1 | 卑鄙的行为往往损害好的名誉。 | A good name is dishonoured by unworthy conduct. | |
2 | 不能兑现之汇票或本票,如获授权或必须作拒绝证书者,而在该票据不能兑现之地方难以觅得公证人 | Where a dishonoured bill or note is authorized or required to be protested, and the services of a notary cannot be obtained at the place where the bill is dishonoured, | |
3 | 除本条例另有规定外,凡汇票不获承兑或被拒付款而不能兑现,必须向发票人及每一背书人发出不能兑现之通知 | Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, when a bill has been dishonoured by non-acceptance or by non-payment, notice of dishonour must be given to the drawer and each indorser, | |
4 | 除本条例另有规定外,凡汇票因不获承兑而不能兑现,执票人即有直接向发票人及背书人追偿之权利,而毋须作付款提示。 | Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, when a bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance, an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and indorsers accrues to the holder, and no presentment for payment is necessary. | |
5 | 除本条例另有规定外,如汇票被拒付款而不能兑现,执票人即有直接向付款人及背书人追偿之权利。 | Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, when a bill is dishonoured by non-payment, an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and indorsers accrues to the holder. | |
6 | 但是他却不这样做,他担任了两年忧愁烦恼、卑鄙可耻的职务后,落得一个横死、不光彩的下场。 | Instead, he went forward through two years of worrying and ignominious office to a violent death, a dishonoured grave | |
7 | 发票人及任何背书人可在汇票上书明第三者之姓名,使执票人有需要时有所依赖;有需要时乃指汇票因被拒承兑或被拒支付而不能兑现之时。 | The drawer of a bill and any indorser may insert therein the name of a person to whom the holder may resort in case of need, that is to say, in case the bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance or non-payment. | |
8 | 凡汇票不能兑现,则损害赔偿应视为协定之损害赔偿,其范围如下-- | Where a bill is dishonoured , the measure of damages, which shall be deemed to be liquidated damages, shall be as follows-- | |
9 | 凡汇票经作正式承兑提示而未能在惯常期间内获承兑,提示人须视有关汇票因不获承兑而不能兑现 | When a bill is duly presented for acceptance and is not accepted within the customary time, the person presenting it must treat it as dishonoured by non-acceptance. | |
10 | 凡汇票有下开情况,即属被拒付款而不能兑现-- | A bill is dishonoured by non-payment-- | |
11 | 凡汇票于外地不能兑现,执票人可向发票人或背书人追讨 | in the case of a bill which has been dishonoured abroad, in lieu of the above damages, the holder may recover from the drawer or an indorser, | |
12 | 凡将不能兑现之汇票退回发票人或背书人,在形式上足以视为有效之不能兑现之通知 | the return of a dishonoured bill to the drawer or an indorser is, in point of form, deemed a sufficient notice of dishonour; | |
13 | 凡票面表明系外地汇票之汇票,如因不获承兑而不能兑现,必须正式办理拒绝承兑证书 | Where a foreign bill, appearing on the face of it to be such, has been dishonoured by non-acceptance, it must be duly protested for non-acceptance, | |
14 | 凡外地本票不能兑现者,无须为该票作拒绝证书。 | Where a foreign note is dishonoured , protest thereof is unnecessary. | |
15 | 该汇票星期日不兑现。 | The bill was dishonoured on Sunday. | |
16 | 汇票可于下列情况承兑:未有发票人签署,或仍有不完整之处;业已过期,或在被拒承兑或被拒支付而不能兑现之后。 | A bill may be accepted:before it has been signed by the drawer, or while otherwise incomplete;when it is overdue, or after it has been dishonoured by a previous refusal to accept or by non-payment. | |
17 | 汇票之拒绝证书,必须在不能兑现之地点办理,但下述情形,则作别论-- | A bill must be protested at the place where it is dishonoured :Provided that-- | |
18 | 汇票执票人可拒绝接受有限制承兑,且倘无法取得无限制承兑,得视有关汇票因不获承兑而不能兑现。 | The holder of a bill may refuse to take a qualified acceptance, and, if he does not obtain an unqualified acceptance, may treat the bill as dishonoured by non-acceptance. | |
19 | 如本地汇票不能兑现而执票人认为适当,可经公证注明不获承兑或被拒付款 | Where an inland bill has been dishonoured , it may, if the holder thinks fit, be noted for non-acceptance or non-payment, as the case may be; | |
20 | 如不能兑现之汇票获有拒绝证书之信誉承兑,或票上载有预备付款人,则在向信誉承兑人或预备付款人作付款提示前,应先作拒绝付款证书。 | Where a dishonoured bill has been accepted for honour supra protest or contains a reference in case of need, it must be protested for non-payment before it is presented for payment to the acceptor for honour or referee in case of need. | |
21 | 如汇票经邮政局作付款提示,但不能兑现而邮寄退回,则可于退回地点办理拒绝证书 | when a bill is presented through the Post Office, and returned by post dishonoured , it may be protested at the place to which it is returned, | |
22 | 如汇票因不获承兑而不能兑现,但有发出正式不能兑现之通知,除非汇票随后得承兑,否则如后来该票被拒付款而不能兑现,则不必为此发出通知。 | where a bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance and due notice of dishonour is given, it shall not be necessary to give notice of a subsequent dishonour by non-payment, unless the bill has in the eantime been accepted. | |
23 | 如汇票因不获承兑而不能兑现,而又未有发出不能兑现之通知,则在此项遗漏以后成为适时执票人者之权利,不应因此项遗漏而受影响 | where a bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance and notice of dishonour is not given, the rights of a holder in due course subsequent to the omission shall not be prejudiced by the omission; | |
24 | 如汇票于不能兑现时正由代理人持有,该代理人可亲自向须对汇票负责之当事人发出通知,或向其委托人发出通知。 | where a bill when dishonoured is in the hands of an agent, he may either himself give notice to the parties liable on the bill or he may give notice to his principal. | |
25 | 如汇票载明在付款人以外之人士之营业地点或居所付款,但因不获承兑而不能兑现 | when a bill drawn payable at the place of business or residence of some person other than the drawee has been dishonoured by non-acceptance, | |
26 | 如见票后付款之汇票因被拒承兑而不能兑现,而后来付款人又予以承兑 | When a bill payable after sight is dishonoured by non-acceptance, and the drawee subsequently accepts it, | |
27 | 如信誉承兑人不兑现汇票,则须作该承兑人拒绝付款证书。 | When a bill is dishonoured by the acceptor for honour, it must be protested for non-payment by him. | |
28 | 死去的丈夫不是他们所想象的不光彩的坏蛋。 | The dead husband is not the dishonoured wretch they fancied him. | |
29 | 他在竞赛中作弊而败坏了其球队的声誉。 | He dishonoured his team by cheating during the competition. | |
30 | 贪污的谣言败坏了议员的声誉。 | Rumors of corruption dishonoured the congressman. |