属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国大众 征服全世界(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-失败的上帝 作家的改口显示拉美左派的理论失败
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-圣诞树 喜乐的枝桠
1 | 倒阁声浪四起森喜朗传将辞职。 | Japan’s Mori dismisses speculation he may quit. | |
2 | 对于女权主义者经常提出的有关他侮辱妇女的说法,他不予理会,他说,妇女是“花花公子革命”最大的受益者。 | He dismisses frequent claims by feminists that he has demeaned women, saying that women were the biggest beneficiaries of the Playboy revolution | |
3 | 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇. | The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. | |
4 | 她多么轻易地就把她从前游伴的苦恼给撇开啦。 | How lightly she dismisses her old playmate’s troubles | |
5 | 这家集团公司每年裁员150人 | This consortium dismisses 150 people from its staff each year | |
6 | ||1:大众公司还买下顶级摩托制造商杜卡迪,并将曼恩和斯堪尼亚这两家卡车制造商合并至旗下的商务车系。||2:然而,大众依旧野心勃勃。||3:它对菲亚特旗下的高档车品牌阿尔法·罗密欧觊觎已久,有谣传称大众还盯上了美国卡车制造商纳威司达。||4:有人提议称大众集团正日趋壮大而变得难以管理,可是文德恩却对此不予理睬。 | ||1:VW is also buying Ducati, a maker of fancy motorbikes, and consolidating MAN and Scania, two lorrymakers, into its commercial-vehicles division.||2:Yet still the firm remains hungry.||3:It has long coveted Alfa Romeo, a premium-car division of Fiat; and is rumoured to be eyeing up Navistar, an American lorrymaker.||4:Mr Winterkorn nevertheless dismisses the suggestion that the group is getting unmanageably big. | |
7 | ||1:该书反对资本主义也反对帝国主义。||2:加莱亚诺用“掠夺机制”和“卡拉维尔征服者、喷气推进式科技主义者;荷南·科尔蒂斯、美国海军;西班牙王室和货币基金组织的代理人;奴隶贸易的分红和通用汽车的利润”加以注解。||3:他将所有改革的可能从考虑中剔除,古巴的共产主义是唯一的拯救途径 | ||1:The message is one of anti-capitalism as well as anti-imperialism.||2:Mr Galeano brackets as “mechanisms of plunder” both “the caravelled conquistadors and the jet-propelled technocrats; Hernan Cortés and the [US] Marines; the agents of the Spanish Crown and the International Monetary Fund missions; the dividends from the slave trade and the profits from General Motors.”||3:He dismisses all possibility of reform; Cuban communism offers the only route to salvation. | |
8 | ||1:尽管如此,有些评论家也担心Meles会把生意都卖给外国人,包括这个国家本身,以土地收成形式的出口已成为一个快速增长的企业。||2: 而在Sheraton Addis(沙特-埃塞俄比亚酋长Mohammed al-Amoudi拥有的豪华酒店)的一个回国的逃亡者和经纪人讲了一个故事,否认了这样的看法。 ||3:19世纪的国王在一次送别一队外国游客时,让他们仔细检查鞋底,不允许他们带走埃塞俄比亚一丁点的尘土。 | ||1: Some critics of Mr Meles nonetheless worry that he will give away the store to foreigners—including bits of the country itself, they grumble, in the form of land farmed for export, which has become a fast-growing business. ||2: At the Sheraton Addis (a luxury hotel owned by Mohammed al-Amoudi, a Saudi-Ethiopian sheikh), a returned exile who makes introductions and brokers deals dismisses this notion with a story. ||3: A 19th-century emperor once saw off foreign visitors who had perhaps overstayed their welcome. The emperor was said to have ordered the bottoms of their shoes to be checked carefully on the way out. Not a crumb of Ethiopia’s soil was to go with them. | |
9 | ||1:威瑟尔认为,通过这些计划,Facebook正在沿着正确的方向前进。||2:他对日活跃用户和月活跃用户比例下滑的担忧不屑一顾。||3:在美国,多数人在同类的社交网站中偏爱Facebook;而且比起其他网站,他们也更愿意在Facebook上消磨时间。||4:所以,对于大多数营销者而言,也没有其他既拥有"社交"战略,又"令人满意的平台提供商"了。||5:他承认开盘价38美元的确过高,但现在跌到如此之低也是不合理的。 | ||1:With these plans, thinks Mr Wieser, Facebook is doing the right things.||2:He dismisses worries about falling ratios of daily to monthly users.||3:Far more Americans visit Facebook than other social-media sites and they spend more time online there than anywhere else.||4:So there is "no other satisfactory provider for most marketers" with a "social" strategy.||5:He thinks the shares were overpriced at $38 but have now sunk unreasonably low. | |
10 | 美国圣诞树协会的Rick Dungey对这种人工的圣诞树非常不屑,认为是树形的塑料装饰。 | Rick Dungey, of the NCTA, dismisses the artificial sort as plastic tree-shaped decorations. | |
11 | 步平对这些疑问不以为然。但他兼任着中国社科院近代史研究所党委书记,这一身份表明,他不太可能挑战政治上的正统历史观点。 | Mr Bu dismisses such doubts, although his status as a Communist party secretary suggests he is unlikely to challenge political orthodoxy. | |
12 | 财政部长吉姆·弗莱赫蒂驳斥了有关泡沫的说法。 | Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, dismisses talk of a bubble. | |
13 | 但是她对于从濒危动物提取iPS细胞是个噱头的说法不屑一提。 | But she dismisses the notion that iPS cells from endangered animals are a gimmick. | |
14 | 但是这份富豪排行榜的编制人菲利普•贝雷斯福特(PhilipBeresford)并不认同女人能进入排行榜完全与男人无关的观点。 | But Philip Beresford, who compiles the Rich List, dismisses the idea that women are breaking into its ranks independently of men. | |
15 | 德里斯科尔先生并不认为各大学会运用可调整的学费价格来使这些学科更具吸引力。 | Mr Driscoll dismisses the idea that universities will use variability to price such courses more attractively. | |
16 | 狄圣莱对可能出现价格泡沫的担忧不以为然。 | Deseglise dismisses worries over a potential price bubble. | |
17 | 对此,相关机构拒绝承认,但承认其储备将降至法定限额之下。 | The agency dismisses such talk but concedes that its reserves are about to fall below its statutory minimum. | |
18 | 对于此案结果等同于“暴民正义”或无知舆论左右审判的批评,吴淦不以为然。 | The Butcher dismisses criticism that the outcome of the case was tantamount to mob justice or trial by uninformed public opinion. | |
19 | 对于在印度开设10万平方英尺的宜家(Ikea)式商店的想法,他并不苟同,除非“巨大”销量能够证明较高的维护成本是合理的。 | He dismisses the notion of a 100, 000 sq ft Ikea-style store in India, except where "enormous" volumes might justify high maintenance costs. | |
20 | 俄方称其入侵格鲁吉亚是出于“人道主义的立场”,这份托辞被欧盟报告斥为“不合逻辑的”。 | The EU report dismisses as illegitimate Russia’s justification that it acted on "humanitarian grounds" in invading Georgia. | |
21 | 高盛对此类匿名抨击予以驳斥,将其比作对手的酸葡萄心理。 | Goldman dismisses such anonymous sniping as sour grapes from rivals. | |
22 | 谷歌工程师阿米特•辛格尔(AmitSinghal)驳斥上述说法“非常不公道”。 | Google engineer Amit Singhal dismisses that claim as "very unfair" . | |
23 | 怪圈的出现是艺术的创作或受金钱的驱使,任何这类的观点,布莱克总是嗤之以鼻。 | Blake dismisses any idea that the phenomenon is driven by art or by money. | |
24 | 哈瓦斯驳回了这个想法,部分原因是在于图坦卡蒙有他的阴茎,正如他所说“发育是良好的”。 | Hawass dismisses the idea, in part because Tut’s penis is, as he puts it, "well-developed" . | |
25 | 杰克叫杰米离开了,接着他立刻向尼娜道歉。 | Jack dismisses Jamey then immediately apologizes to Nina. | |
26 | 她散布谣言,蛊惑那些担心贸易保护或以贬值的货币偿还债务会造成巨大开销的人们。 | She dismisses worries about the colossal cost of protectionism or of debt-servicing with a devalued currency as scaremongering. | |
27 | 克里斯特尔并不认为,英语成为世界语言的原因是它易于学习。 | Mr Crystal dismisses the idea that English has become the world’s language because it is easy. | |
28 | 力拓的沃尔什也看好澳大利亚,他对澳大利亚资源热潮很快将终结的说法不以为然。 | Rio’s Mr Walsh also sees Australia through an optimistic prism and dismisses the idea that its resources boom will end any time soon. | |
29 | 卢布林反驳了非营利机构低效的说法。 | Ms Lublin dismisses the common charge that non-profits are inefficient. | |
30 | 其次,摒弃一切理论上可行,实际上却违背人类本质的创新。 | Second, he dismisses innovations which, though possible in theory, go against the grain of human nature. |