属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国种族问题 弗格森市的暴怒
1 | 我国区域农村经济发展差距的成因与协调发展对策 | Reasons of Development Disparities of Regional Rural Areas and Its Strategic for Harmonious Development in China | |
2 | 以缩小生活水平上的差距,更好地满足世界上大多数人民的需要。 | in order to decrease the disparities in standards of living and better meet the needs of the majority of the people of the world. | |
3 | 由于这种差异,使得菲利普斯曲线的概念面临越来越大的危机。 | Because of such disparities , the Phillips curve concept is coming under increasing attack | |
4 | 征地制度:城乡差距的一个经济动因 | Land Requisition System: An Economic Dynamic Cause for Disparities between Urban and Rural Areas | |
5 | 中国大陆国际旅游收入地区差异变化研究 | Research on the Variation of Regional Disparities of International Tourism Receipts by China | |
6 | 中国区域经济差异的空间统计分析 | Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of the Regional Economic Disparities in China | |
7 | ||1:弗格森市的政治制度并没有跟上其人口的发展。||2:市政委员6个人中有5个是白人。||3:James Knowles这个倒霉的市长是个白人共和党员,在2013年的一次投票参与率不到八分之一的选举中再次当选的。||4:他掌管市区警力,其中53个警官中只有3个是黑人。||5:如此的不平衡让全美境内的黑人都相信——不管是司法系统还是执法系统都是种族歧视的。 | ||1:Ferguson’s political institutions have not kept up with its demography.||2:Of the city’s six-member council, five are white.||3:The hapless mayor, James Knowles, is a white Republican who was re-elected in 2013 in an election in which fewer than one in eight eligible voters turned out.||4:He is in charge of the police force, in which three out of 53 officers are black.||5:Such disparities feed the belief—held by blacks across the country—that both justice and law-enforcement systems are racist. | |
8 | ||1:尽管在大多数国家前1%一直在增加其所占有社会财富的比例,最近一份OECD报告显示这个趋势在美国开始更早、进展更深入。||2:一些学者认为此不公现象在英语 国家更严重,社会和政治价值观或许与此有关:在欧洲大陆和日本,其公司治理模式、税法和工会组织有助于减弱收入差距。||3:但在英语国家中金融业扮演着相对 更重要的角色,可能这也是造成现状的一个原因:英国的最富1%们中在金融业工作的比例比美国的更大。 | ||1:Although the 1% have been gaining share in most countries, a recent OECD report shows that the trend began sooner, and has gone further, in America.||2:Some scholars, noting that inequality has risen more in English-speaking countries, think social and political values may play a role: in mainland Europe and Japan, corporate governance, tax laws and unionisation have tended to lessen income disparities .||3:But the relatively large role of the financial sector in English-speaking countries could also be a factor: even more of the top 1% work in finance in Britain than in America. | |
9 | ||1:身份认证支持者,大部分是共和党人声称那是对抗投票作弊的必要保护措施,尽管在投票中作弊的人数少到几乎可以忽略。||2:民主党则争论那样的规定对剥夺少数人的权利有影响,年轻人和穷人,会比其他群体更可能缺少合适的证件(但恰恰他们更可能投票给民主党)。||3:在德克萨斯将有将近800,000人受到影响。||4:因为种族差异,司法部判定这是对在选票环节禁止歧视行为的1965年选举权法的违背。 | ||1:Supporters of identification, who are usually Republicans, say it is a necessary protection against voter fraud, even though the number of people who have been caught sneaking into the polls is negligible.||2:Democrats argue that such provisions have the effect of disenfranchising minorities, young people and the poor, who are more likely to lack suitable ID than other groups (and who mostly vote for them).||3:In Texas nearly 800,000 people would have been affected.||4:Because of the racial disparities , the Justice Department determined that this would be a violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, designed to bar discrimination at the polls. | |
10 | 没有哪个政府不想减少种族差异,促进民族和谐。 | What government would not like to reduce racial disparities and promote ethnic harmony? | |
11 | 在地区差异拉大的同时,人们正变得少了不那么流动了。 | Even as regional disparities widen, people are becoming less mobile. | |
12 | “我对种族医疗差异感到非常烦恼,每天在诊所里都能看到此类事件发生。”她说。 | "I’m very bothered by the prevalent racial and ethnic disparities in health care, something I see every day in my clinical work, " she said. | |
13 | 28届奥运会中国男篮与世界强队的主要差距 | Major disparities between Chinese Men’s Basketball Team and the world strong teams at the 28th Olympic games | |
14 | Moreno说,城市发展越不平衡,因为经济发展的差距所导致的社会和政治紧张的风险就越高。 | The more unequal that cities become, the higher the risk that economic disparities will result in social and political tension. | |
15 | 并且这种差距在逐年加剧,因此,印度肯定不能完成他的第一个千年发展计划——在2015年前,将营养不良人数减半。 | And the disparities are growing. India seems certain to miss one of its key Millennium Development Goals: halving malnutrition by 2015. | |
16 | 不过收入差距较之于不平等还是最近才有的现象。 | But disparities of income are a relatively recent phenomenon. | |
17 | 不同国家之间的地区性差异非常巨大,特别是在如何做生意上面。 | There are huge regional disparities across the country, especially in the way of doing business. | |
18 | 差异性与区域经济集团的一体化程度及其规模 | Disparities and the Degree of Integration of Regional Economic Grouping and Its Scale | |
19 | 城市化既可能缩小城乡收入差距,也可能扩大城乡收入差距。 | Urbanization can both reduce and widen disparities between urban and rural incomes. | |
20 | 城市人口收入达到乡村人口的三倍,中国缔造世界上最为悬殊的贫富差距。 | China has attained some of the deepest disparities in the world with urban incomes three times those in rural areas. | |
21 | 城乡差异和经济差距对未来的改革和社会稳定提出了挑战。 | The urban-rural social and economic disparities have posed challenges to further development and social stability. | |
22 | 此外,财政支出速度也促进行业收入差距的扩大。 | In addition, the pattern of fiscal expenditure growth also increases the income disparities . | |
23 | 从1930年代到1970年代后期,发达国家的财富不均是急剧减少的。 | From the 1930s to the late 1970s wealth disparities in developed countries declined sharply. | |
24 | 但白人家庭与非裔家庭的收入水平存在巨大差距。 | But there are big disparities between white and black families. | |
25 | 但是毫无疑问的是,相对于女性男性的出生比率一直在升高,而且与中国一样,这种比率存在着区域性的差别。 | But there is no doubt that the number of boys has been rising relative to girls and that, as in China, there are large regional disparities . | |
26 | 但是人们也可以想象收入差距不大却遍布地位冲突的社会。 | But one can also imagine societies with narrow income disparities that are riddled with status conflict. | |
27 | 但是在农村地区和庆阳这一类的小城市仍然有着巨大的不一致,它们长期以来都严重缺乏资金。 | But there are great disparities , with rural areas and small cities like Qingyang chronically short of funds. | |
28 | 但为了克服区域范围内的收入差距,还有很多事要做。 | But more had to be done to conquer regional income disparities . | |
29 | 当然,在殖民时期就相当大的收入差距,已经进一步拉大。 | Certainly, income disparities , high in the colonial era, have widened still further. | |
30 | 地方卫生部门支出与种族死亡率悬殊有关吗? | Are local health department expenditures related to racial disparities in mortality? |