属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-国际社会谴责白俄罗斯迫降客机抓捕反对派领导人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-货币市场基金 伪造面值
1 | (2)在共同评估的情况下漏去任何人的签名或隐瞒不同观点;(3)在两个或两个以上评估人员共同对一个企业进行评估时,任何一方单独发表自己的评估报告 | (2)in the case of a joint report to omit any signatures or any dissenting opinions;(3)in case two or more appraisers have collaborated in an appraisal undertaking, for them, or any of them, to issue separate appraisal reports and | |
2 | 但到今天为止,遇到的是一片反对声。 | But so far, all I have heard is dissenting voices on all sides. | |
3 | 第二十五条 县级以上地方人民政府可以设立医学技术鉴定组织,负责对婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断和产前诊断结果有异议的进行医学技术鉴定。 | Article 25 The local people’s governments at or above the county level may establish institutions for medical technical appraisement which shall be responsible for making medical technical appraisement when dissenting views arises on the results of pre-marital medical examination, genetic diseases diagnosis or prenatal diagnosis. | |
4 | 第十一条 接受婚前医学检查的人员对检查结果持有异议的,可以申请医学技术鉴定,取得医学鉴定证明。 | Article 11 Those who have received pre-marital medical examination hold dissenting views on the results of the medical examination may apply for a medical technical appraisement and obtain a certificate of medical appraisement. | |
5 | 第五十六条 除非仲裁裁决依首席仲裁员意见或独任仲裁员意见作出 , 仲裁裁决应由多数仲裁员署名。持有不同意见的仲裁员可以在裁决书上署名 , 也可以不署名。 | Article 56 Unless the arbitral award is made in accordance with the opinion of the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator, the arbitral award shall be signed by a majority of arbitrators. An arbitrator who has a dissenting opinion may sign or not sign his name on the arbitral award. | |
6 | 对于新加坡的政治模式,中国也开始出现另一种声音。 | Dissenting views on Singapore’s political system have also been expressed. | |
7 | 签署本协议的各位股东同意任何在股东大会上没有得到百分之××的股东通过的议案将不会被通过。 | The undersigned shareholders agree any action taken at a meeting of the shareholders that receives a vote in favor of less than ××pct of the shareholders may be subject to action from the dissenting shareholders. | |
8 | 然而由于那项持异议的研究是以安慰剂作为此较标准的随机实验,所以使人们对于阿斯匹林能否抑制结肠癌表现出深深的疑虑。 | But that one dissenting study provoked serious doubt about aspirin’s effect on colorectal cancer because it was a ran-Notes domized place be controlled trial | |
9 | 如果他们都不签字,客户就有权知道他们的不同观点是什么。 | and if all do not sign, the client has a right to know what the dissenting opinions are. | |
10 | 他不能容纳不同意见。 | He can’t tolerate dissenting views | |
11 | 为了堵住反对统治的呼声,秦皇把反对孔子学术的学者流放、判处死刑、把他们的书籍烧毁。 | To silence criticism of imperial rule, the kings banished or put to death many dissenting Confucian scholars and confiscated and burned their books. | |
12 | 行政声明异议制度的构建 | On System Construction of Administrative Dissenting Declaration | |
13 | 一名法官通常会代替大多数法官撰写意见,其他人则共同地或单独地撰写不同意见。 | One justice usually writes the opinion for the majority, while others may write dissenting opinions collectively or on their own. | |
14 | 一位持异议的法官说,如此的判决实质上是:“只要水泥厂能付款,就使水泥公司继续危害四邻合法化。” | A dissenting judge said that the decision was, in effect, "licensing a continuing wrong [by] saying to the cement company, you may continue to do harm to your neighbors so long as you pay a fee for it." | |
15 | 这显示新加坡政府近年来更加容忍各方对其经济政策的异见和批评。 | It shows that, in recent years, the government has become more tolerant of dissenting views and criticism of its economic policies. | |
16 | 国际特赦组织表示,国际社会需要确保这种压制异议的方法不会再度上演。 | The rights group Amnesty International said the international community needs to make sure this method of silencing "dissenting voices is never repeated." | |
17 | ||1:戈德利因直言不讳地批评保守党的经济政策而变得愈加有名。在上世纪70年代,他发表观点(他意识到此观点不受欢迎):国际贸易应该像他所指出的那样是通过进口管制实现的“某种意义上的管理”,他还缺乏说服力地补充这确实不是贸易保护主义,因为他并不主张减少进口,只是减少进口倾向;应当“尽可能最少地选择”贸易保护措施。||2:更值得称道的是,他正确地预言到了上世纪七十年代希思治下的保守党政府激发的繁荣,将以泪雨告终。对后来撒切尔夫人时期严重经济衰退的预计,也被证明是大体上正确的。 | ||1:Mr Godley became best known for his outspoken criticisms of Conservative economic policies. In the 1970s he took the view, which he recognised as dissenting , that international trade should be, as he put it, “in some sense, managed” through import controls, adding unpersuasively that this was not really protectionism, since he did not want to reduce imports, merely the propensity to import; and protection should be “as minimally selective as possible”. ||2:More creditably, he correctly predicted that the boom generated by the Conservative government under Ted Heath in the 1970s would end in tears. He was also proved largely right in foreseeing the severity of the recession that came later under Margaret Thatcher. | |
18 | ||1:坎尼扎罗先生对此判决提出上诉,声称如果这样,地方检察院将面临破产。||2:2011年,最高法院以5:4的比例通过了他的上诉,并表示地方检察院不应该为“流氓的检察官”买单。||3:同时,这也存在异议。鲁思·金斯伯格法官写道:哈利·康的政权已经“故意冷淡”布雷迪规则了。||4:新奥尔良的无罪行动,释放了像亚当斯这样的在哈利·康当权期间被误判的31人,这就是一个很好的证明。||5:康尼克先生则说他们地方检察院要处理许多案件,出一些错误是不可避免的。 | ||1: Mr Cannizzaro appealed the award, saying it would bankrupt his office. ||2: In 2011 the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in his favour, saying the office should not be held liable for the acts of a “rogue prosecutor”. ||3: Dissenting , Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote that Mr Connick’s office had been “deliberately indifferent” to the Brady rule. ||4: The Innocence Project of New Orleans, which represented Mr Adams, counts 31 cases from the Connick era where Brady violations have been proven. ||5: Mr Connick has said that his office handled so many cases that a few mistakes were bound to occur. | |
19 | ||1:美国证券交易委员会的女主席玛丽?乔?怀特说,新规则将“于危机中保护投资者和金融体系。”||2:但是存有异议的两个委员担心此举可能弊大于利。||3:其中一人认为,由于投资者遇到困境时总会匆匆先发制人,基金的暂缓赎回实际上可能激发挤兑风潮。||4:另一人则担心这些变革将轻信的人转至更为误导性投资,尤其是“稳定价值”基金上。||5:略去它们的名称,这类基金与货币市场基金面向大致相同的市场,且未提供担保。||6:比起试图保护投资者使他们免于面临风险,美国证券交易委员会最好还是确保对运作中的风险进行明确披露。 | ||1:Mary Jo White, the SEC’s chairwoman, says the new rules will “protect investors and the financial system in a crisis.”||2:But the two dissenting commissioners fear they may do more harm than good.||3:Allowing funds to suspend redemptions may actually spark runs, as investors rush to pre-empt any curbs, argues one of them.||4:The other worries that the changes will divert the gullible to even more misleading investments, notably “stable value” funds.||5:These cater to much the same niche as money-market funds and, despite their name, offer no guarantees.||6:Rather than trying to protect investors from risk, the SEC might do better to ensure that the risks they are running are clearly disclosed. | |
20 | ||1:在口头辩论中,她喜欢抢先一步,急于在一开始就确定原告是否真的受到了损害。||2:(她在法官席上腼腆、温柔、停顿的讲话速度真的加快了,快到了布鲁克林。||3:)她经常在法官席上口头宣布她的不同意见,以表明她有多不同意,在难熬的四五年时间中,当她定期领导异议者时,她确保他们用一个声音说话。||4:在那些日子里,她戴着“异议领”,那是一件灰色的、石质的、有威胁性的领子。||5:它很适合那个场合。 | ||1:In oral argument she liked to leap in first, keen to establish at the start whether the plaintiff had really been damaged, or not.||2:(Her shy, soft, pause-filled delivery off the bench really speeded up then, to Brooklyn fast.||3:) She often announced her dissents orally, from the bench, to show how much she disagreed, and in the trying 5 to 4 years when she regularly led the dissenters she made sure they spoke with one voice.||4:On those days she wore her “dissenting collar”, a grey, stony, quietly menacing number.||5:It fitted the occasion nicely. | |
21 | 《纽约时报》提到两个份独立、持有不同意见的报告正在由共和党所指定的4个委员会成员制定中。 | Two separate, dissenting reports are coming from the four members of the commission appointed by Republicans, the NYT says. | |
22 | 巴西和南非代表也对美国这项政策的施行表示不满。 | Officials in Brazil and South Africa have also added dissenting voices to the debate over US policy. | |
23 | 不过,伯南克必须与联邦公开市场委员会(FederalOpenMarketCommittee)中的反对意见抗衡。 | But the chairman must contend with dissenting opinions on the federal open market committee. | |
24 | 不像美国最高法院,德国宪法法院寻求的是合意并且法官很少发表不同意见。 | Unlike America’s Supreme Court justices, Germany’s seek consensus and seldom write dissenting opinions. | |
25 | 持不同意见的法官列举了40条头疼的问题。 | The dissenting justices listed 40 troubling questions. | |
26 | 除了少数持不同意见的保守主义者之外,全州并无针对一号议题有组织的反对力量。 | Despite a handful of dissenting conservatives, there is no organised opposition to Issue 1. | |
27 | 此外,信息狂躁对同事也有负面影响,增加他们的压力和敌对情绪。 | Furthermore, infomania is having a negative effect on work colleagues, increasing stress and dissenting feelings. | |
28 | 反对者们齐声指出,打篮球的目的在于学到篮球技术。 | The point of basketball, the dissenting chorus said, was to learn basketball skills. | |
29 | 该委员会的共和党成员发表了一份不同意见的报告,他们认为全球性的因素在导致危机的原因中更加突出。 | The commission’s Republican members delivered a dissenting report, which gave greater weight to global factors. | |
30 | 可问题在于,伯南克必须要说服美联储决策委员会中持不同意见的成员。 | The trouble is, Mr Bernanke would have to convince dissenting members of the Fed’s policymaking committee. |