属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-服装零售 专注追随快时尚的他们
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 约翰逊专栏--种族歧视用语(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本消费税 税收稳定经济
1 | 不假外出;擅离职守 | Absence without leave ; ditching ;play hooky | |
2 | 基于ADAMS的多功能开沟机液压系统建模与仿真 | Modeling and Dynamic Simulation for Hydraulic System of Ditching Machine Based on ADAMS | |
3 | 基于新型刀式矿土复合型开沟链的链式开沟机设计 | Design of Chain Ditcher with New Mineral Ditching Chain | |
4 | 水面迫降虽然不愉快,却是容易掌握的手段。 | Ditching was a nasty but manageable maneuver | |
5 | ||1:欧洲的经济衰退给Mango带来的打击比其他对手都更严重。||2:首席执行官安瑞·可卡西称,2011年时它不得不削减价格,重整旗鼓,摒弃华而不实的服装,转而专注于休闲风。||3:去年销售额增长了9%,超越了Inditex。||4:目前,Mango的店铺规模较小,主要针对年轻女性。||5:不过,它也开始效仿Inditex,开放了更大的店铺,一并出售男装、童装、运动衣和内衣,同时开设了另一家名为Violeta的连锁店,主要服务体型比较丰满的女性。||6:可卡西称,这一切都意味着更为沉重的物流开支,以及减少对特许经营店依赖的增长策略。 | ||1: Europe’s recession hit Mango harder than its rivals. ||2: In 2011 it had to cut its prices and reinvent itself, ditching glitzier clothes to focus more on casual basics, says its chief executive, Enric Casi. ||3: Last year sales grew 9%, outpacing Inditex’s. ||4: So far, Mango’s shops have been relatively small, and aimed at young women. ||5: Emulating Inditex, it is now opening bigger ones that stock men’s and children’s clothes, sportswear and underwear, as well as a separate chain called Violeta by Mango, for women with fuller figures. ||6: All this means heavy spending on logistics, says Mr Casi, and less reliance on franchised outlets for growth. | |
6 | ||1:提出使用“blocklist”的技术奇才还提出用新术语来替代计算机中的“主”和“从”(“主”和“从”表示一个程序或设备控制另一个程序或设备)。||2:这样的替代似乎也合情合理。||3:但是,对“主”这一术语的取代已经超出了他的权力关系。||4:哈佛大学已经取消了“舍监”这一称呼,“舍监”指代那些住在学生宿舍并承担教牧角色的教职人员。||5: 一些房地产销售人员在描述“主卧”时,也弃用了“master bedroom”,转而使用“main bedroom”。 ||6:这样的改变也许无关紧要,但却不会招惹麻烦。 | ||1: The same tech wizards deploying “blocklist” have proposed new terms for “master” and “slave” in computing (whereby one process or device controls another). ||2: This seems justifiable, too. ||3: The hunt for “masters” has ranged beyond power relationships, however. ||4: Harvard has dropped the name “house masters” for faculty members who live in student accommodation and have a pastoral role. ||5: Some property salesmen are ditching “master bedroom” in favour of “main bedroom”. ||6: These changes may be inessential, but they are harmless. | |
7 | ||1:整个的放弃税收增长是不可想象的。||2:最近的经济指标,诸如一季度强劲的真实年化GDP增长达到4.1%,还有人力市场状况的轻微回暖,这些都使得安倍政府必须接着干。||3:本周,日本银行也宣布支持增税。||4:纳税人可能比政治家想的更容易接受增税。||5:经济学人做的一份非学术民意调查发现,七成东京银座的消费者选择准备好了迎接受增税,而不是迎接债务危机。 | ||1: Ditching the tax increase entirely remains unthinkable. ||2: Recent economic indicators, such as strong real annualised GDP growth of 4.1% in the first quarter, as well as a slightly improved jobs market, leave Mr Abe with little excuse but to go ahead. ||3: The BoJ this week added its voice to those pushing for a rise. ||4: And taxpayers may be more accepting than the politicians think. ||5: An unscientific straw poll by The Economist found that seven out of ten shoppers in Ginza, a high-end shopping district, were ready for a tax increase, as narrowly preferable to a debt crisis. | |
8 | 但要实现彻底抛弃增税是不可想象的。 | Ditching the tax increase entirely remains unthinkable. | |
9 | 苏格兰独立对苏格兰来说会是一个错误。对被其抛弃的英国来说,则更是一场悲剧 | Ditching the union would be a mistake for Scotland and a tragedy for the country it leaves behind | |
10 | 2005年,科研卫星克里赛特-1在发射数分钟后就发生事故,残酷地在北冰洋面迫降——原本其准备进行监测的地区。 | The first CryoSat satellite crashed minutes after launch in 2005, ditching - with cruel irony - into the Arctic Ocean it was meant to study. | |
11 | Stone这么写到。抛开减税且结束战争也不能解决我们的财政困境。 | Ditching those tax breaks and ending the wars wouldn’t solve our fiscal woes. | |
12 | 奥巴马的战略家大概已经算计出用Cuomo代替Paterson更能帮助他们获得这一至关重要的职位。 | Mr Obama’s strategists have presumably figured out that ditching Mr Paterson for Mr Cuomo might help them hold onto a vital job. | |
13 | 把台式机也捐了吧,笔记本电脑占地更小,而且可以让你方便的去各处办公,没准接下来你连桌子都丢了。 | Ditch the desktop. A laptop takes up much less space, and gives you the freedom to work anywhere. You may even end up ditching the desk! | |
14 | 驳载拖橇式滩海海底挖沟敷缆装置 | Lighterage Skid Mounted Ditching and Laying Unit for Shoal Seabed | |
15 | 布朗先生只是由于其同僚的决定才幸免于难,与其说他的幸存是缘于他的美德不如说是因为抛弃他有种种风险。 | Mr Brown survived only at the discretion of his colleagues, and less because of his virtues than because of the risks of ditching him. | |
16 | 此外,96%的受访者后悔曾丢弃某双鞋,但仅有15%的人为甩掉前男友而难过。 | Astonishingly, 96% regret throwing out a pair of shoes but only 15% regret ditching a previous partner. | |
17 | 但那样就等于抛弃了本来很好的卫星电视服务。 | But that would mean ditching his otherwise excellent satellite-TV service. | |
18 | 调查也显示,对于放弃英镑转而拥抱欧元的观点,英国人仍持坚定的反对态度。 | The British remained firmly opposed to ditching sterling in favour of the euro, the survey also revealed. | |
19 | 丢弃我的汽车成为我最英明的决定,尽管需要面对很多挑战。 | Ditching my automobile has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, despite some of the challenges. | |
20 | 对土壤干湿度适应性强,提高了开沟效率。 | The ditching machine has a high adaptability to the humidity of the soil and enhances ditching efficiency. | |
21 | 简言之,就连极右分子也正在抛弃只会让自己名誉受损的反犹太主义。 | In short, even far-rightists are ditching anti-Semitism, which was only tarnishing their brand. | |
22 | 仅仅放弃其中之一也是不切实际的,因为如果一艘要连续使用的话,两者都是需要的。 | Ditching just one of them is impractical, since two are needed if one is to be continuously available for operations. | |
23 | 抛弃宿舍生活,选择有看门人的大楼,这位演员因此可以把JohnMayer和KeithRichard的女儿Theodora称为她的邻居。 | By ditching dorm life for a doorman building, the actress gets to call John Mayer and Keith Richard’s daughter Theodora her neighbors. | |
24 | 如果不采取抛弃欧元的极端手段,有没有一种方式能达到实际兑换率下降的效果呢? | Is there a way of achieving the effects of a fall in the real exchange rate without going to the extremes of ditching the euro? | |
25 | 如果你发现自己处在一个“有毒的”朋友关系时,你总可以选择摆脱那位朋友并继续走自己的路。 | If you find yourself in a toxic relationship, you always have the option of ditching the friend and moving on. | |
26 | 如果人们必需在使用了一年后就抛弃他们的手机,为什么我们不直面这一趋势应对它呢? | If people are ditching their phones after only a year of ownership, why not embrace that trend? | |
27 | 收取收视许可费将会是一种狡猾的政治手段:人们关心BBC,横插一杠将会令人们不满。 | Ditching the licence fee would be tricky politically: people care about the BBC, and meddling with it can be dangerous. | |
28 | 说到自己作为第一夫人的生活,布吕尼说她并没有打算放弃自己的歌唱事业。 | Turning to her life as first lady, Bruni-Sarkozy said she had no intention of ditching her singing career. | |
29 | 所述特定开沟方向是与播种时风向相垂直的方向。 | and the specific direction of ditching is the direction perpendicular to the wind direction during the sowing. | |
30 | 掏槽法在黄麦岭磷矿掘双壁沟爆破中的应用 | Application of cutting method to double wall ditching blasting in Huangmailing Phosphate Mine |