属类:文学表达-外国名著-A MODERN COMEDY
属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madame de Bovary
1 | 不满者找不到安乐椅。--富兰克林 | The discontented man finds no easy chair.-- Benjamin Franklin | |
2 | 不满足者坐无宁时 | A discontented man knows not where to sit easy | |
3 | 不满足者坐无宁时。 | A discontented man knows not where to sit easy. | |
4 | 除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 | The list so settled it now a slate,unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw.To do so is called“breaking the slate”. | |
5 | 对自己的职业不满意. | Discontented with one’s job | |
6 | 弗勒不满她在伦敦的生活。她说服索姆斯带她去周游世界。当时国会正在开会,迈克尔不能走开。 | Fleur, discontented with her life in London, persuaded Soames to take her on a trip around the world. Michael could not leave until the current session of Parliament had adjourned. | |
7 | 福特先生喜欢亨利,但是他担心这孩子因为喜爱机器而不满足于农村的生活。 | Mr. Ford loved his son, but he was afraid that the boy’s interest in machines would make him discontented with a farmer’s life | |
8 | 工人阶级的不满愈来愈高涨。 | Working people were growing more and more discontented | |
9 | 或者是被外部力量所征服;或者是统治无能,群众起来造反;或者是让一个强大而不满的中等人集团出现;或者是自己丧失了统治的信心和意志。 | Either it is conquered from without, or it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt, or it allows a strong and discontented Middle group to come into being, or it loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern | |
10 | 即使艾丝黛拉只是一个人来看我们兜圈子,我就已经够难堪了。 | If only Estella had come to be a spectator of our proceedings, I should have felt sufficiently discontented | |
11 | 她那双被太阳照得眯缝着的灰眼睛看着我,一张苍白、可爱、不满的脸上流露出有礼貌的、回敬的好奇心。 | Her gray sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, discontented face | |
12 | 她确实是一个傻瓜,她也只好找一个傻瓜做丈夫。如果她嫁给了我,我会成为一个怨气冲天,愁眉不展的丈夫。 | She certainly was a fool, and would have a fool for her husband, and a very sulky discontented husband too if she had taken me | |
13 | 军队里心怀不满的人. | A discontented section of the army | |
14 | 玛丽没有因为只生男孩感到不满。 | Mary was not discontented that she brought forth men-children only | |
15 | 那些男人越来越不满意,干活时常发牢骚。 | The men were becoming more discontented and often chewed the rag at work. | |
16 | 你要他们的时候,他们憎恨你,因为你要他们。你不睬他们的时候,他们还是憎恨你,因为旁的什么理由。或者毫无理由。他们是不知足的孩子,无论得到什么,无论女子怎样,都不满意的。 | When you don’t have them they hate you because you won’t; and when you do have them they hate you again, for some other reason. Or for no reason at all, except that they are discontented children, and can’t be satisfied whatever they get, let a woman do what she may. | |
17 | 人们对物价飞涨不满。 | People were discontented with the steep rise in prices. | |
18 | 他并没失去什么,之所以贫穷是因为他不满足,之所以不满足是因为他害怕自己贫穷。 | He had not lost anything, but he was poor because he was discontented , and discontented because he feared he was poor | |
19 | 他不满 于自己的工资。 | He’s discontented with his wage. | |
20 | 他对工资不满。 | He is discontented with his wages. | |
21 | 他对自己的薪水感到不满。 | He was discontented with his salary. | |
22 | 他们尽管有钱,还是感到不满。 | For all their wealth, they were discontented | |
23 | 贪夫无宁日。 | A discontented man know not where to sit easy. | |
24 | 我情愿做那个年老的,欲壑难填的博士,好友如云,情操高尚。 | I preferred the elderly and discontented doctor, surrounded by friends and cherishing honest hopes | |
25 | 现在她能常常从这些不满情绪中恢复过来,这些不满情绪也会常常再现。时间加上重复--啊,这真是奇妙!水滴石穿,石头终究要彻底地认输! | As often as she might recover from these discontented thoughts now, they would occur again. Time and repetition--ah, the wonder of it! The dropping water and the solid stone--how utterly it yields at last! | |
26 | 心怀不满的人煽动船员叛变。 | Discontented men stirred the crew to mutiny. | |
27 | 在舞会上,爱玛和十多人跳过舞,喝香槟酒,接受人们对她的美貌的恭维。包法利家的生活和这位贵族家庭生活的鲜明对照使她很痛苦。她对查尔斯愈来愈不满意。 | At the ball Emma danced with a dozen partners, tasted champagne, and received compliments on her beauty. The contrast between the life of the Bovarys and that of the nobleman was painfully evident, Emma became more and more discontented with Charles. | |
28 | 在这儿,我写下这些话,就是希望那些不知满足的人能有所觉醒:他们之所以不能舒舒服服地享受上帝的恩赐,正是因为他们老是在期望和贪求他们还没有得到的东西。 | And which I take notice of here, to put those discontented people in mind of it, who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them; because they see, and covet something that he has not given them. | |
29 | 政府试图安抚不满的工人们。 | The government tried to appease discontented workers. | |
30 | 秩序的维护者,亦即自行任命的国家紧急状态委员会,所依赖的是军队,抑制独立新闻报导,以及不满而又得过且过的人民。多数人民仍把民主看做一个抽象的原则。 | The champions of order,embodies in the self-appointed State Committee for the State of Emergency,are banking on military power,a stifling of the independent press and the passivity of a discontented people,many of whom still see democracy as an abstract principle. |