属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-深陷危机 泰国局势急转直下
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-熊彼特 将培根带回家
1 | 预制结构并非新构想,但是在过去,由于在设计上严重缺乏统一规格,再加上材料有限,自然就使得这种施工方式不受欢迎。 | Prefabrication is by no means a new idea, but in the past, unimaginative uniformity in design, together with limited materials, led to a natural distaste for this form of construction. | |
2 | 阻挡他们相恋的一个更为严重的障碍是,达西讨厌伊丽莎白那粗俗而喜欢算计的母亲,还有班纳特家好些年幼的姑娘们:轻浮而狂热追求军官的丽迪亚和吉蒂,以及平庸乏味的玛丽。 | A more serious obstacle to the romance is Darcy’s distaste for Elizabeth’s vulgar, scheming mother and for the younger Bennet girls: flighty, officer-crazy Lydia and Kitty, and dull, plain Mary | |
3 | 最初,他表示对一个亲密同事不得不进行盯梢而感到厌倦。 | At first he expressed distaste at having to pry into a close colleague’s affairs | |
4 | ||1:1989年,他协助谈判共产主义政权移交事宜,并在随后的选举胜利中分得了一杯羹。||2:不久之后,他出任安全部长,面对共产主义幽灵之前在公众生活中留下的持续影响,渐渐产生厌恶,经久不退。||3:在同故友、团结工会领导人出身的总统莱赫·瓦文萨闹翻后,卡钦斯基辞职,他后来指责瓦文萨与共产党的秘密警察合作。||4:出任司法部长时,他严厉打击犯罪,随后成为华沙市长。||5:他为该市留下了一座博物馆,以缅怀1944年的起义,当时的占领者德国军队残酷镇压了这次起义,而苏联军队却在一旁袖手旁观。||6:他的双亲都参与了此次战斗。 | ||1:He helped negotiate the communist regime’s surrender in 1989 and was one of the victors in the electoral triumph that followed.||2:Soon after, he became security minister, developing a lasting distaste for the continuing influence of old communist spooks in public life.||3:He resigned after falling out with his former friend, the Solidarity leader-turned-president, Lech Walesa, whom he later accused of having collaborated with the communist secret police.||4:He was a crime-busting justice minister and then mayor of Warsaw.||5:His legacy there is the capital’s haunting museum of the 1944 uprising, crushed by occupying German forces while a nearby Soviet army kept aloof.||6:Both his parents fought in it. | |
5 | ||1:霍尔布鲁克先生由巴拉克·奥巴马指定为自己的总统特使,但手上几乎没有什么权力。||2:阿富汗和巴基斯坦的高级官员都看不惯他蛮横粗暴的性格,指责他对当地相关情况不了解,对他敬而远之。||3:而美国国内事务由将军和中央情报局掌管。||4:最削弱他意志的是,人人皆知奥巴马先生最讨厌像霍尔布鲁克先生这样毛遂自荐的人,因而总统对他的特使态度冷淡,和次大陆国家领导人常有的不冷不热的态度没什么两样。 | ||1:Barack Obama appointed him as his presidential envoy, but Mr Holbrooke held little authority.||2:Senior officials in Afghanistan and Pakistan, who resented his abrasive personality and his relative lack of knowledge of the region, kept him at arm’s length.||3:At home, American generals and the CIA ran the show.||4:Most debilitating, Mr Obama, whose distaste for self-promotion is well documented, treated his envoy with a coolness not unlike that shown by many of the subcontinent’s leaders. | |
6 | ||1:所有对于相应法定程序的托词以及英拉裙带关系的愤恨都不足以成为剥夺一国总理的理由。||2:与之相反的是,国家的管理是衡量泰国落后他国有多远,分裂问题多么恶劣以及政体破坏多么严重的标准。||3:除非泰国能够走出危机,否则该国面临着混乱的无政府状态或者激烈的暴力冲突的危险。 | ||1:For all the pretence of due legal process and distaste at Ms Yingluck’s nepotism, this was not an offence that merited the ousting of a prime minister.||2:Instead, the ruling is a measure of quite how far Thailand has fallen, how deeply it is divided and how badly its institutions are broken.||3:Unless Thais step back from the brink, their country risks falling into chaos and anarchy, or outright violence. | |
7 | 不过所有当权的政治家们,无论是民主主义者还是独裁者,都不会喜欢大街上的示威抗议活动。 | But all politicians in power, whether democrats or dictators, share a distaste for demonstrations and protests on the streets. | |
8 | 在国内,一股对工厂化农耕的厌恶正在持续升温。 | Among the Danish public, distaste for factory farming is increasing. Borgen, a popular television political drama, devoted an entire episode to criticising pig farming. | |
9 | 阿布扎比石油储量丰富,观点较为保守,其统治者认为迪拜的做法愚蠢且没有品位、偶尔还有些嫉妒之情。 | Rich in oil and conservative in outlook, its rulers have viewed Dubai’s penchant for frolic and folly with distaste and occasional envy. | |
10 | 澳大利亚并不掩饰对日本每年在南极洲捕鲸的反感和反对态度。 | Australia has made no secret of its distaste and opposition to Japan’s annual whale hunt in the Southern Ocean. | |
11 | 不过苔丝的自尊心使她觉得,作为一个穷亲戚去求那位老太太,她心里是非常讨厌的。 | But Tess’s pride made the part of poor relation one of particular distaste to her. | |
12 | 不久之后,他出任安全部长,面对共产主义幽灵之前在公众生活中留下的持续影响,渐渐产生厌恶,经久不退。 | Soon after, he became security minister, developing a lasting distaste for the continuing influence of old communist spooks in public life. | |
13 | 辞职后不久,他写道:“我以厌恶不满的眼光来审视在英国石油公司的职业生涯。” | For some time after his resignation, he writes, "I looked at my career with BP with distaste and dissatisfaction. " | |
14 | 大部分和甘地进行对话的欧洲人对他充满了恐惧和厌恶; | Most of Gandhi’s European interlocutors regarded him with fear and distaste ; | |
15 | 代表城市精英利益的人民民主联盟的确厌恶这位前总理的民粹主义及独裁的方式。 | The PAD, which represents the urban elite, has a genuine distaste for the former prime minister’s populist, authoritarian ways. | |
16 | 当被问到问题时,他们带着厌恶的口气回答(如果他们还知道答案的话)。 | When asked a question, they reply with distaste (if they know an answer at all). | |
17 | 当然,中国决策者和经济学家一致反感美国的关税论调。 | Its policymakers and economists are, of course, united in their distaste for America’s tariff talk. | |
18 | 对黄胡椒的厌恶可能源自吃它们会感到不舒服的错误记忆? | Could that distaste for yellow peppers have stemmed from a false memory of getting sick after eating them? | |
19 | 该机构没有做出多少减少公众对这个行业的反感的事。 | It has done little to reduce public distaste for the profession. | |
20 | 就算不考虑人们会对这种欺凌产生厌恶,我还是认为他不应该这么做。 | I think not, apart from any distaste one may have for bullying. | |
21 | 两人的另一个共同点是,他们都不屑于匆忙进行首次公开发行(IPO)。 | Another is his distaste for rushing into an initial public offering. | |
22 | 那个年代是因为恐怖和极权主义让人们闭上双眼,而如今,若不是带怒的嗤之以鼻,那就是绝对的冷漠了。 | "Then it was terror and totalitarianism which shut their eyes. Today it is quiet indifference, if not irritated distaste , " it wrote. | |
23 | 然而,反衬人们对卡恩的同情的是更多的对他的生活之道的披露。 | Sympathy for DSK has, however, to be set against distaste at the wider revelations about his way of life. | |
24 | 认为这属于自身喜好限制他人自由的非偏执狂,寥寥无几。 | But few non-bigots thought that their personal distaste warranted limiting the freedom of others. | |
25 | 实际上,选民已经在显示他们对有煽动性的民族主义者鼓吹阶级斗争,和国家干预经济这些论调的厌恶。 | Instead, voters are showing their distaste for firebrand nationalists who preachclass warfare and state intervention in the economy. | |
26 | 他朝她点点头,坐下,厌恶地环顾了破旧的酒吧。 | He nodded at her and sat, looking around with distaste at the decrepit bar. | |
27 | 他的脸确实有一种令人厌恶的神情,然而这却是一张粗野的,充满着肉欲的脸。 | There was real distaste in his face, and yet it was the face of a coarse and sensual man. | |
28 | 他们也不会出现在今年的联欢会(get-together)上,其他政党对他们的武装斗争感到嫌恶。 | They will not be present at this year’s get-together; other parties view their armed struggle with distaste . | |
29 | 外交部部长贝尔纳·库什内尔表示出了极大的厌恶,并说:“如果是我接待他,我立马辞职。” | Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner signaled his distaste for the visit, saying, "I am resigned to hosting him. It was necessary. " | |
30 | 我们厌恶战争,但这并不意味着我们支持猛虎组织。 | Neither should our distaste for the war be interpreted to mean that we support the Tamil Tigers. |