属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-只为重建信心 For those who have l
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铁娘子 Iron Lady
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新书出炉 祸不单行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-律师事务所 标价更高 收益更少
1 | 我在谈话中当然会十分小心的。 | I’ll certainly be most discreet in my conversation. | |
2 | 我知趣得很,决不打搅你,看你什么时候跟我说话。” | I was very discreet and didn’t disturb you, just to see when you’d speak to me." | |
3 | 现在,她那个考虑周到的永远斩断他们之间生活联系的计划哪里去了呢? | Where were now her discreet plans for sundering their lives for ever? | |
4 | 小心地保持距离 | at a discreet distance | |
5 | 要更谨慎些--否则你就会成为人们的话柄。 | Be more discreet or you’ll get yourself talked about. | |
6 | 要是找个不显眼的位子,旁边有个少女倒不赖。 | Nice discreet place to be next some girl | |
7 | 一个政治家必须要谨慎 | A politician must be discreet . | |
8 | 在罚球命中的喧闹声中,兴高采烈的查斯顿扒下运动衣,露出黑色的小数字和模糊的耐克动感标志。 | In the brouhaha that followed the penalty shoot out, an elated Chastain whipped off her jersey to reveal a little black number with discreet Nike swoosh | |
9 | 这种人显赫一时,与其说是他们本身的特质,倒不如说沾了他们地位的光,一旦事过境迁,他们的伟大也就黯然失色了。 | That greatness is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstance reduces it to very discreet proportions | |
10 | 资产阶级谨慎的魅力 | The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie | |
11 | ||1:《为人民的资本主义》一书最后一个话题也正是该书的中心思想,书的作者是芝加哥大学布斯商学院的Luigi Zingales教授。||2:24年前,Zingales从裙带关系泛滥的意大利来到美国,该书正是Zingales为当时他所见的美国写的一曲挽歌。||3:在意大利,公司一般都喜欢小规模运作谨慎周密地运作。||4:扩大公司规模会让他们更容易经不起监管,还要求他们得根据能力选人而非忠诚度,但是忠诚度又极其重要,因为正是员工的忠诚才让他们经得住详细盘查。 | ||1:It is this last issue that forms the heart of “A Capitalism for the People” by Luigi Zingales, a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.||2:Mr Zingales has written an elegy to the America he found when he moved there 24 years ago from an Italy that was rife with nepotism.||3:Italian businesses preferred to stay small and discreet .||4:Growing bigger made them vulnerable to scrutiny and would require them to hire people on the basis of talent rather than loyalty; and loyalty was important because it, once again, helped protect the firm from scrutiny. | |
12 | ||1:当索尼娅?甘地九月份回到印度,再次开始她国会党主席的工作时,原本混乱的状况一似乎下子秩序井然。||2:人们关于她的地位最恰当的描述是“王朝的精神领袖”,原本是因为她是拉吉夫的遗孀,而现在则更多的是因为她在政治上直觉敏锐,思想具有战略性,寡言慎行,对政治工作有绝对的掌控能力。 | ||1:When she returned to India in September and resumed her duties as president of the ruling Congress Party, the immediate crisis appeared to stabilise.||2:Mrs Gandhi’s position—which might best be described as a dynastic moral authority—now stems less from the fact that she is Rajiv’s widow than from her intuitive strategic sense and her discreet , often silent, ability to assert political control. | |
13 | ||1:让我们看看Integreon公司将会发生些什么。||2:这个公司仅仅只占用了几个不起眼的安全的办公室。||3:他在马尼拉有300名雇员,其中40人是律师,帮助跨国的律师事务所进行诉讼。||4: 精通美国诉讼。"它让我们能够轻松的对美国的公司进行法律研究,"该公司的区域经理Benjamin Romualdez说。 | ||1: Integreon offers a glimpse of what the future may hold. ||2: The firm occupies just a few discreet , very secure offices. ||3: It employs 300 people in Manila, 40 of them lawyers who help multinational law firms with litigation. ||4: Familiarity with America helps."It makes it very easy for us to do legal research for American firms," says Benjamin Romualdez, the firm’s country manager. | |
14 | ||1:在这本情节跌宕起伏的长篇小说中,克拉克夫人的行文风格有点慢条斯理。||2:不过,历史小说的爱好者一定不会因此丧失热情。||3:作者用精巧细致的铺垫和层出不穷的惊喜描绘出玛丽贝尔的传奇经历。||4:文中对拍摄“西大荒的水牛比尔”,调查西班牙的某个金矿,还有主角与一位妓女联手合作完成了一次构思巧妙的勒索行动等描述,都为小说增添了色彩。这些奇思妙想都为小说增添了色彩。 | ||1: Ms Clark takes her time with this long, undulating novel. ||2: But fans of historical fiction will not be put off by this. ||3: She builds the story with discreet layering and surprises for the reader about Maribel’s adventures. ||4: Descriptions of photographing “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West”, investigating a gold mine in Spain and liaising with a prostitute in an elaborate blackmailing plan all add colour. | |
15 | 幸运的是,目前为止,他们能够避免供应谨慎,选择性折扣。 | Fortunately for them, they have so far been able to get away with offering discreet , selective discounts. | |
16 | LV式切割钻石以及谨慎加入的品牌标志花朵被整合到六个全套首饰和35件单品之中。 | The LV-cut diamonds and discreet inserts of the brand’s signature monogram flower were integrated into the six parures and 35 other pieces. | |
17 | Walsershof的餐厅尤其受到低调美食家的青睐。 | The Walserhof’s restaurant is especially popular for discreet , gourmet entertaining. | |
18 | 阿迪达斯可以通过更加明智的方式提供最大的帮助,比如改善工作环境、补偿其中国工人。 | Adidas could help the most in more discreet ways such as improving working conditions and pay for its Chinese workers. | |
19 | 包装上一行简朴的文字提示着消费者,他们正在购买的是一件塔塔产品。 | A single discreet line on the packaging reminds consumers they are buying a Tata product. | |
20 | 此前,茱丽在自己的手掌上纹了一个不显眼的M,以纪念今年年初去世的母亲马歇尔琳·伯特兰。 | She already has a discreet M on the palm of her hand - a tribute to her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who died earlier this year. | |
21 | 此人应该言行谨慎,只知道听,不会去试图解决你的所有问题。 | Someone who is discreet and knows just to listen and not to attempt to solve all your problems. | |
22 | 带干扰的多险种离散风险模型的破产概率 | Ruin probability for a discreet risk model of multiple line that is perturbed by diffusion | |
23 | 第三,与上层人士中的朋友进行约会时最好找一个更隐秘的地方,而不是spa和酒店。 | Find somewhere more discreet for your get-togethers with friends in high places, rather than spas and hotels. | |
24 | 杜邦VW普通的改装车看起来是不同了,但不是不会非常引人注目。 | Civilian armored cars are modified, but look discreet . | |
25 | 对待与恋人间婚前性行为的态度更为明确。 | As to before-wedding day sex behavior between lovers, their attitudes are becoming more discreet . | |
26 | 对于贵宾赌桌数量等令人讨厌的繁琐问题,金沙较为审慎,但在我看来似乎很多。 | Sands is discreet about pesky details such as the number of VIP tables but they looked plentiful to me. | |
27 | 对于修复孩子们磨损的牙齿,这是一种理想的需要谨慎选择的方法。 | It’s the perfect, discreet alternative to the braces our kids wear. | |
28 | 耳边涛声絮语,像是一个友善的巨怪小心地从高脚酒杯里汲水时发出的声音。 | I could hear small lapping sounds beside me, as if a kindly monster was taking discreet sips of water from a large goblet. | |
29 | 该款平板电脑配备一块10.1英寸的屏幕,在背面有一个严密的插槽用来嵌入附带的智能手机。 | The tablet has a 10. 1-inch screen. Its back hides a discreet hatch for an accompanying smart phone. | |
30 | 关于私生活或是你的行踪,要保持谨慎。 | Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. |