属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-威尼斯玻璃制品业 吹制的艺术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在非洲建立品牌效应 金字塔计划
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-广告 仅仅是感情的眷顾
1 | 在数据安全技术中,用户对其拥有的对象行使分配和取消特权的权利,例如对程序和 | In data security, the right of users to dispense and revoke privileges for objects they own, e.g. access on programs and data sets | |
2 | 在特殊情况下,系主任可让投考者免去口试。 | In exceptional circumstances the dean of the faculty may dispense the candidate from the oral examination | |
3 | 咱们不必拘礼了. | Let’s dispense with formalities! | |
4 | 咱们来分发这食物。 | Let us dispense the food. | |
5 | 咱们来分发这食物。 | Let’s dispense the food | |
6 | 咱们能免去这些礼节吗 | Can we dispense with the formalities? | |
7 | 则注册官在该人提出他认为适当的证据后,及在受他认为适当的条件规限下,可免除该人作出该项声明或出示该证据。 | the Registrar may on the production of such evidence and subject to such terms as he thinks fit, dispense with the declaration or evidence. | |
8 | 这个慈善机构获得一大笔钱,可自行适当分配。 | The charity has been given a large sum of money to dispense as it sees fit. | |
9 | 正在服现役的人民解放军军人、人民武装警察,不领取居民身份证,由中华人民共和国中央军事委员会和中国人民武装警察部队总部颁发军人和武装警察身份证件。 | Soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army and members of the People’s Armed Police Force who are in active service shall dispense with resident identity cards; instead they shall have servicemen’s identity cards or armed policemen’s identity cards issued to them respectively by the Central Military Commission of the PRC and the General Headquarters of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force. | |
10 | 执票人虽有理由相信纵使作付款提示,汇票仍不能兑现,惟并不因此而免作付款提示 | The fact that the holder has reason to believe that the bill will, on presentment, be dishonoured does not dispense with the necessity for presentment; | |
11 | 主持或分发,如圣餐 | To administer or dispense ,as a sacrament. | |
12 | ||1: 威尼斯商会估算,每年会有500万游客到慕拉诺的Fondamenta dei Vetrai观光,街道两旁有很多玻璃饰品商店,店外整齐地堆放着威尼斯船夫的玻璃像以及各种风格奇异、引人发笑的玻璃制品。 ||2:但这些制品非常便宜,利润微小,因为燃气价格飙升。||3:一些工坊发现,省去全部的手工程序更加划算。||4:还有工坊转向了新的收入来源:现代艺术。||5:本月,威尼斯有少于9家的展会,展出了艺术家用玻璃制成的现代艺术品。其中一些仅是在本年的威尼斯双年展3中展出。 | ||1: Venice’s Chamber of Commerce estimates that 5m visitors a year trail down Murano’s Fondamenta dei Vetrai , where the shop windows are stacked with glass gondoliers and grotesque glass clowns. ||2: But the profit margin for producing these gewgaws is very small. ||3: Gas prices have soared and some studios now find it more cost-effective to dispense altogether with manufacture. ||4: Some of Murano’s glass studios are, however, turning to a new source of income: contemporary art. ||5: Across Venice this month no fewer than nine exhibitions feature contemporary artists using glass, only some of which are in this year’s Biennale. | |
13 | Adlux现在正在考虑在固定运营基地安置自动贩卖机,销售瑞士手表。 | Adlux is thinking of installing vending machines at FBOs which dispense Swiss watches. | |
14 | 穿着红色T恤的沃达康促销员们给顾客提供电话和话费套餐的建议。 | Red-shirted Vodacom promoters dispense advice on phones and call plans. | |
15 | 灯泡供应商D.light希望用一种在白天吸收太阳能而在晚间释放灯光的廉价灯泡替代危险且有毒的煤油灯。如今它在印度和非洲的销售额已经达到了每月50万支。 | D.light, a provider of cheap lamps that absorb solar energy during the day and dispense light at night, in place of dangerous and toxic kerosene lamps, is now shipping 500,000 units a month, in India and Africa. | |
16 | 他的追随者们更倾向于将两个系统分配到一起。 | His followers are inclined to dispense with system two altogether. | |
17 | 阿拉伯君主分为两类:一种披着宪制良政的面纱掌控大权,另一种则根本不要这层面纱。 | THERE are two kinds of Arab sovereign: those who rule from behind a veil of constitutional niceties and those who dispense with the veils. | |
18 | 出钞时保险箱门被打开 | SAFE DOOR OPEN DURING DISPENSE | |
19 | 此外,正如10亿美元的筹资线所表明的,目前中国内地还承受不起放弃在香港上市。 | Besides, as the caveat for $1bn-plus issuers suggests, China cannot afford to dispense with Hong Kong just yet. | |
20 | 从在成本效益和环境方面的角度而言,完全无需使用化学物质。 | It is possible to completely dispense with the use of chemicals with regard to economic viability and from environmental points of view. | |
21 | 大部分措施不仅要减少账单数目,还想完全废除那本340万字的税务指南。 | Most undertake not just to lower bills, but to dispense with whole tomes of the 3. 4m-word code. | |
22 | 但奥巴马政府可能放弃胡萝卜加大棒的惯例。 | The Obama administration may have to dispense with the usual bag of carrots and sticks, however. | |
23 | 但投资者曾过于追求高额投资收益,以致愿意放弃必要的保护措施。 | But investors were so keen to chase higher yields that they were willing to dispense with these protections. | |
24 | 第一个中奖便吐硬币的机器是“三转轴卡片叮当机”(three-reeledCardBell),由查尔斯.费于1898年发明。 | The first machine to dispense coins as prizes was the three-reeled Card Bell, built by Charles Fey in 1898. | |
25 | 工作内容:药剂师负责根据医师的药方或者病人的需要分配药物。 | What they do: Based on a doctor’s prescription or a patient’s needs, pharmacists dispense medication. | |
26 | 工作再刻苦,如果没有激情,公司都将没有冷效率。 | A startup will dispense with cold efficiency any effort that is abundant in hard work but lacking in passion. | |
27 | 或他们会省去客套不假思索的用核武器毁灭我们? | Or would they dispense with the pleasantries and nuke the natives without a second thought? | |
28 | 她盯着我的眼睛,耐心地等待着、期望着我可能马上提出的一些建议。 | And she stares into my eyes, patiently waiting and anticipating the advice I’m about to dispense . | |
29 | 她说,她在这里的失败,是没有能力执行公正的审判。 | Her failure there, she says, was that she was unable to dispense justice equally. | |
30 | 今年,当选举成为可能的时候,政府盘算着他们现在已经有能力了,可以不要黄衫军的支持了。 | With elections possible this year, the government calculates that it is now strong enough to dispense with yellow-shirt support. |