1 | ||朱蒂先生最深远的研究莫过于对法国的历史的学习,尤其是第二次世界大战之前的法国学术历史,他认为这段历史正是法国美好与丑恶并存的时期。一本名为“过去的瑕疵”的书在1992年出版,该书的最终版本正是关于那些法国统治者沉溺在对自我的放纵和自我的妄想中,并没有察觉到斯大林是个恶魔。|| | ||Mr Judt’s deepest knowledge was of France, and particularly its post-war intellectual history, which he regarded with a mixture of fascination and disgust .|| “Past Imperfect”, published in 1992, was the definitive book about the self-indulgence and wilful self-delusion of the French brainboxes who failed to see that Stalin was a monster. | |
2 | “羞恶之心”与道德意识的来源 | Origins of "Sense of Shame and Disgust " and Moral Consciousness | |
3 | “怎么把一件那么蠢的裙子挂在伊顿的橱窗上!”她有些反感的摇了摇头。 | "What a silly dress to be perched up there in the window of Eaton’s! " she shook her head in disgust . | |
4 | Pizarro注意到,自由派和保守派对于厌恶是否在道德判断中起到合理作用持有不同意见。 | Liberals and conservatives disagree about whether disgust has a valid place in making moral judgments, Pizarro noted. | |
5 | 安东尼慢慢地站起身来,他一边朝左边的记录台走去,一边没好气地将毛巾摔到了地上。 | Anthony slowly pulled himself up, turned left toward the scorer’s table, and flipped a towel to the court in disgust . | |
6 | 比利时群众在脸部涂满令人作呕的物质以示对缺乏合理政府的抗议。 | Men in Belgium are wearing their disgust over the lack of a proper government on their faces. | |
7 | 不管我们大家对在10月份就听到宾•克罗斯比(BingCrosby)的圣诞歌曲有多么厌恶,这个理由显然还不足以劝阻商家。 | Whatever collective disgust we have for the sound of Bing Crosby in October, it is clearly not enough to dissuade them | |
8 | 参与者们能够传达八种不同的情感,从感谢到厌恶到爱慕,准确度约达到70%。 | The participants were able to communicate eight distinct emotions, from gratitude to disgust to love, some with about 70 percent accuracy. | |
9 | 丑陋的外星人入侵南非,聚集在约翰内斯堡附近,使当地居民感到非常厌烦。 | Ugly aliens invade South Africa and are herded into a slum near Johannesburg, to the disgust of local residents. | |
10 | 初来乍到虽然看不出有多少媚人之处,但至少没有任何地方叫亲戚们看了讨厌。 | Although there might not be much at first appearance to captivate, there was, at least, nothing to disgust her relations. |