1 | (经挖掘或钻探)发现或接触到(黄金、矿物、石油等) | Discover or reach(gold,minerals,oil,etc)by digging or drilling | |
2 | “我应该把所有的事情都告诉他吗?”“是的,我要是你的话,就不隐瞒任何事情。不管你说不说出来,他们都会及时发现真相的。” | "Should I tell him everything?""yes, if I were you I wouldn’t keep anything back. They’ll discover the truth, in time, whether you try to keep it back or not." | |
3 | 巴比特坚决否认自己有试探是否能够接近麦高恩小姐的想法。 | Babbit utterly repudiate the view that he had been trying to discover how approachable was Miss McGoun | |
4 | 把做坏事的人关在一个地方,使他们没有机会再损害无辜的人,使他们感到犯罪划不来,似乎确实有道理。 | It does seem reasonable to keep wrongdoers in a place where they find fewer opportunities to hurt innocent people, and where they might discover that crime doesn’t pay. | |
5 | 半成品熨烫(样衣)之前,必须先取一小块样衣的布,彻底地测试一下,找到合适的条件后方能熨烫。 | Before underpressing a sample garment it is imperative that scraps of the sample fabric are tested thoroughly to discover the ideal conditions under which the garment can be pressed. | |
6 | 本店出售的黄金饰品,成色准足,凡发现假冒伪劣者,以一奖十。 | The gold ornaments our shop sells are all of standard quality. If anyone should discover a counterfeit or inferior ornament, he shall obtain a refund ten times as high as the original sale price of the commodity concerned. | |
7 | 别向任何人泄露这个秘密。 | Don’t discover the secret to anyone | |
8 | 不需要很大的洞察力就可以发现,她们所希望的是:她们的信既要写得亲切,又要不失少女应有的自尊。 | It did not require any great penetration to discover that what they wished was that their letters should be as kind as was consistent with proper maidenly pride | |
9 | 查明,弄清由事实查明,如通过检查或试验 | To discover with certainty,as through examination or experimentation. | |
10 | 创意的装饰、设备良好的客房、优雅的餐厅、细心的服务和友善的微笑,只有当您光临温德莎公寓时您才会感觉我们是多么细致入微。 | Innovative décor, well-equipped guest rooms, elegant dining venues, attentive services and friendly simile… only when you visit the Windsors can you discover how considerate we are! | |
11 | 当场发现某人正做坏事或犯罪. | Catch sb red-handed ;discover sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime | |
12 | 电子商务,也就是通过互联网做生意正越来流行,因陋就简人们已经意识到网上购物的优势。 | E-commerce, or business done on the Internet ,is becoming and more popular as people discover the advantages of online shopping . | |
13 | 读书越多,越感到知识不足。 | The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. | |
14 | 发现(某人)在干坏事;抓住 | Discover (sb)in the act of doing sth wrong;catch | |
15 | 发现和记下发生的真实事件是历史学家的任务 | It is for the historian to discover and register what actually happened | |
16 | 发现或发觉(某人正做某事);突然抓住 | Find or discover (sb doing sth);take by surprise | |
17 | 发现女儿同吸毒者交往,他感到很痛心。 | He was distressed to discover that his daughter had been consorting with drug addicts | |
18 | 发现自己不喜欢工程学的学生很快退了学。 | Students who discover that they don’t like engineering soon drop out | |
19 | 凡是存心为神服务而又兼为金钱服务者,不久会发现此地无神存在。 | Those who set out to serve both god and mammon soon discover that there is no god. | |
20 | 凡是存心为神服务而又兼为金钱服务者,不久就会发现此地无神存在。 | Those who set out to serve both God and Mammon soon discover that there is no God. | |
21 | 盖世太保很快跟踪而至,但尽管她们多次遇险,都侥幸得以脱身,未被发现。 | The gestapo were soon on their trail, but failed to discover them, although they had several lucky escapes | |
22 | 故曰:胜可为也。敌虽众,可使无斗。 | Though the enemy be stronger in numbers, we may prevent him from fighting. Scheme so as to discover his plans and the likelihood of their success. | |
23 | 国际经济伦理为我们提供了一次独特的机会,使我们不仅能照顾好人类自己,而且可尝试着去发现在复杂的社会环境中公正能否得以实现。 | International business ethics offers a unique opportunity to look after our fellow humans, and to discover whether justice can be implemented in complex situations. | |
24 | 过了一段时间,我不再四处打听赠花的人是谁,而是尽情欣赏着那朵用柔软的粉红色纸包着纯白无比的栀子花,欣赏它的美丽,陶醉于那浓郁的香气。 | After a whole I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper | |
25 | 合作办教育有助于中国提高国内学校的管理水平,同时也是培养社会急需人才、增进中国与外部世界的教育交流和合作的一种新途径。 | Cooperative education efforts are of use for China to improve the domestic level of school administration, to discover new ways to develop much-needed talents and to promote educational exchanges and cooperation between China and the outside world. | |
26 | 还有各种报告会,由一些重要的化工团体,比如IChemE或aICHE,以及小一些的专题小组举行。这些是了解最新研究动态以及同行专家相互学习的重要机会。 | Conferences are held by major chemical engineering bodies such as IChemE or aIChE, or by smaller interest groups. These are a major opportunity to discover the latest in new ideas and research, and for experts to learn from others in their fields. | |
27 | 交通部进行了一次彻底的调查,以查明飞机坠毁的原因。 | The Ministry of Transport made a searching enquiry to discover the cause of the plane crash. | |
28 | 教师们需要在教导学生与让他们自己有所发现之间达到巧妙的平衡。 | Teachers need to strike a delicate balance between educating their pupils and letting them discover things for themselves. | |
29 | 接下来这一天的早上,我再次迎接黎明,迫切地要发现新的愉快,因我确信,对那些有眼睛能真正看见的人来说,每天的黎明一定是一种美的永恒新展露。 | The following morning, I should again greet the dawn, anxious to discover new delights, for I am sure that, for those who have eyes which really see, the dawn of each day must be a perpetually new revelation of beauty | |
30 | 她把所有的香烟都藏到了她丈夫找不到的地方。 | She has all the cigarettes stashed away where her husband won’t discover them. |