝了与TeleAltas的联系,并且开始提供免费的无需其任何认证的地图。 | Google disconnected from Tele Atlas and began to offer maps that were free and clear of either license. | |
29 | Nick沮丧地将电话丢到一边,Quinn电话簿上的又一个号码是空号。 | Nick throws the phone down in frustration, another number in Quinn’s phone book is disconnected . | |
30 | TaskVision和PocketTaskVision都可工作在连接或断开连接的环境中。 | Both TaskVision and Pocket TaskVision work in connected and disconnected environments. |