属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国际足联与腐败 非礼勿听
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-?一周要闻 国际足联14年首亏前主席工资遭
1 | 心怀不端的人是可耻的 | Disgraced may be he who thinks ill | |
2 | 心怀不端的人是可耻的。 | Disgraced may be he who thinks ill. | |
3 | 原来是你丢了全家的面子! | So it’s you that have disgraced the family! | |
4 | 这卑怯的官员因不尽职被解职。 | The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do his duty. | |
5 | 这卑怯的官员因不尽职而被解职。 | The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do his duty | |
6 | 这不是丢脸的事。 | There’s nothing to feel disgraced about. | |
7 | 这个女孩偷东西,给她家丢了脸。 | The girl disgraced her family by stealing. | |
8 | 这位部长因为那种暗示与丑闻有牵连的传说而失势。 | The minister was disgraced by the hint of scandal. | |
9 | 众所周知,一个邻近国家的前总统和家人涉嫌贪污,但是要成功的将他们治罪却难如登天。 | The whole world now knows that it is an uphill task to prosecute successfully a disgraced former head of state of a neighbouring country for his alleged graft and that of some of his family members. | |
10 | ||1:2010年俄卡两国赢得主办权以来,丑闻申诉不绝于耳。||2:数名涉事的国际足联官员在质疑中辞职。||3:英国报纸《星期日泰晤士报》于七月公布了一些电邮,它们形成于卡塔尔胜选之前的一段时间。这些电邮显示,在名声不佳的国际足联前大佬,穆罕默德·本·哈曼主持下,卡塔尔的申办行为是多么的慷慨。负责英格兰2018年世界杯申办工作的特里斯曼勋爵称,国际足联官员曾向他索贿。 | ||1:Ever since Russia and Qatar won the hosting rights in 2010, there have been allegations of funny business.||2:Several FIFA officials involved have since stepped down under a cloud.||3:In June the Sunday Times, a British newspaper, published e-mails detailing lavish campaigning by Mohamed bin Hammam, a disgraced former FIFA bigwig from Qatar, ahead of the vote for his country. Lord Triesman, who led England’s bid for the 2018 tournament, has said FIFA officials asked him for bribes. | |
11 | ||1:而古老的话语往往是最有力的。||2:一些报纸报道称,已名誉扫地、现已过世的金融家杰弗里?爱泼斯坦与“未成年女性”“ cavorted 嬉戏”;他强奸、贩卖少女。||3:同样地,一些人想要抛弃“child pornography 儿童色情”这个术语,因为它指的是一种十恶不赦的犯罪行为,而不是像成人那样自愿表演。||4:有时人们似乎不能谈论性暴力,除非是在双方知情同意的基础上改编的。 | ||1:And the old words are often the most powerful.||2:Activists have berated newspapers which reported that Jeffrey Epstein, a disgraced and now-dead financier, “cavorted” with “underage women”; he raped and trafficked teenage girls.||3:Similarly, some want to ditch the term “child pornography”, since it refers to a heinous criminal enterprise, not consenting performances as in the adult kind.||4:It sometimes seems people cannot talk about sexual violence except in terms adapted from consensual relations. | |
12 | ||1:这种形象不是毫无根据。||2:众所周知,1973到1974年间,理查德·尼克松受到水门事件的影响,黑格将军接替声名狼藉的霍尔德曼任白宫办公厅主任,维持政府正常运作。||3:他劝尼克松对付政敌、及时隐退;他建议杰拉德·福特特赦尼克松。||4:他位高权重,尼克松求他找出路摆脱谣言时说“抽屉里有把枪”,黑格立即吩咐医生把总统的药拿走。 | ||1: This portrayal was not without foundation. ||2: It was well known that in 1973-74, as Richard Nixon crumbled under the weight of Watergate, General Haig, then chief of staff in succession to the disgraced H.R. Haldeman, kept the administration functioning. ||3: He advised Nixon how to deal with his enemies, and when to resign; he suggested to Gerald Ford that he should pardon his predecessor. ||4: His power was such that when Nixon appeared to ask him for a way out of his turmoil, “a pistol in the drawer”, he immediately ordered the president’s doctors to take away his pills. | |
13 | 他还可以避开在伦敦的压抑气氛。伦敦本周确认,《世界新闻报》记者窃听事件的受害人(注:这里可能是’’villain"的笔误,布鲁克斯应该是指使这次丑闻的人之一)居然还包括默多克不光彩的前任下属兼密友丽贝卡.布鲁克斯(Rebekah Brooks)。 | And he will be insulated from the poisonous atmosphere in London, where it was confirmed this week that the victims of phone-hacking by News of the World (NOW) journalists included none other than Mr Murdoch’s disgraced former sidekick, | |
14 | 足球主管机构—国际足联(FIFA)报告公布了其自2002年以来的首次年度亏损,亏损主要由上涨的发展费用和比赛成本所致。国际足联还透露遭人诟病的前任主席赛普·布拉特(Sepp Blatter)年薪为370万美元,这是国际足联第一次详细公布布拉特的薪酬。 | Football’s governing body, FIFA, posted its first annual loss since 2002, citing increased development expenses and higher competition costs. It also revealed that Sepp Blatter, the disgraced former president, had received a pay package of $3.7m, the first time it has detailed his remuneration. | |
15 | Folio的所有者兼董事长加夫龙勋爵(LordGavron)表示,他还主动给关押在狱中、也有着贵族头衔的康拉德•布莱克(ConradBlack)送了几本书。 | Lord Gavron, Folio’s owner and chairman, says he also sent some unsolicited books to disgraced peer Conrad Black in prison. | |
16 | 承诺接纳一个被罢权的领导,可以把一场血腥的内战带进和平,但是这承诺通常可以在后来被废除。 | Promising to take a disgraced leader can bring about peace after a bloody civil war, but the pledge can be rescinded at a later date. | |
17 | 但反对蒙羞的宇宙主宰的虚无之声终将终结。 | But the nihilistic voices raised against the disgraced masters of the universe will eventually cease. | |
18 | 但是克罗威尔被执行了免职,于是亨利与安妮公主的婚姻便取消了。 | But Cromwell was disgraced and executed, and Henry had his marriage to Anne annulled. | |
19 | 当然运动员们失去的远不止颜面荣誉和奖牌,还有迅速抽身的赞助商们(有的甚至整队撤出)。 | Disgraced athletes, of course, stand to lose a lot more than their medals: corporate backers drop them instantly. | |
20 | 当我这个耻辱的被摧毁的人,穿着囚服坐在黑暗的牢房里,我谴责我自己。 | As I sit here in this dark cell in convict clothes, a disgraced and ruined man, I blame myself. | |
21 | 弗莱施曼于1989年失宠,但他依然克尽职守地工作着。 | Fleischmann was disgraced in 1989, but he still stands by the work he was doing. | |
22 | 即使行为不光彩的子女与父母在同一家机构工作,损害也是微乎其微的。 | Even when the disgraced child works at the same organisation as the parent the damage is minor. | |
23 | 就像你知道的,海鸥们从不在空中乱颤甚至是失控坠落。在空中失控是使人丢脸和觉得羞耻的。 | Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgraced and it is dishonor. | |
24 | 据当地媒体报道,酒井法子和3男滥交的性爱视频日前被曝光,在日本引起轰动。 | A video featuring disgraced Japanese pop star Noriko Sakai having sex with 3 men was exposed, local media reported. | |
25 | 距令议会首次蒙羞的“骗补门”两年后,犯罪当事人还是遭到了报应。 | More than two years after stories of expense-fiddling first disgraced Parliament, guilty parties are still receiving their comeuppance. | |
26 | 马多夫不是唯一一个从名字中就可见出其品行的不良商人。 | Mr Madoff is not alone among disgraced businessmen in having a name that gives the game away. | |
27 | 那么,就以类似臭名昭著的金融家伯尼·麦道夫经营的庞氏骗局为背景来对此进行考量。 | Well, now think about this in the context of a Ponzi scheme such as the one perpetrated by disgraced financier Bernie Madoff. | |
28 | 皮埃尔·博尼因为贪污腐败而被捕入狱,颜面扫地,但拉丰却让这位法国曾经名头最响的警官担任自己的副手。 | Pierre Bonny, once the most famous police officer in France before being disgraced and jailed for corruption, became his right-hand man. | |
29 | 七年前第一场活动在科罗拉多泉市举行,最近的泰德。汉贾德丑闻就发生在那里。 | The first started seven years ago in Colorado Springs, a city that is home to the lately disgraced Reverend Ted Haggard. | |
30 | 其败北的对手维克多•雅鲁克维奇(ViktorYanukovich)却在那次的大选中蒙羞,原因是他作为乌克兰的国家总理竟悍然地参选总统一职。 | His defeated rival, Viktor Yanukovich, was disgraced because, as prime minister, he had blatantly tried to rig the presidential election. |