1 | 技术产品文件计算机辅助技术信息处理文件管理与检索系统 | Technical product documentation --Handling of computer--Based technical information--Document management and retrieval systems | |
2 | 技术产品文件计算机辅助技术信息处理原始文件 | Technical product documentation --Handling of computer--Based technical information--Original documentation | |
3 | 技术产品文件计算机辅助设计与制图词汇 | Technical product documentation --Requirements for computer aided design and drafting--Vocabulary | |
4 | 技术文件的详细清单二份。 | Two (2)copies of detailed list of Technical Documentation . | |
5 | 技术文件用热工图形符号与文字代号 | Graphical symbols and letter codes for thermal engineering in the technical documentation | |
6 | 就本协定而言,进口许可定义为用以实施进口许可制度的行政程序,该制度要求向有关行政机关提交申请或其他文件(报关所需文件除外),作为货物进入进口成员关税领土的先决条件。 | For the purpose of this Agreement, import licensing is defined as administrative procedures used for the operation of import licensing regimes requiring the submission of an application or other documentation (other than that required for customs purposes)to the relevant administrative body as a prior condition for importation into the customs territory of the importing Member. | |
7 | 绝不妥协的技术品质、高稳定的表现及更人性化的界面都是艾尔莎产品的标准特征,随着不同的服务规划,能够提供更宽广的服务接口,例如:多国语言的使用手册、预购产品的咨询及在线产品技术支持。 | Uncompromising technical quality, ergonomics, high stability, performance and ease of use are standard features of all ELSA products. With our Service program, we also offer a wide range of services, detailed multilingual documentation , pre-purchase advisory services and product support at no additional fee. | |
8 | 可以试着键入STRU VMS或者查阅FTP程序文献,找到发送VMS结构文件的命令。 | Try entering STRU VMS or checking you FTP program’s documentation for a command to transfer VMS-structured files . | |
9 | 口译、会议和文件司 | Interpretation, Meetings and Documentation Division | |
10 | 联合国国际住房、造房和规划文献所 | United Nations International Institute for Documentation on Housing, Building an | |
11 | 联合国欧洲经济委员会成员国政府间住房和环境文献中心(住房环境文献中心) | Intergovernmental Documentation Centre on Housing and Environment for the Countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | |
12 | 买方协助卖方技术人员办理适量的生活用品和提供技术服务必须的技术文件、工具和仪器的入、出中国国境的手续,费用由卖方负担. | The Buyer shall assist the Seller’s technical personnel to arrange formalities for import and export proper amount of living effects as well as technical documentation , tools and instrumentation necessary for the Technical Service | |
13 | 买方有权对前述文件提出意见,卖方对此应予充分考虑并因此修改该设计。 | The Buyer is entitled to put forward its opinions on the submitted documentation . The Seller shall take the Buyer’s opinions into consideration and modify its design accordingly. | |
14 | 买卖双方任何一方所承担的设计范围和所提供的技术文件详见本合同附件八,买方提交的技术文件应作为初步设计。 | The scope of design undertaken by either party and submission the Technical Documentation are specified in Appendix8. The documentation submitted by the buyer shall be taken as the design basis. | |
15 | 卖方按本合同规定提供合同设备、许可的专利和/或专有技术、设计、技术文件、技术服务和技术培训等总价___________:(大写:_________.) | The total Contract Price for Contract Equipment, license of patent and/or know-how, design, Technical Documentation , Technical Service and Technical Training to be rendered by the Seller under the contract ______(say: ____only). | |
16 | 卖方保证其提供的专有技术和/或专利符合本合同附件二规定的先进性、工业化和可开发性。 | The Seller guarantees that the licensed know-how and/or patent shall be well developed and industrialized and be exploitable in accordance with the Technical Documentation specified in Appendix 2. | |
17 | 卖方保证所交付的技术文件完整、清晰、准确,并能满足合同项目的设计、检验、安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试、运行和维修的要求。 | The Seller guarantees that the Technical Documentation shall be complete, clear and correct so as to meet the requirements of design, inspection, Erection, Test Runs, Commissioning, Performance Test, operation and maintenance of Contract Plant. | |
18 | 卖方技术人员应详细解释技术文件,对买方提出的技术问题应给予必要示范操作和全面回答。 | the Seller’s technical personnel shall explain in detail the Technical Documentation , give necessary demonstrations and answer technical questions raised by the buyer. | |
19 | 卖方提供的技术文件,应具有适合长途运输、多次搬运、防潮和防雨的包装 | The Technical Documentation provided by the Seller shall be properly packed to make them withstand numerous handling, long-distance transportation and to be protected against damages from moisture and rain. | |
20 | 卖方延期交付技术文件的违约金的总量不得超过本合同价的百分之_____ | The total amount of liquidated damages paid by the Seller for late delivery of Technical Documentation shall not exceed _____ percent of the Contract Price. | |
21 | 卖方应根据本合同附件和所规定的时间表交付技术文件。 | The Seller shall deliver the Technical Documentation in accordance with the schedule specified in Appendix 2 and 8. | |
22 | 卖方应根据附件的八规定在会议前向买方提交初步设计文件。 | The Seller shall submit the basic design documentation to the buyer before the meeting as per Appendix 8. | |
23 | 卖方应依据本合同附件二、三、八和九的规定向买方提交技术文件。 | The Seller shall submit to the buyer the Technical Documentation as specified in Appendix 2,3,8, and 9. | |
24 | 卖方应自费派遣技术人员参加"协商会"并在会议前向买方提交相关的技术文件,包括本合同附件九所规定的标准和规范。 | the Seller shall, at its own cost, dispatch its technical personnel to participate in the kick-off meeting and submit to the buyer before the meeting the relevant documentation including the standards and codes specified in Appendix 9. | |
25 | 卖方支付违约金不能免除其继续交付技术文件的义务。 | The payment of liquidated damages by the Seller shall not release the Seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed Technical Documentation . | |
26 | 目的地机场在空运提单上所加注的日期应视为技术文件实际的交付日期。 | The date stamped on the airway Bill by the Destination Airport shall be deemed as the actual delivery date of the Technical Documentation . | |
27 | 你须持有全部必要的文件才能申请补助。 | You must have all the necessary documentation before you apply for a subsidy. | |
28 | 欧洲共同体法机构间计算机化文件系统(欧共体文件系统) | Interinstitutional Computerized Documentation System for European Community Law | |
29 | 请参考散热器的产品说明文件和主机板使用手册 | Refer to the documentation that came with the fan heatsink and motherboard user guide. | |
30 | 人类生殖、计划生育和人口动态学区域文件中 | Regional Documentation Centre on Human Reproduction, Family Planning and Population Dynamics |