属类:法学专业-中国法律-外商投资产业指导目录( 2004 年修订)
1 | "您别担心会出什么事,罗基,"弗雷德?威尔逊说着就爬上了码头,"傻瓜才怕这怕那的。" | "Don’t worry about anything, Roger," Fred Wilson said and climbed up on the dock , "only suckers worry." | |
2 | ( 二)从事港口码头建设的中外合资经营企业。 | (2)Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures engaged in port and dock construction; | |
3 | ( 一)从事港口码头建设的中外合资经营企业,经营期在十五年以上的,经企业申请, | (1)Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures engaged in port and dock construction where the period of operations is 15 years or more shall, following application by the enterprise | |
4 | “我对这事觉得亏心,同码头上打那一架一样亏心。” | I’m ashamed of that the way I’m ashamed of the fight on the dock | |
5 | 1863年,香港惠姆渡船坞公司为获得船坞和修理厂而于中国江边的惠姆波建厂,并于当时在香港岛阿伯丁新建干船坞。 | In 1863 Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company was established to acquire docks and repair yards at Whampoa, on the Pearl River in China, and at the then newly constructed dry docks at aberdeen on Hong Kong Island | |
6 | 4 .港口公用码头设施的建设、经营 | 4.Construction and management of public dock facilities of ports | |
7 | 奥地利的卖国贼赛斯-英夸特也在被告席上,还有约德尔和两位海军元帅--雷德尔和邓尼茨。希特勒的继承人邓尼茨穿着一身现成衣服,活像一个鞋店小伙计。 | Seyss-Inquart, the Austrian quisling, was in the dock , as were Jodl andthe two Grand Admirals, Raeder and Doenitz--the latter, the successor to the Fuehrer, looking in his store suit for all the world like a shoe clerk | |
8 | 把船系在码头上;系泊在塔上的飞艇 | Moor a ship to a dock ;a dirigible moored to a tower. | |
9 | 班轮正在船坞修理. | The liner is in dock for a refit. | |
10 | 备注:此FOB宁波价已包含:商检费、码头费、定舱费。 | Notes: The FOB Ningbo quotation includes the commodity inspection fee, dock fee, book fee. | |
11 | 本法施行前国务院公布的规定,对能源、交通、港口、码头以及其他重要生产性项目给予比前款规定更长期限的免征、减征企业所得税的优惠待遇,或者对非生产性的重要项目给予免征、减征企业所得税的优惠待遇,继续执行。 | The State Council’s regulations, announced prior to the entry into force of this Law, which grant preferential treatment of a longer term of enterprise income tax exemption or reduction than those provided in the preceding paragraph for enterprises engaging in energy, communications, harbor, dock and other key productive projects, or grant preferential treatment of enterprise income tax exemption or reduction for non-productive key projects, shall continue to be effective | |
12 | 不能运作;需要修理。 | in dock | |
13 | 船方不负担装卸费用(FIO):包租用语,指出租船只的船东负担船只管理的所有一般费用,但不负担装卸费用和把船只放置于干船坞内(如租船者要求的话)的费用。 | Free in and out-FIO: A chartering term by which is meant that the owner who charters his ship is responsible for all the usual costs of ship management with the exception of loading and discharging cargo and of putting the vessel in dry dock if required to do so by the charterer. | |
14 | 船停泊的时间太短,因此船员们无法获准岸上休假。 | They ship did not dock long enough for the crew to get shore leave. | |
15 | 船停在船坞里大修。 | The ship was in dock for major repairs. | |
16 | 船坞:两个码头之间的或沿码头的水域用来容船装卸或修理等. | dock :The area of water between two piers or alongside a pier that receives a ship for loading, unloading, or repairs. | |
17 | 船坞平台船坞入口的平台,如放木材之用 | A platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock . | |
18 | 船坞入口的平台,如放木材之用。 | a platform, as of planking, at the entrance to a dock . | |
19 | 船行时船身擦着码头的边. | The ship’s hull scraped along the side of the dock . | |
20 | 船在水面上十分平稳地滑行着,简直跟停泊在码头上一模一样。船行进时,周围一点水声也没有。四周一片黑沉沉的,静得象在鬼海上一样。 | The ship might have been moored in dock , so gently and on an even keel she slipped through the water, that did not murmur even at our passage, shadowy and silent like a phantom sea | |
21 | 船正靠向码头。 | The ship was nosing in to the dock . | |
22 | 此刻,映入我眼帘的是草绿色廊舍秋千椅、白桦木腿的桌子、姐姐睡的单人床,还有那熏黑了 | I take in the dock -green porch swing , the birch-leg table , the twin bed where my sister sleeps , the smoky glass of the kerosene lantern | |
23 | 当年的章安港水位很深,双桅的大船在丰水期可以沿椒江而上,直达上游一个叫皤滩的码头。 | The then Zhang’an port was deep enough to allow ketch-rigged big ships sailing upward along Jiaojiang River to a dock named Pantan on the upper reach. | |
24 | 当他的鱼杆弯下去的时候,他知道线的那端一定钓了一条大东西。他灵巧地在码头边沿和那条大鱼周旋。父亲用充满赞赏的眼神关注着他。 | When his people doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the dock .. | |
25 | 到二000年,防城港码头吞吐能力将达到两千万吨。 | By 2000, the throughput capability of Fangchenggang dock will reach 20 million tons | |
26 | 第二天,将计算机接通 Internet,便可以轻松地将所做的更改与公司的故障跟踪应用程序同步。 | The next day, you dock your laptop computer and easily synchronize the changes with your company′s bug tracking application. | |
27 | 第十三条 运输单位承运精神药品,必须加强管理,及时运输,缩短在车站、码头、机场存放时间。 | Article 13 the transportation units must strengthen administration work to ensure prompt shipment of psychotropic drugs by shortening its storage time at the station, on the dock or at the airport. | |
28 | 法官打量了被告席上的犯人. | The judge looked over to the prisoner in the dock . | |
29 | 浮动或固定组件栏 | Undock or dock the Component Bar | |
30 | 干船坞里的“宾夕法尼亚”号却仍安然无恙,显然是唯一未遭受袭击的主力舰。 | The Pennsylvania, which was in dry dock , was unscathedDevidently the only battleship that had not been attacked |