属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-超市 商海无涯巧行舟
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 马克罗·鲁比奥和他的安全网
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新小说 胖子是个大问题
1 | 我清楚地告诉他了做什么. | I distinctly told him what to do. | |
2 | 我清楚地记得那时他是经理。 | I distinctly recollect he was the manager at that time. | |
3 | 我清楚地记得他直到6 点钟才回家。 | I distinctly recollect he wasn’t home until 6 o’clock. | |
4 | 我清楚地记得他直到6点钟才回家。 | I distinctly recollect he was not home until6o’clock. | |
5 | 我认为这种包装格外/明显不好/不吸引人。 | I find the packing particularly / distinctly unpleasant / unattractive. | |
6 | 先思考后说话;发音要准确,说起话来不要太急,而要有条有理、清清楚楚。--华盛顿 | Think before you speak; pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily, But orderly and distinctly .--G. Washington | |
7 | 一个世纪后的今天查普斯里成了一家私人旅馆。这家旅馆以明显旧式的价目为旅游者提供当年那种豪华的膳宿。 | These days, more than a century and a half later, Chapslee is a private hotel which offers to travellers accommodation of old-world luxury at a distinctly old-style tariff | |
8 | 用在液态食品和用在固态食品上的设备极为不同,所以将分开讨论。 | The systems used for liquid foods and solid foods are distinctly different and will be discussed separately. | |
9 | 右边的那位,留着连鬓胡,身穿T恤衫,头戴印有国旗的棒球帽,显然是个蓝领。 | The one on the right, with his sideburns and T-shirt and flag-bearing baseball hat, has a distinctly working-class look | |
10 | 与瓶坯注塑截然不同,瓶盖的注塑是薄壁注塑。 | Injection moulding of bottle caps is distinctly different from that of preforms in that it is thin-wall moulding. | |
11 | 在几秒钟以后,他对一切都看得象在白天看时一样的清晰。 | Scarcely had a few seconds elapsed, ere he saw everything as distinctly as by daylight | |
12 | 在切口交叉处涂层有少许薄片分离,但划格区受影响明显不大于5%。 | Detachment of small flakes of the coating at the intersections of the cuts. A cross-cut area not distinctly greater than 5% is affected. | |
13 | 在设计上,它打破了音响学所有的陈规。尽管大会堂规模宏大,但是你在会堂里的每个地方都可以听得清清楚楚。 | Its design breaks every known rule of acoustics, but you can, in spite of its size, hear distinctly in every part of it. | |
14 | 在所有孩子中他念得最清楚。 | Of all the boy he read most distinctly . | |
15 | 在所有男孩子中他念得最清楚。 | Of all the boys he reads most distinctly . | |
16 | 这个旅馆的饭菜有时很好有时很差. | The quality of the hotel food is distinctly variable. | |
17 | 这些话如果所得分明些,或许只是一种粗俗的媒介,反倒影响了其精神意义。 | These, perhaps, if more distinctly heard, might have been only a grosser medium, and have clogged the spiritual sense. | |
18 | 转眼就快到三年了。在这整个时期内,赫斯渥倒也一帆风顺。没有什么明显的走下坡路,也没有什么显著的上升,一般的旁观者都能看出这一点。 | During all this time--a period rapidly approaching three years--Hurstwood had been moving along in an even path. There was no apparent slope downward, and distinctly none upward, so far as the casual observer might have seen. | |
19 | 自然界不存在单质铍,主要存在于矿物绿柱石(其中祖母绿和海蓝宝石都是宝石型变种)中。金属铍,尤其是铍合金,有许多结构上和热学上的应用;用在核反应堆中。铍在所有化合物中的原子价都是2,这些化合物通常都无色,有独特的甜味。 | It does not occur uncombined in nature but is found chiefly as the mineral beryl (of which emerald and aquamarine are gemstone varieties). Beryllium metal, particularly in alloys, has many structural and thermal applications; it is used in nuclear reactors. Beryllium has valence 2 in all its compounds, which are generally colourless and taste distinctly sweet. | |
20 | 走到钟下时,他发现钟挂得太高了。他根本没有办法看清楚钟面上的数字。 | When he got there he found the clock so high up that he could not see the figures on the face distinctly . | |
21 | ||1:Asda的老板Andrew Clarke,早已警惕这种更为挑战的时刻。||2:没有白交的学费。||3:在市场中具有清晰定位的零售商将继续繁荣下去,而那些仍旧没有明确定位的,仍将面临窘境。||4:比如Waitrose,它仍旧旗帜鲜明地走土豪路线,拒绝通过大减价跟上高端折扣店的步伐。||5:与此相较的是,跟它一批的中等市场的竞争对手却紧随那些高端店的步伐。 | ||1:Asda’s boss, Andrew Clarke, has warned of more challenging times ahead.||2:Yet the lesson from these results is clear.||3:Grocers with a clearly defined position in the market will continue to prosper, but for those without one there is more pain to come.||4:Thus Waitrose, for instance, has remained resolutely and distinctly posh.||5:It has refused to chase the upstart discounters by slashing prices, as mid-market rivals have done. | |
22 | ||1:马克罗·鲁比奥最近肩膀酸痛。||2:这位来自佛罗里达的中年译员刚刚进行了可的松激素注射,以缓解身上因踢足球所受旧伤的疼痛。||3:国会里从来不乏这种方颌运动健将。||4:鉴于政治一向像是40多岁中年人踢的职业比赛,这也许并不是巧合。||5:曾获得过大学足球奖学金的鲁比奥则是其中的极端典型,他的自传里提到迈阿密海豚队的次数高达26次。||6:这种对运动场上跑动的狂热掩盖了鲁比奥另外一个显然不那么运动的兴趣,即对社会政策的关注。 | ||1:MARCO RUBIO’S shoulder is sore.||2:The junior senator from Florida has just had a cortisone injection to ease the pain from an old football injury.||3:Congress is not short of square-jawed jocks.||4:Given that politics often resembles a professional sport for the over-40s, this may be no coincidence.||5:Mr Rubio, who won a college football scholarship, is an extreme case: his autobiography contains 26 references to the Miami Dolphins.||6:This mania for running back and forth can overshadow another, distinctly un-jock, interest of Mr Rubio’s, which is in social policy. | |
23 | ||1:丝薇佛在《老大哥》中提出了一些富有哲理的看法,涉及饮食的乐趣、肥胖和羞耻的关系以及减肥的努力—她称减肥为“典型的中产阶级痛苦”。||2:她认为食物最根本的问题也许在于它“更多的是一个概念,而非物质”,强调的是满足感而非满足本身。||3:摄取食物最令人满足的时刻在咬一口和下一口之间,而两口之间那诱人的满足感并不能通过实际的吃来获得。 | ||1: With “Big Brother”, Ms Shriver offers some sage observations on the pleasures of eating, the link between fat and shame and the struggle to lose weight—a “distinctly bourgeois form of suffering”. ||2: She suggests that the fundamental problem of food may be that it is “more concept than substance”, an idea of satisfaction if never quite satisfaction itself. ||3: The highlight of ingestion is the moment between one bite and the next; actual eating never quite delivers on the tantalising contentment promised between bites. | |
24 | 在同一间房子里还摆放着一系列的玻璃橱窗,拉马拉籍卡托画家巴哈布克汗展示了英国在巴勒斯坦发行给父亲的护照。许多艺术作品都把就档案里找到的物品和文件组合在一起。2011年的当代艺术别有一番怀旧风味。 | In a series of vitrines in the same room, Baha Boukhari, a Ramallah-based cartoonist, shows the passports issued to his father under the British mandate in Palestine. Many of the artworks incorporate objects and documents found in historical archives. Contemporary art in 2011 has a distinctly vintage feel. | |
25 | “太多的细节使我窒息,”Wood绝望地说道,“而且我发现鲜明的后福楼拜主义的传统过于迷恋细节。” | "I choke on too much detail, " Mr Wood despairs, "and find that a distinctly post-Flaubertian tradition fetishizes it. " | |
26 | 1975年,ZacharyLazar的父亲出于非自然的原因死于一家“凤凰”停车库的楼梯井上。 | Zachary Lazar’s father died in 1975 of distinctly unnatural causes in a stairwell at a Phoenix parking garage. | |
27 | Voitenko听上去明显很害怕,他说他不知道这个神秘来电者的身份。 | Sounding distinctly frightened, Voitenko today said he did not know the identity of his mystery caller. | |
28 | 按UPGMA方法对供试自交系进行聚类,以遗传距离0.586为基准,可将材料划分为11类。 | According to UPGMA method, with Genetic Distance=0. 586 as benchmark, the tested materials were compartmentalized to 11 genus distinctly . | |
29 | 奥巴马总统的支持者指出,州长选举所涉及的问题都有很明显的地方性。 | Mr Obama’s supporters point out that the governors elections were flavoured by distinctly local issues. | |
30 | 贝林翰作了清晰肯定的答复,完全不是闪烁其辞的外交辞令,被追问后,他补充说期限是“半年”。 | Bellingham delivers a distinctly undiplomatic answer in the affirmative and, when pushed, adds "within six months" . |