属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迷幻药之考验 今非昔比
1 | 我对斯洛泼小姐的柔情是人类的心灵所能孕育的最纯洁,最无私的感情。 | My affection for Miss Sloper is as pure and disinterested a sentiment as was ever lodged in a human being | |
2 | 我十分相信,他在这个问题上这样做是出于无私的动机。 | I am quite sure that he acted in this matter from disinterested motives | |
3 | 我希望你相信,我现在告诉你的话全是真诚的,无私的。 | I want you to believe that I am sincere and disinterested in what I am telling you now | |
4 | 无私地追求真理,当然是人们能够选择的最崇高的真理,当然是人们能够选择的最崇高的和最高尚的事业之一。--英奇 | The disinterested search for truth is certainly one of the highest and noblest careers that a man can choose.--W. R. Inge | |
5 | 厌倦,漠视的态度 | a bored disinterested manner | |
6 | 由于我这位船长朋友的正直无私,我赚了一笔不小的钱。因为,我听他的话,带了一批玩具和其他小玩意儿,大约值四十英镑。 | Which by the disinterested honesty of my friend the captain, I increased very considerably; for I carried about 40 pounds in such toys and trifles as the captain directed me to buy. | |
7 | 有哪一个象奎瓦富先生那么贫穷的人,会比他更没有私心呢。 | What man as needy as Mr. Quiverful would have been more disinterested ? | |
8 | 在财务方面,要征询与之无利益关系者的意见,这是十分重要的。 | In financial matter it is important to get disinterested advice. | |
9 | 他被视为一个越来越缺少公正的研究员,而越多地被人视作是一个宣传员。 | He was seen less and less as a disinterested researcher, and more and more as a propagandist. | |
10 | 从外面来的导师可以在更宽广的背景下设置问题和用一种无私和非对抗性的方式谈话。 | A mentor from outside can set problems in a wider context and talk about them in a disinterested , non-confrontational way. | |
11 | 还会在走廊中看到小男孩朝她伸舌头时带着不感兴趣的眼神望向天花板。 | and look at the ceiling in a disinterested way when the little boy across the aisle sticks out his tongue at her. | |
12 | 即使,“宗教探秘”有可能对不太常见的人类行为展开“冷酷无情的调查”,但事实上,这也是最为重要的。 | Most importantly, though, it has opened to disinterested investigation an area of human behaviour that all too rarely sees it. | |
13 | 看着这两个人在大批保镖的簇拥下抵达法庭,一个利益不相关的旁观者很难决定应该站在哪一边。 | Watching the two men arrive at court with their phalanxes of bodyguards, it is hard for a disinterested observer to take sides. | |
14 | 你可以通过这么做来实现团体理论:假装对你真正喜欢的女孩不感兴趣,而把关注的焦点集中于其实你根本不在乎的“障碍”女孩! | You do this by acting disinterested in the girl you’re really interested in, and focus on winning over the girl you don’t really care for! | |
15 | 然而,这种复杂的建议,并没有令人信服的根据,无利益体关系的调查人员说。 | There is no convincing evidence for this convoluted advice, disinterested researchers say. | |
16 | 如果我可以向你提供一些“无私”建议的话,那么,我觉得你应该约束你的作家梦,直到我的下一本著作在2008年初出版之后。 | If I may offer disinterested advice, you should curb your authorial ambitions until after my next book appears in early 2008. | |
17 | 实际上,罗德里克先生和其他学者都认为,必需要有公正无私、仁慈善良的决策者才能制定出正确有效的工业政策。 | In effect, Mr Rodrik and others are arguing that industrial policy requires disinterested , benevolent policymakers who can do it well. | |
18 | 是否曾经去过一次面试,在5分钟之内就对这份工作没了兴趣呢? | Ever go on an interview and become disinterested in the job 5 minutes into your meeting? | |
19 | 虽然他看来冷淡和无私,卡卡西是一个以能使用超过一千种忍术出名的高度熟练忍者。 | Although he appears aloof and disinterested , Kakashi is a highly skilled ninja known for the ability to utilize over a thousand jutsu. | |
20 | 所以圣经里面的故事并不是对事实的如实记传,而是来产生于人们自己对于宗教的信仰。 | The biblical texts are not disinterested reporting of objective facts but come from people of faith informed by particular beliefs. | |
21 | 他被视为一个越来越缺少公正的研究员,而越多地被人视作是一个宣传员。 | He was seen less and less as a disinterested researcher, and more and more as a propagandist. | |
22 | 它害了怕。人们看见,在那些最远和最“无动于衷”的区里,门、窗以及板窗在大白天也都关上了。 | Closed doors, windows, and shutters were to be seen everywhere, in the most distant and most "disinterested " quarters. | |
23 | 坦白地说,对全球经济体系稳定性做出公正评估,需要两种独立性。 | Any forthright, disinterested assessment of the stability of the global economic system requires two sorts of independence. | |
24 | 我们中仍然有许多人自动地遵行这条街头法典,据我所知,这条据是唯一公平公正。 | There are still many of us who automatically observe this code of the street, the only disinterested one I know. | |
25 | 现在我们就看到了私人法官相当务实的一面了。 | Now we see the quite pragmatic function of disinterested judges. | |
26 | 因为他希望从这件事中捞取好处,所以他的行为是不公正的。 | His action was not disinterested because he hoped to make money out of the affairs. | |
27 | 由于有一个无私的伙伴,他们更倾向于占有其他的女人。 | They’re more inclined to get involved with other women due to a disinterested partner. | |
28 | 在训诫无私的纯真的时候它的脖子却为了短裙而执意扭曲。 | It will lecture on disinterested purity while its neck is being remorselessly twisted toward a skirt. |