属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-叙利亚困局求解
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-长寿的秘诀 日本健康零食
1 | 我讨厌他那过分的谄媚。 | I was disgusted by his fulsome flattery. | |
2 | 我听到他的那种行为觉得很气愤。 | I was disgusted to hear of his behaviour. | |
3 | 厌恶的;愤慨的:充满厌恶的或使人生气的急躁的. | Disgusted :Filled with disgust or irritated impatience. | |
4 | 厌倦或厌恶某事物 | Sicken of sthbecome weary of or disgusted with sth | |
5 | 一九二零年的秋天,康妮和克利福回勒格贝老家来,爱玛因为仍然憎恶她弟弟的失信,已到伦敦租了间小房子住去下。 | Connie and Clifford came home to Wragby in the autumn of 1920. Miss Chatterley, still disgusted at her brother’s defection, had departed and was living in a little flat in London. | |
6 | 易生厌的;易受惊的;易生气的;神经质的 | Easily disgusted ,shocked or offended | |
7 | 由于这家工厂制造成污染,居民们对它极为讨厌。 | The citizens are disgusted with the factory because of the pollution that the factory has caused. | |
8 | 鱼腥气使我作呕。 | The smell of the fish disgusted me. | |
9 | 这食物使我感到恶心。 | The food disgusted me. | |
10 | 作为一名在法国工作的美国人,我对不给予我刚出生的女儿一份法国护照这件事感到反感。 | As an American working in France, I was disgusted that my new-born daughter was not granted a French passport. | |
11 | ||1:哈奇不是唯一一位向右急转弯的共和党大牌。||2:来自印第安纳的迪克-卢加最近也在鼓吹与其立场不符的保守政见。他江湖地位与哈奇平起平坐,同日就任,战况却更是四面楚歌。||3:就连缅因的温和派参议员奥林匹亚-斯诺也在2010年以后渐渐向右靠拢。她早前已经宣布由于受不了国会的两极分化而不会竞逐连任。 | ||1: Mr Hatch is not the only Republican grandee to have shifted nimbly rightward. ||2: Dick Lugar, a Republican senator from Indiana who is equally venerable (he and Mr Hatch joined the Senate on the same day) and even more embattled, is breathing an unaccustomed amount of fire these days. ||3: Even Olympia Snowe, a moderate Republican senator from Maine who recently declared herself so disgusted with the polarisation of Congress that she is not running for re-election this year, has been inching to the right since 2010. | |
12 | 美国驻联合国大使苏珊·赖斯(Susan Rice)表示,美国非常反感中俄再次阻止行动。她指出,拟议的决议案并没有提武器禁运或军事干预之类的制裁。她还批评俄罗斯还在继续向叙利亚政府出售武器。 | American Ambassador Susan Rice said the United States was "disgusted " that Russia and China had again blocked action. She noted that the proposed resolution said nothing about sanctions, an arms boycott or military intervention. She also criticized Russia for continuing to sell weapons to the Syrian government. | |
13 | 然而,将新产品推向市场或将不会一帆风顺。精明的食客们坚称豆制品美味至极,但其他人却强烈反对。漫画家加里.拉尔森(Gary Larson)画过这样一幅漫画:三头母狮们厌恶的相继吐出口中摇晃着的块块鲜肉,因为它们捕到的是“塞伦盖蒂最令人作呕的健康羚羊——豆腐羚”。该漫画引发了公众的强烈共鸣。 | But the marketing may be a problem. Sophisticated diners insist that soya is scrumptious, but others vehemently disagree. Gary Larson, a cartoonist, once drew three disgusted lionesses spitting out the wobbly flesh of “a tofudebeest—one of the Serengeti’s obnoxious health antelopes”. It struck a chord. | |
14 | “你的袖子太短了,”她吼道,并且对附近其他人脸上的厌恶表情熟视无睹。 | "Your sleeves are too short, " she barked, indifferent to the disgusted looks of other families nearby. | |
15 | “哦!”博恩斯带着厌恶的表情说道。 | "Oh! " Burns replied with a disgusted expression on her face. | |
16 | “这些事在其他大学发生过吗?还是只有这里是这样的?”编辑反感地问道。 | "Would this happen in any other university? Or is it just places like this? " asked the editor, disgusted . | |
17 | 1793年,他投票赞成处决国王,并指挥着对抗可恶的欧洲列强的战争。 | In 1793 he voted for the king’s execution and was directing the war against disgusted European powers. | |
18 | T-Bag反感地回答,“我也许‘社会交际’面广,但就算是我这样的人也绝不会过那条界。” | Disgusted , T-Bag replies, "I may be ’social’ in my own way, but that’s a boundary-line even I won’t cross. " | |
19 | 从表示厌恶的观众那里,几家广播电视网应已听到Read的大声呼吁了。 | Several networks already have heard Read’s message loud and clear - from disgusted viewers. | |
20 | 大众对这期封面的反应褒贬不一,有的读者见之作呕而有的则乐不可支。 | Reaction to this cover was mixed, with some readers disgusted and others highly amused. | |
21 | 但是写下恶心事件的女性选择冒险的程度比写下中立话题的女性要少得多。 | But women who wrote about a time when they were disgusted took significantly fewer risks than women who wrote about a neutral topic. | |
22 | 但他生性好色无耻,招致了其他纳粹党人的厌恶,甚至被调离纳粹党过一段时间。 | But he was a renowned pervert and disgusted other top Nazis and for a time was suspended form the organisation. | |
23 | 当我们觉得我们被宰的时候,我们一般都会觉得恶心—即使是个还不错的交易。 | When we feel like we’re being ripped off, we literally feel disgusted -- even when it’s a good deal. | |
24 | 对自己苛刻只会剥夺你享受生活的乐趣,让你更厌倦生活。 | Coming down so hard on yourself merely robs you of the pleasures in life and simply makes you more disgusted with it. | |
25 | 高校图书馆对厌学学生的服务对策 | Academic Libraries Service Countermeasures to the Students who are disgusted with Learning | |
26 | 她是否为他对安娜如此之快的背叛感到反感? | Is she disgusted that he would so soon betray Anna? | |
27 | 她随地吐痰,使人人感到厌恶。 | She disgusted everyone by spitting. | |
28 | 兰州旅游学校学生厌学形体课的心理诊断与教学对策 | The Psychological Diagnose and Teaching Countermeasures for Lanzhou Travel School Students Being Disgusted to Study Body Lesson | |
29 | 另外,巴勒斯坦民众对于两方的政治斗争越来越反感,这也有希望促使协定签署。 | It must have helped, too, that ordinary Palestinians have become increasingly disgusted by the conflict between the two political groups. | |
30 | 满是油腻的公用厨房和带有自来水表的卫生间让她觉得恶心。 | The grease-stained communal kitchen and bathroom with metered tap water disgusted her. |