1 | 民怨会不断加剧,并像瘟疫一样蔓延开去。 | People’s dissatisfaction will continue to accumulate and spread like an epidemic in the community. | |
2 | 那个工人咕哝地抱怨着他的不满。 | The workman muttered his dissatisfaction | |
3 | 任何一方若未按本款发出表示不满的通知,均无权就该争端要求开始仲裁。 | neither Party shall be entitled to commence arbitration of a dispute unless a notice of dissatisfaction has been given in accordance with this Sub-Clause. | |
4 | 如果合同双方中任一方对争端裁决委员会的裁决不满意,则他可在收到该决定的通知后第28天内或此前将其不满通知对方。 | If either Party is dissatisfied with the DAB’s decision, then either Party may, within 28 days after receiving the decision, give notice to the other Party of its dissatisfaction . | |
5 | 如果加班,她们就不能按时回家,那么,接孩子、做家务等很多事情就不能做,她们焦急不满的情绪可想而知。 | If they have to work overtime, they will be unable to return home on time, and as a result, many of their jobs will become impossible, such as receiving their children and doing housework. Then you can imagine their anxiety and dissatisfaction . | |
6 | 如果争端裁决委员会未能在其收到此类不满通知后84天(或其他批准的时间)内作出决定,那么合同双方中的任一方均可在上述期限期满后28天之内将其不满通知对方。 | If the DAB fails to give its decision within the period of 84 days (or as otherwise approved)after receiving such reference, then either Party may, within 28 days after this period has expired, give notice to the other Party of its dissatisfaction . | |
7 | 如果争端裁决委员会已将其对争端作出的决定通知了合同双方,而双方中的任一方在收到争端裁决委员会的决定的第28天或此前未将其不满事宜通知对方,则该决定应被视为最终决定并对合同双方均具有约束力。 | given its decision as to a matter in dispute to both Parties, and no notice of dissatisfaction has been given by either Party within 28 days after it received the DAB’s decision, then the decision shall become final and binding upon both Parties. | |
8 | 使人惊奇的是,工人们对这种新的安排表示极大的不满。 | To everyone’s surprise, workers expressed great dissatisfaction with the new program | |
9 | 事实虽令人不满,但却无可争辩。 | The fact of dissatisfaction is undeniable | |
10 | 所谓反冒进,不但是停止发展,而且是成批地强迫解散(或者“砍掉”)了已经建成的合作社,引起了干部和农民群众的不满意。 | Opposition to the alleged rash advance meant not only halting the expansion but compulsorily dissolving (or "axing")large numbers of co-operatives already set up, thus rousing dissatisfaction among the cadres and peasant masses | |
11 | 他露出不满情绪。 | He showed his dissatisfaction . | |
12 | 他们由于没有希望获得满足而彼此以恶言相敬来出气。 | They were taking it out on one another because of their hopeless dissatisfaction | |
13 | 他随便说了句话,引起了不满。 | He flung out a remark,which caused dissatisfaction . | |
14 | 他直言不讳地说他对服务不满意。 | He made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the service. | |
15 | 讨论到底什么是当今的主要的经济问题,常常演变成针对一个经济体系为达到它的一个或多个经济目标所采取的方式的广泛不满。 | What are regarded as the major economic problems of the day usually arise out of a widespread dissatisfaction with the way an economic system is meeting one or more of its basic economic goals. | |
16 | 外科医生低声发泄他的不满。 | The surgeon muttered his dissatisfaction . | |
17 | 我的不满难以表达。 | I can not articulate the dissatisfaction I feel. | |
18 | 我要使这团火燃得更旺,向世界宣布我的出类拔萃。 | I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world. | |
19 | 我以为这些不满意是有理由的。 | I think there is cause for such dissatisfaction | |
20 | 下议院议员道出了公众对增加税收的不满. | MPs voice public dissatisfaction at having to pay higher taxes. | |
21 | 嘘声用这种尖锐的咝咝声表示反对,轻视或不满意的方式 | An expression of disapproval,contempt,or dissatisfaction conveyed by use of this sharp,sibilant sound. | |
22 | 一种奇异的疲乏的感觉,一种渴慕着什么,不满着什么的感觉,充满着她。克利福并没有注意到:这种事情不是他所能知觉的。但是那个生疏的人却觉晓着,康妮觉得在她的环境和她的生命里,一切都衰败了,她觉得她的不满的心情,比那些小山还要古老。 | A strange, weary yearning, a dissatisfaction had started in her. Clifford did not notice: those were not things he was aware of. But the stranger knew. To Connie, everything in her world and life seemed worn out, and her dissatisfaction was older than the hills. | |
23 | 引起饭店商务旅客不满的服务接触研究-对携程网上北京酒店顾客评论的CIT分析 | Research of Hotel Business Travelers’ Dissatisfaction : A Cit Analysis of CTRIP Website Customers’ Comments on Beijing Hotel | |
24 | 在上述任一情况下,表示不满的通知应说明是根据本款发出的,且该通知应指明争端事宜及不满的理由。 | In either event, this notice of dissatisfaction shall state that it is given under this Sub\-Clause, and shall set out the matter in dispute and the reason(s)for dissatisfaction. | |
25 | 这种观点来源于不满于花园式城市的分散形式。 | The attitude stems from a dissatisfaction with the dispersed form of garden city | |
26 | 正颚手术病人术后不满心理的预防 | The Prevention of Dissatisfaction of the Patient after Orthognathic Surgery | |
27 | 中医师对中医门诊总额支付制度不满意的症结探讨 | Empirical Study on Chinese Medical Doctors’ Dissatisfaction of Global Budgeting System | |
28 | 资方拒绝会见工会代表,这只是对劳动大军的不满之火上加油而已。 | The management’s refusal to meet representatives of the trade union merely added fuel to the flames of dissatisfaction among the workforce. | |
29 | ||1:但有些分析师认为生产率不久将停止增长。||2:重重压力令产业工人们牢骚不断:劳动力调查显示出对工作表示不满的人数创了纪录。||3:Citigroup银行的Carsten Stendevad说,很多公司正“忍饥挨饿”,以 “测试自身在低成本状态下的生存能力”。||4:他预计,只要经济形势没有好转,2012年生产率增长就会放缓(但他也承认自己曾错误地对2011年的情况做过同样的判断)。 | ||1:Yet some analysts expect productivity growth to stall soon.||2:Hard-pressed workers are feeling grouchy: workforce surveys report record levels of job dissatisfaction .||3:Many firms have been “starving the organisation to see how it can do with a lower cost structure,” says Carsten Stendevad of Citigroup, a bank.||4:Unless the economy picks up, he predicts that productivity growth will slow in 2012. | |
30 | ||1:尽管英国并没有像1945年的法国那样处于绝境,但两者的处境也有相似之处。||2:2016年的公投谈到了对旧政权的深刻不满。||3:人们对国家机构的信心沉入低谷。||4:英国的左翼人士将“英国国民性”与奴隶制和掠夺等同起来,而右翼人士则想要建造一堵反对现代性的墙。 | ||1:Though Britain’s situation is hardly as desperate as France’s in 1945, there are similarities.||2:The 2016 referendum spoke of profound dissatisfaction with the old regime.||3:Confidence in national institutions is at a low ebb.||4:Sections of the left identify “Britishness” with slavery and plunder while sections of the right want to build walls against modernity. |