属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦之味 Scent of dreams
1 | 倘汇票并无过期而不能兑现,则任何知其不兑现情形之人士,在接受汇票时,须受该票不兑现时该票之所有权有任何不妥善之条件所限制 | Where a bill which is not overdue has been dishonoured , any person who takes it with notice of the dishonour takes it subject to any defect of title attaching thereto at the time of dishonour, | |
2 | 倘汇票不能兑现,背书人须向执票人或迫于支付该汇票之其后背书人作出赔偿,惟以汇票不能兑现所必要采取之程序已正式办妥为限 | if it is dishonoured he will compensate the holder or a subsequent indorser who is compelled to pay it, provided that the requisite proceedings on dishonour are duly taken; | |
3 | 倘汇票不能兑现,发票人须向执票人或任何迫于支付该汇票之背书人作出赔偿,惟以汇票不能兑现所必要采取之程序已正式执行为限 | if it is dishonoured he will compensate the holder or any indorser who is compelled to pay it, provided that the requisite proceedings on dishonour are duly taken; | |
4 | 通知可用书面发出或由个人传达,并可使用任何足以识别汇票及说明汇票因不获承兑或被拒付款而不能兑现之措词 | the notice may be given in writing or by personal communication, and may be given in any terms which sufficiently identify the bill, and intimate that the bill has been dishonoured by non-acceptance or non-payment; | |
5 | 通知可于汇票不能兑现后随即发出,但必须于事后合理期间内发出。除依照下列情形发出通知外,如无特殊原因,通知不视为已于合理期间内发出-- | the notice may be given as soon as the bill is dishonoured and must be given within a reasonable time thereafter. In the absence of special circumstances, notice is not deemed to have been given within a reasonable time, unless-- | |
6 | 我们很遗憾地声明,以A先生为付款人的票面50美元的汇票已遭拒付,我们不得不要求贵方汇寄50美元包括由此而产生的费用在内 | We regret to state that the Bill for $50 on Mr. A, has been dishonoured by non-payment, and we shall be obliged by your remitting us $50, amount of same and charges incurred. | |
7 | 像汇票遭拒付这样重要的事情,竟未引起贵方的注意,我们甚感惊讶。 | We are very much surprised at your inattention to a matter of so much importance as a dishonoured draft. | |
8 | 因不获承兑而不能兑现之汇票系指--汇票经正式作承兑提示,而遭拒绝或不能获得本条例所规定之承兑;汇票免作承兑提示,亦不获承兑。 | A bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance--when it is duly presented for acceptance, and such an acceptance as is prescribed by this Ordinance is refused or cannot be obtained; when presentment for acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted. | |
9 | 因为他在银行里没有钱,因此银行拒付他的支票。 | The bank dishonoured his cheque because he had no money in the bank. | |
10 | 由A先生承兑的贵方汇票第25号、面额2,500美元,已遭拒付,特此声明 | We state that your draft, No. 25, for $2,500, duly accepted by Mr. A, has been dishonoured by non-payment. | |
11 | 又如此类汇票以往未因不获承兑而致不能兑现,现因被拒付款而不能兑现者,则必须正式办理拒绝付款证书。 | where such a bill, which has not been previously dishonoured by non-acceptance, is dishonoured by non-payment, it must be duly protested for non-payment. | |
12 | 遇有下列情况,可免作承兑提示,而有关汇票可视为因不获承兑而不能兑现-- | Presentment in accordance with these rules is excused, and a bill may be treated as dishonoured by non-acceptance-- | |
13 | 在汇票过期前成为执票人,亦无觉察该票曾有不能兑现之情事 | that he became the holder of it before it was overdue, and without notice that it had been previously dishonoured , if such was the fact; | |
14 | --这两位绅士哪一个--(哄堂大笑和掌声)--究竟谁有资格披红戴花,荣任本镇有史以来的首任骗人精--他让哈德莱堡丢了人,从今以后哈德莱堡也要让他不自在! | --which of these two gentlemen--[laughter and applause]--is entitled to wear the belt as being the first dishonest blatherskite ever bred in this town--which he has dishonoured , and which will be a sultry place for him from now out!" | |
15 | 执票人虽有理由相信纵使作承兑提示,汇票仍不能兑现,惟并不因而免作承兑提示。 | The fact that the holder has reason to believe that the bill, on presentment, will be dishonoured does not excuse presentment. | |
16 | 执票人虽有理由相信纵使作付款提示,汇票仍不能兑现,惟并不因此而免作付款提示 | The fact that the holder has reason to believe that the bill will, on presentment, be dishonoured does not dispense with the necessity for presentment; | |
17 | 执票人之责任,例如作承兑或付款提示方面,及作拒绝证书或汇票不能兑现通知之必要或所办手续是否有效,均根据作出该等行为或汇票不能兑现所在地方之法律决定 | the duties of the holder with respect to presentment for acceptance or payment and the necessity for or sufficiency of a protest or notice of dishonour, are determined by the law of the place where the act is done or the bill is dishonoured ; | |
18 | 作为她因之受惩的罪孽的直接后果,上帝却赐予了她一个可爱的孩子,令其在同一个不光彩的怀抱中成长,成为母亲同人类世代繁衍的永恒联系,最后居然要让这孩子的灵魂在天国中受到祝福! | God, as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished, had given her a lovely child, whose place was on that same dishonoured bosom, to connect her parent for ever with the race and descent of mortals, and to be finally a blessed soul in heaven! | |
19 | ||1:穆里德·巴尔古提在他的回忆录《我在那里出生,我出生在这里》中唤起了这一切。这本回忆录是他2003年的作品《我看到了拉马拉》的续篇。||2:他驱车前往杰里科时经过橄榄树田,橄榄树“被连根拔起,抛却在露天下,就象没有尊严的尸体”,它们周围的田地是“露天的集体坟墓”。||3:从约旦穿越边界,“在巴勒斯坦的门槛”,他必须在检查站里等几个小时,检查站里“汗水粘乎乎地不断淌出来”,空气热浪灼人。||4:这些影像没有让他们的辛酸失去,或是让这种熟悉的辛酸所凝聚的力量失去。||5:相反,它们把流亡的巴勒斯坦人的经历提炼成实实在在的东西。 | ||1: Mourid Barghouti evokes them all in his memoir, “I Was Born There, I Was Born Here”, which continues the story begun in his 2003 work, “I Saw Ramallah”. ||2: Driving to Jericho, he passes fields of olive trees, “uprooted and thrown over under the open sky like dishonoured corpses”, the fields around them an “open collective grave”. ||3: Crossing the border from Jordan, “at the threshold of Palestine”, he must wait for hours at checkpoints where “sweat oozes with sticky insistence” and the air is fried. ||4: These images lose none of their poignancy or power in this familiarity. ||5: Instead they distil the Palestinian experience of exile into something real. | |
20 | 还有一些上面是有几分义愤填膺和蒙受耻辱的污言秽语。 | some covered with ribaldry and insult-all more or less outraged and dishonoured . | |
21 | 甚至多年来已对深深鞠躬、一言不发的丢人公司高管感到厌倦的日本记者,也对清水正孝的表现感到愤怒。 | His performance angered even jaded Japanese reporters with years of experience of watching dishonoured executives bow deeply and say little. | |
22 | 有些墓被盗取,有些被毁坏,有些上面涂满了污言秽语--或多或少是愤怒或蒙羞的话。 | Some are plundered; some are mutilated; some covered with ribaldry and insult-all more or less outraged and dishonoured . |